Rounding Errors Found In 30% Of Iowa Caucus Worksheets, Could Flip “Significant Number Of Delegates”

Rounding Errors Found In 30% Of Iowa Caucus Worksheets, Could Flip “Significant Number Of Delegates”

After an app created by a Democratic digital firm botched the Iowa caucus results, the 1,678 precincts across the state resorted to awarding delegates using a “Caucus Math Worksheet,” causing significant delays in reporting.

The worksheet requires caucus workers perform basic multiplication and division, and then round the results up or down.

Unfortunately, Iowa Democrats are apparently terrible at math and rounding, as journalist and co-founder of Smart Elections, Lulu Friesdat, reveals that 30% of the worksheets she examined contained errors.

The kicker, “If 30% of 1678 precincts have an extra delegate assigned this way, it could be approximately 500 delegates. Buttigieg is currently leading Sanders by 18 delegates.”

We’re sure Sanders will say nothing and ‘let it happen’ as he tends to do, though former Vice President Joe Biden may have a thing or two to say after his monumental defeat.

At present count, former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigiegand Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) are virtually tied at 26.2% and 26.1% respectively, with 97% of precincts reporting.

Tyler Durden

Thu, 02/06/2020 – 06:32


via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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