Students Call Number Of White Male Oscar Nominees “A Problem”

Students Call Number Of White Male Oscar Nominees “A Problem”

Authored by Eduardo Neret via Campus Reform,

Ahead of this year’s Academy Awards, Campus Reform Digital Reporter Eduardo Neret went to American University to ask students to react to claims that the nominees are “too white” and not diverse enough.

“I definitely think there’s a problem,” one student said of the mostly white and male Oscar nominees.

“I feel like, as a Latina woman, I want to see more representation in entertainment.” 

“It’s not reflective of our actual population,” another student added.


Students also reflected on the need for more diversity in other areas of society. 

“White men need to understand that not every thought that they have is worth saying,” one student said. 

“I feel like there’s a lot of white males [on campus],” a different student said.

“The majority of my professors are white men,” one student said as an example of how the presence of white men was a problem on campus. 

Others disagreed.

“Qualifications and the quality of the work should be the priority as opposed to your level of melanin or chromosomes,” one student said. 

Tyler Durden

Fri, 02/07/2020 – 20:05

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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