How Trump’s and Obama’s Approval Ratings Compare

How Trump’s and Obama’s Approval Ratings Compare

Comparing President Barack Obama’s and President Donald Trump‘s approval ratings in relation to the time they’ve been in office, both came pretty close of each other in their third year.

Most recently, as Statista’s Katharine Buchholz notes, Trump’s ratings have picked up, hitting 49 percent at the end of January despite impeachment hearings in the Senate at the time.

According to Gallup, Obama’s approval rating was 45 percent at the same time in January 2012.

Infographic: How Trump's and Obama's Approval Ratings Compare | Statista

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Trump’s approval ratings rose from a low of 39 percent in early October after formal impeachment proceedings were started.

Obama started his presidency at a much higher approval rating than Trump, but found himself in the same lull at 40 percent in October 2011, following low job creation and a feud with the Republicans about raising the debt-ceiling, before recovering his ratings slightly.

Tyler Durden

Sun, 02/09/2020 – 13:35


via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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