Mississippi Welfare Director Arrested For Largest Embezzlement In State History

Mississippi Welfare Director Arrested For Largest Embezzlement In State History

Submitted by Sovereign Man Explorer

Mississippi welfare director arrested for largest embezzlement in state history

What happened:

The former director of Mississippi’s Department of Human Services, John Davis, was arrested for embezzling millions of dollars from welfare funds. Some of the funds went to a former WWE wrestler who was allegedly being paid to give classes on drug abuse. In reality, the money was paying for the wrestler’s own posh drug rehab.

Former head of Department of Human Services, John Davis

He never taught a class. According to the auditor’s office, Davis and another DHS employee made fake invoices to pay Brett DiBiase — a former pro wrestler who later became a DHS employee — with money intended to help poor families. DiBiase is the son of well-known former pro wrestler Ted DiBiase.

Embezzled funds were also funneled to other co-conspirators through their businesses, using fake documents and forged signatures.

What this means:

The stolen money came from a federal grant for state welfare programs, so this doesn’t just affect Mississipians.

It’s unclear right now exactly how much money was stolen. But over $30 million tax dollars were granted to the Mississippi Community Education Center, which is owned and operated by a mother-son team who have been arrested and charged in the fraud. Just makes you wonder how many of these types of schemes go under the radar.

When the government has so much of your money to give away, it’s bound to happen.

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Texas Supreme Court to decide if mom’s boyfriend has same rights as biological dad

What happened:

A divorced Texas couple split custody of their young daughter. Tragically, the girl’s mother died in a car accident.

But rather than award custody to the girl’s father, the courts split custody between the biological father and the deceased mother’s boyfriend. Everyone agreed – including the courts and the boyfriend – that the father was a perfectly fit parent.

But the daughter had lived with her mother’s boyfriend for about 50% of the time over an 11-month period. So the courts decided he had just as much standing as the biological father to seek custody.

In contrast, the girl’s maternal grandparents were denied custody, because they could not prove that leaving the biological father as sole custodian of his daughter would be harmful to her.

Now the case is headed to the Texas Supreme Court.

What this means:

This is a sad case. And it’s possible or even likely that the boyfriend actually cares about this girl. But she is not his daughter. And it is concerning for a state to take away the right of the biological father to make decisions regarding his daughter’s life.

If the ruling goes the wrong way, it could set a precedent that courts can simply overrule parental rights, and grant custody to people unrelated to the child, based on any number of criteria.

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Man goes to court for using phone while riding a horse

What happened:

In New South Wales, Australia a man was riding his horse down the road. That’s perfectly legal. But he was also talking on his phone. And he did not have a hands-free device attached to his horse. So the local police ticketed him for operating a vehicle while using a mobile phone.

This guy was actually forced to go to court and plead guilty, just to resolve the matter.

What this means:

Apparently Australia has cleared up  all violent crime, doesn’t have any theft, and has run out of criminals. Otherwise, what cop in his right mind is going around ticketing horse riders for talking on their phones, on a rural road with light traffic?

Unlike cars, horses can actually steer themselves.

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Cop who passed out drunk in his patrol car on the job won’t be charged

What happened:

A local cop in Colorado was in his patrol car, armed, and passed out, when another stumbled upon the scene. The cop who found him called it in, and said that it appeared the passed out officer was drunk. But an internal affairs investigation found there wasn’t enough evidence to prosecute.

The District Attorney finds that hard to believe. The DA said he was frustrated that he was not given enough evidence to charge the officer with drunk driving, or other crimes related to being drunk on the job.

What this means:

Every week it seems we highlight some case of an overzealous cop arresting someone for something ridiculous and petty.

But then when it comes to actual crimes and public danger caused by officers, suddenly the state isn’t so heavy handed.

The rules are for thee, not for me.

Tyler Durden

Tue, 02/18/2020 – 19:30

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2SV1UUf Tyler Durden

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