VIXmageddon Sends US Majors Below Critical Technical Support

VIXmageddon Sends US Majors Below Critical Technical Support

VIX has exploded above 32 for the first time since the Dec 2018 collapse and all the US major equity indices are crashing to critical technical thresholds…

VIX has woken up… and its’ not reverting as fast as usual…

The Dow and Russell 2000 are now well below their 200DMA, S&P is testing down to its 200DMA, and Nasdaq has broken below the 100DMA…

Meanwhile, 10Y yield crash to a new record low with a 1.25% handle…

And gold continues to rise…

Tyler Durden

Thu, 02/27/2020 – 09:35

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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