Journalist With Fever Denied Entry To White House Coronavirus Briefing

Journalist With Fever Denied Entry To White House Coronavirus Briefing

An unnamed journalist reportedly from a Chinese-owned English language outlet was denied access to a White House press briefing on Saturday after registering a fever at a checkpoint prior to entry.

The person was tested three times over a 15-minute period, and registered above 100.4 degrees Farenheit – the CDC’s guideline for what constitutes a fever, according to Vice President Mike Pence’s press secretary, Katie Miller.

“Out of an abundance of caution, temperature checks are now being performed on any individuals who are in close contact with the president and vice president,” said White House spokesman Judd Deere, after the checks began on Saturday.

During the briefing, President Trump admitted that he had been tested for COVID-19, saying “I also took the test last night,” adding that the results were sent to a government lab and would be available in a few days, according to The Wrap.

Tyler Durden

Sun, 03/15/2020 – 13:23

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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