“Go Home!” – NYC Resident Yells At People To ‘Flatten The Curve’ Amid Pandemic

“Go Home!” – NYC Resident Yells At People To ‘Flatten The Curve’ Amid Pandemic

Why outbreaks like Covid-19 spread so exponentially is because governments miss the containment window to implement social distancing policies to flatten the curve. The Trump administration missed the mark by over a month, and now the fast-spreading virus is erupting across major metropolitan areas.

With more than 3,800 confirmed cases and 66 deaths across the US on Monday afternoon, an exponential curve is expected to play out as state governments race to ban social gatherings, close businesses, and shutter education systems.

The spread has to be slowed, and the only way to do it without a vaccine for the next 12-18 months is through social distancing by limiting people to people interaction. This will hopefully slow down the spread and alleviate stress on hospital systems.

One NYC man who gets it, spent Sunday afternoon yelling at people to “go home!” He said, “flatten the curve, go home!”

Another video showed a man informing people from his balcony of why they must go home to flatten the curve. He was heard over a loudspeaker and warned, “We know people who do not show symptoms can still spread the disease.”

He warned that people in the incubation phase are symptomless can spread the disease while out in public.

“You can get people sick just by being out,” he said. 

President Trump spent the better half of the last several months downplaying the virus. As of last week, the whole mindset of the Trump administration changed, when Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warned the fast-spreading virus is “10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu.”

What’s ahead is likely a nationwide shutdown for several weeks. Prepare for disruption.

Tyler Durden

Wed, 03/18/2020 – 13:58

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/3d7DAaN Tyler Durden

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