80% Of Americans Will Wait To Resume Normal Activities After COVID-19 Restrictions Lifted

80% Of Americans Will Wait To Resume Normal Activities After COVID-19 Restrictions Lifted

As the debate rages over when to reopen the country amid the coronavirus pandemic, over 80% of Americans say they would wait to return to normal activities after the government lifts nationwide restrictions designed to slow the spread of the virus, according to a Tuesday poll by Gallup.

In what might disappoint those hoping for an immediate recovery after restrictions are lifted, Gallup found that 71% of respondents would wait and see what happens with the spread of the virus before returning to normal activities, while 10% say they would wait indefinitely.

20% said they would resume normal activities immediately.

Along party lines, 31% of Republicans said they would immediately resume normal activities, while 11% of Democrats and 19% of independents said the same.

By age, those aged 18-29 and 50-64 are more likely to return immediately at 25% and 24% respectively, while those aged 30 – 49 were least likely at 16%.

Geographically, 23% of people from small towns and rural areas with lower population density were more likely to say they would immediately return to normal activities vs. 15% of people in large cities and 18% of people in suburbs.

Income and employment status made no difference on respondents’ answers, according to Gallup.

While the country debates when to open up, Dr. Anthony Fauci – who initially said Americans shouldn’t change their behaviors – said on Tuesday that a target date of May 1 may be “overly optimistic” for many parts of the United States, and that critical testing and tracing procedures needed to reopen are not in place.

Tyler Durden

Tue, 04/14/2020 – 17:45

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2z260DF Tyler Durden

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