Trump: “I’m Not Running Against Sleepy Joe Biden…Not Even A Factor”

Trump: “I’m Not Running Against Sleepy Joe Biden…Not Even A Factor”

Tyler Durden

Sat, 05/16/2020 – 19:00

The Hill points out that “While polling consistently puts Biden in the lead, Trump maintains a sizeable financial advantage and a sharp digital strategy, while the former vice president remains relegated to his home in Delaware to follow social distancing guidelines amid the coronavirus pandemic.”

But there’s actually a bigger factor: not only a decades-long history of bizarre Biden gaffes, exaggerations, lies and awkward “touching”, as well as moments he’s even caught berating and belittling people within his own party — all caught on video — but the now more immediately pressing problem of the presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential candidate’s ongoing obvious difficulty in communicating simple stances and policies without quickly getting bewildered and confused while shuffling hand-written notes, leading to glaring errors over basic facts, or increasingly frequent momentary inability to articulate coherent sentences for that matter, as we’ve highlighted many times. 

President Trump again picked up on both themes, tweeting Saturday morning that “Sleepy Joe Biden” is “not even a factor”, posting video of the infamous 1987 interaction where Senator Biden bragged about having three degrees and being at the top of his law school class, all proven false even in reports at the time.

“I’m not running against Sleepy Joe Biden. He is not even a factor. Never was, remember 1% Joe?” Trump tweeted. The reference was to past White House bids which ended in utter failure and barely a blip in terms of national traction.

“I’m running against the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats & their partner, the real opposition party, the Lamestream Fake News Media! They are vicious & crazy, but we will WIN!” the president added. 

On Friday Biden’s campaign rolled out its battleground map while announcing key states the former vice president intends to gain upset victories in includes Texas, Arizona, and Georgia.

Between now and November Trump will have what seems an endless supply of embarrassing Biden clips he can rely on for ammo. So grab your popcorn.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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