Parents Of Toddlers In Viral Video To Sue Trump, ‘Carpe Donktum’ Over Meme

Parents Of Toddlers In Viral Video To Sue Trump, ‘Carpe Donktum’ Over Meme

Tyler Durden

Thu, 06/25/2020 – 18:10

Earlier this week, Twitter permanently suspended Logan Cook – better known as President Trump’s favorite meme-maker ‘Carpe Donktum’ – over Cook’s alteration of a viral video featuring two toddlers, one black and one white, who run up to each other and hug.

In the edited clip which was tweeted by Trump, Cook mocks CNN – suggesting they would manipulate the video to portray the white baby chasing the black one.

And while Trump supporters found the clip hilarious, Twitter, Facebook – and now the parents of said toddlers – do not.

According to Forbes, the parents are suing both Trump and Cook over the video, claiming it was shared as an “advertisement and political propaganda” without permission or parental consent. Meanwhile, Twitter tagged the video as “manipulated media” before kicking Cook off the platform for repeated copyright violations.

Lawyer Ven Johnson – one of the lawyers representing the parents (who’s contributed tens of thousands of dollars to Democrats) – says that “The fact that Twitter and Facebook disabled this fake video within 24 hours of President Trump and his campaign tweeting it, coupled with Twitter permanently banning Cook, is very strong evidence that a jury will likely find that all of these people broke the law by using this video as advertisement and political propaganda.”

Facebook and Twitter usually leave controversial posts from world leaders online, though Twitter has taken to labeling tweets with misinformation or those that “glorify violence” in recent weeks. But there’s one rule even world leaders can’t break: copyright. In October last year, another video posted by Trump featuring a Nickelback song was taken down after a copyright notice was filed. And earlier that year Twitter took down another video that included music from the Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises without permission. –Forbes

Cook had previously been suspended by Twitter for more than a week over a video showing Trump attacking CNN reporter Jim Acosta.

And now, even if Cook wins in court – he will undoubtedly have to spend tens of thousands of dollars doing so.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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