University Of Delaware Sued Over Biden’s Hidden Senate Records

University Of Delaware Sued Over Biden’s Hidden Senate Records

Tyler Durden

Thu, 07/09/2020 – 18:20

A lawsuit has been filed against the University of Delaware to try and force the college to hand over Joe Biden’s Senate Records, which are housed at the university’s library.

Biden, who graduated from the University of Delaware and served as Delaware’s senator, transferred the records to the university in 2011 – which announced a change to their expected unsealing shortly before Biden announced his bid for the White House. Meanwhile, Biden has refused to allow a search of the roughly 1,875 boxes of documents and 415 gigabytes of electronic records.

Biden’s excuse? That the records could expose unrelated things he’s said or done which could be ‘taken out of context’ and used against him before the November election.

The lawsuit, brought under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by Judicial Watch on behalf of themselves and the Daily Caller News Foundation, was filed in the Superior Court of the State of Delaware. It follows a denial of April 30 requests for Biden’s records, as well as records about the preservation – and proposed release, of documents.

The records came to light in early May, after questions over material related to Biden sexual assault accuser Tara Reade might be contained within the records.

Via Judicial Watch:

Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit after the University denied its April 30, 2020, FOIA request seeking:

  • All records regarding the proposed release of the records pertaining to former Vice President Joe Biden’s tenure as a Senator that have been housed at the University of Delaware Library since 2012. This request includes all related records of communication between the University of Delaware and any other records created pertaining to any meeting of the Board of Trustees during which the proposed release of the records was discussed.
  • All records of communication between any representative of the University of Delaware and former Vice President Biden or any other individual acting on his behalf between January 1, 2018 and the present.

On April 30, the Daily Caller News Foundation submitted its FOIA request to the University seeking:

  • All agreements concerning the storage of more than 1,850 boxes of archival records and 415 gigabytes of electronic records from Joe Biden’s senate career from 1973 through 2009.
  • Communications between the staff of the University of Delaware Library and Joe Biden or his senatorial, vice-presidential or political campaign staff, or for anyone representing any of those entities between 2010 [April 30,2020] about Joe Biden’s senate records.
  • Any logs or sign-in sheets recording any individuals who have visited the special-collections department where records from Joe Biden’s senate career are stored between 2010 to the date of this request.
  • All records from Joe Biden’s Senate career that have been submitted to the University of Delaware Library.

On May 20, the University denied the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request.

In response to both Judicial Watch’s and the Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests, the University claimed, without corroboration, that public funds are not used to support the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Senatorial Papers.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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