Millions Locked Down Under Draconian Covid Rules in Australia

Millions Locked Down Under Draconian Covid Rules in Australia

Tyler Durden

Sun, 08/02/2020 – 20:59

Submitted by Mish Shedlock of MishTalk

To combat a Covid outbreak, Melbourne initiated its most severe restrictions yet. Victoria, Australia Declares ‘State of Disaster,’ Locking Down Millions in Melbourne.

The premier of Victoria plunged the region into a “state of disaster” on Sunday, announcing even stricter lockdown measures, introducing a nightly curfew and banning virtually all trips outdoors after Australia’s second largest state recorded 671 new infections in a single day.

Daniel Andrews told Victorians at a news conference that “we have to do more, and we have to do more right now,” as the state battles to contain a devastating coronavirus outbreak that had already stripped residents of their freedoms, livelihoods and social interactions and made it an outlier from the rest of the country.

New Rules

  • Where you slept last night is where you’ll need to stay for the next six weeks.
  • Curfew between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m.
  • Only one person per household will be allowed to leave their homes once a day — outside of curfew hours — to pick up essential goods, and they must stay within a 5 kilometer radius of their home unless nearest shop is over 5 KM away.
  • Exercise can be taken for up to an hour a day, with one other person, but still within five kilometers of a person’s home. 

What’s Going On?

Australia Total Covid Cases

Daily New Cases

Total Coronavirus Deaths 

Questions of the Day

  1. Do these measures fit the outbreak?
  2. What if someone was in a hotel? Someone else’s house? 

I expect there are some exceptions but we have not seen anything like this outside of China and a few cities in Italy. 

Meanwhile in the US

As noted earlier today, Fed’s Kashkari Urges Congress to Hand Out More Free Money

“If we were to lock down hard for a month or six weeks, we could get the case count down so that our testing and our contact tracing was actually enough to control it,” Kashkari said.

Fed Independence?

The Fed hollers every time Trump or Congress meddles in monetary policy, but the Fed repeatedly meddles in fiscal policy.

And here’s a new one: The Fed is willing to interject its beliefs about medical policy as well.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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