Rashida “Impeach The Motherf**ker” Tlaib Defeats Centrist Primary Challenger

Rashida “Impeach The Motherf**ker” Tlaib Defeats Centrist Primary Challenger

Tyler Durden

Wed, 08/05/2020 – 11:05

The biggest political news of the day is undoubtedly the victory by a formerly homeless BLM activist who triumphed over a longtime Democratic incumbent. But it’s also worth noting that “Squad” member Rashida “Impeach the Motherf**ker” Tlaib managed to fend off a primary challenger running from the center.

The AP called the race Wednesday morning, with Tlaib winning 66% of the votes cast, with 87% of precincts reporting. She triumphed over Brenda Jones, a former Congresswoman and Detroit City Council president.

Tlaib was unquestionably the frontrunner going into the vote given her lead in fundraising and a steady lead in the polls. A Target-Insight survey released last month showed the lawmaker with 52% support, while Jones trailed with just 24%.

Interestingly, this isn’t the first time Tlaib and Jones have tangled over the seat. Jones defeated Tlaib in a race to fill the seat vacated by John Conyers in 2018. But Jones only served in Congress for a month (finishing out Conyer’s term) before Tlaib defeated Jones in a six-way primary, then went on to replace both Conyers and Jones in the seat for the new Congress, which started in 2019.

During those cycles, Tlaib managed to outraise Jones as well.

Before the vote, Tlaib received endorsements from both Bernie Sanders, and from establishment Dems like Nancy Pelosi, who are clearly too fearful of their growing power to repudiate “the Squad” publicly by, say, backing a primary opponent.

Tlaib, whose district, MIchigan’s 13th, includes the western half of Detroit, said her victory was evidence that the people support transformative change in Washington.

“Voters sent a clear message that they’re done waiting for transformative change, that they want an unapologetic fighter who will take on the status quo and win,” Tlaib said in a statement on Wednesday.

“We have a resounding mandate to put people before profits. Let it be known that in the 13th District, just like in communities across our country, we are done with establishment politics that put corporations first,” she continued. “If I was considered the most vulnerable member of the Squad, I think it’s safe to say the Squad is here to stay, and it’s only getting bigger.”

Though so far, Tlaib and the squad have accomplished little in the way of actual governance (lawmaker, policy implementation etc).

But at least they help the press generate clicks and sell papers.

Along with Ilhan Omar, Tlaib became one of the first two Muslim women to be elected to the US Congress.

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/3gvB0wx Tyler Durden

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