Navy Seal Credited With Killing Bin Laden Banned From Delta Flights Over Maskless Pic

Navy Seal Credited With Killing Bin Laden Banned From Delta Flights Over Maskless Pic

Tyler Durden

Fri, 08/21/2020 – 20:20

In the latest bizarre incident of this ‘lockdown summer’ of COVID-19 social distancing measures and policies, Robert J. O’Neill  the former US Navy Seal who’s long claimed to have taken the kill shot on Osama bin Laden during the famous May 2011 raid on the Abbottabad, Pakistan compound — says he’s been permanently banned from Delta Air Lines for sharing a social media pic.

Specifically, he appeared to brag about flouting Delta’s mandatory mask policy aboard flights in the post. A since deleted tweet and photo showed O’Neill sitting on a Delta flight Wednesday while maskless.

The now deleted photo which got former Navy Seal Robert J. O’Neill in trouble with Delta.

Other passengers all around him could be seen with masks, while O’Neill commented in the post, subsequently deleted when it became center of controversy: “I’m not a pu**y.”

“I didn’t delete my tweet. My wife did,” he later wrote. A day later on Thursday, he tweeted, “I just got banned from Delta for posting a picture… Wow.” 

“I had my mask in my lap. Everyone has gone crazy,” he stated additionally.

Needless to say the 44-year old who has been frequently featured in the media, especially on Fox News, for his heroism during arguably the US military’s most famous terrorist targeted kill operation in history, set off a firestorm on social media, with other high profile people and even celebrities like Alyssa Milano piling on against him.

Milano and some others went so far as to dramatically claim the veteran and war hero might actually end up killing people by not wearing a mask:

Weeks prior to the Delta incident, O’Neill vowed to stand his ground against authorities as well as social pressures which he says are ultimately overstepping bounds:

He hasn’t backed down, instead going on the offensive against what he’s cast as a fundamental issue of individual liberty.

After his original photo post went viral, in which he also decried the airline’s “dumbass mask” policy, Delta said it would review the matter. 

And some supporters on Twitter noted the irony of the whole situation:

An official Delta statement cited in The New York Post said subsequently, “All customers who don’t comply with our mask-wearing requirement risk losing their ability to fly Delta in the future.” It’s even possible that Delta was willing to initially let it slide or at least look the other way, but then the social media mob jumped on the issue – led by celebrities – and the rest is history.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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