Citizens Stop Spanish Police From Arresting Woman For Not Wearing Mask

Citizens Stop Spanish Police From Arresting Woman For Not Wearing Mask

Tyler Durden

Thu, 09/10/2020 – 05:00

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

A video out of Spain shows citizens preventing police from arresting a woman for not wearing a face mask.

The clip shows officers attempting to pull the older woman away from the crowd, but they manage to wrestle her away from the cops.

“In Spain, police tried to arrest a woman for not wearing a mask. Dozens of people took off their masks and then helped the woman,” states the description accompanying the video.

As we highlighted yesterday, Spanish authorities are using low-flying helicopters fitted with loudspeakers to enforce COVID-19 curfew rules on beaches.

We also previously reported on the case of two women in Spain who were beaten by police for not properly wearing their masks.

A protest in Madrid against Spain’s coronavirus laws, which require people to wear face masks everywhere, both inside and outside, drew thousands of demonstrators on Saturday.

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via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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