Mostly Non-Peaceful? Princeton Study Finds BLM Responsible For 91% Of Riots Over Last 3 Months

Mostly Non-Peaceful? Princeton Study Finds BLM Responsible For 91% Of Riots Over Last 3 Months

Tyler Durden

Sat, 09/19/2020 – 15:30

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

A new study by Princeton University’s US Crisis Monitor shows that the U.S. experienced 637 riots between May 26 and Sept. 12, and 91% of those riots were linked to the Black Lives Matter movement.

In other words, BLM was responsible for 9 out of 10 riots across the country.

Riots are defined by the project as “demonstrations in which any demonstrators engage in violently disruptive or destructive acts (e.g. violence, looting, vandalism, etc.), as well as mob violence in which violent mobs target other individuals, property, businesses, or other groups.”

“Forty-nine states, not counting Washington, D.C., experienced riots during that time period, the study found. California led the nation with 86 riots during that time, closely followed by Oregon with 79 riots during that time period, the data show,” reports the Daily Caller.

Mainstream media talking heads have repeatedly asserted that the riots were either not happening on any large scale or were “mostly peaceful.”

The statistics suggest otherwise.

Despite attempts to spin the riots as peaceful protests, more and more Americans aren’t buying it.

“A majority of U.S. adults (55%) now express at least some support for the movement, down from 67% in June amid nationwide demonstrations sparked by the death of George Floyd,” reported Pew.

“The share who say they strongly support the movement stands at 29%, down from 38% three months ago.”

When one considers the level of intimidation and bullying metered out to those who refuse to express support for BLM, the real figures are probably much lower in terms of support for Black Lives Matter.

It’s no surprise that Democrats like Nancy Pelosi are only now condemning riots, arson and looting after 4 months of mayhem.

After initially ignoring or justifying the violence, Democrats have seen the polls and performed a total 180.

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via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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