Philadelphia Firefighters Union Breaks From National Biden Endorsement To Endorse President Trump

Philadelphia Firefighters Union Breaks From National Biden Endorsement To Endorse President Trump

Tyler Durden

Mon, 11/02/2020 – 08:50

The Philadelphia firefighters union’s endorsement of President Donald Trump wasn’t without its bumps in the road – but heading into election day, it looks to be here to stay.

Philadelphia’s Firefighter and Paramedics Union broke from its international arm’s endorsement of Joe Biden, which was made back in 2019 by the International Association of Firefighters.

After the Firefighters Local 22 endorsed President Trump on September 29, they were sued by a member group of black firefighters called “Club Valiants”, who claimed the endorsement violated the union’s laws on political activity. Some members are also trying to push out Local 22 President Mike Bresnan over the endorsement. 

“It’s a very polarizing, emotional issue. I knew that was going to happen,” Bresnan said at the time

As a result of the controversy, the union cancelled its regularly scheduled meetings for October and November and instead focused on a mail-in referendum on whether or not it should uphold its endorsement of Trump.

The vote, put forth last week, saw 1,444 votes returned in favor of the endorsement and 782 votes to rescind it. Roughly 47% of the union’s 4,700 members voted, according to Firehouse

William Tung, a Local 22 member who was part of the group fighting against the endorsement, said: “We’re not arguing that we should endorse Biden. We’re just saying we should stay out of it.”

Trump has also been backed by the 335,000 member Fraternal Order of Police and the 241,000 member National Association of Police Organizations. The International Union of Police Associations, the New York City Police Benevolent Association and the Florida Police Benevolent Association have also thrown their support behind the President. 

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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