Trump Hints He May “Fire Fauci” After Election Day

Trump Hints He May “Fire Fauci” After Election Day

Tyler Durden

Mon, 11/02/2020 – 06:33

Though it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anybody who remembers the handful of firings that followed the midterms back in 2018, President Trump just hinted that he’s planning on firing Dr. Anthony Fauci after Election Day.

Speaking after midnight following a busy day of campaigning, Trump was confronted by a Florida crowd’s chants of “Fire Fauci,” President Trump suggested – following a rant claiming “you won’t hear too much” about COVID-19 after Nov. 4 – that he might do just that in the very near future.

“Don’t tell anybody,” Trump began, ” but let me wait until a little bit after the election.”

The crowd roared with approval, thought Trump playfully waved away the cheers, insisting that Dr. Fauci is “a nice man”, though he has “been wrong a lot.”

Watch the clip below.

This is the first time that Trump has publicly suggested he is indeed planning to fire the good doctor, though most political observers probably had an inkling that Dr. Fauci’s immunity has been wearing off. After all, if Trump wins a second term, he won’t ever need to worry about political considerations again.

Dr. Fauci hasn’t exactly been making things easy: Over the weekend, he sat for a lengthy interview with the Washington Post where he delivered strident criticisms of both President Trump and Dr. Scott Atlas, Trump’s new favorite scientific advisor, who supports the Great Barrington Declaration.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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