Watch Live: ECB Christine Lagarde Explain How More Of The Same Policy Will Work This Time

Watch Live: ECB Christine Lagarde Explain How More Of The Same Policy Will Work This Time

Tyler Durden

Thu, 12/10/2020 – 08:25

The ECB announced that in order to arrest Europe’s economic double dip, it will expand its PEPP (pandemic emergency purchase programme) QE by €500BN (as expected), will extend the duration of the PEPP through March 2022 (it was expected to end 2021); calibrates TLTRO further by adding three more operations in 2021 and extended it by 12 months.

But, for now markets seem disappointed (EUR is higher) and so we look forward to Christine Lagarde explaining just how “more of the same” will result in a different outcome this time…

Watch Live (due to start at 0825ET):

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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