Poetry Monday!: “Rules and Regulations” by Lewis Carroll

Here’s “Rules and Regulations” (1845) by Lewis Carroll (1832-1898), which the young Charles Lutwidge Dogson wrote at age 13 for his younger brother and sister:

A short direction
To avoid dejection,
By variations
In occupations,
And prolongation
Of relaxation,
And combinations
Of recreations,
And disputation
On the state of the nation
In adaptation
To your station,
By invitations
To friends and relations,
By evitation
Of amputation,
By permutation
In conversation,
And deep reflection
You’ll avoid dejection….

For the rest of my “Sasha Reads” playlist, click here. Past poems are:

  1. “Ulysses” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
  2. “The Pulley” by George Herbert
  3. “Harmonie du soir” (“Evening Harmony”) by Charles Baudelaire
  4. “Dirge Without Music” by Edna St. Vincent Millay
  5. “Clancy of the Overflow” by A.B. “Banjo” Paterson
  6. “Лотова жена” (“Lotova zhena”, “Lot’s wife”) by Anna Akhmatova
  7. “The Jumblies” by Edward Lear
  8. “The Conqueror Worm” by Edgar Allan Poe
  9. “Les Djinns” (“The Jinns”) by Victor Hugo
  10. “I Have a Rendezvous with Death” by Alan Seeger
  11. “When I Was One-and-Twenty” by A.E. Housman
  12. “Узник” (“Uznik”, “The Prisoner” or “The Captive”) by Aleksandr Pushkin
  13. “God’s Grandeur” by Gerard Manley Hopkins
  14. “The Song of Wandering Aengus” by William Butler Yeats
  15. “Je crains pas ça tellment” (“I’m not that scard about”) by Raymond Queneau
  16. “The Naming of Cats” by T.S. Eliot
  17. “The reticent volcano keeps…” by Emily Dickinson
  18. “Она” (“Ona”, “She”) by Zinaida Gippius
  19. “Would I Be Shrived?” by John D. Swain
  20. “Evolution” by Langdon Smith
  21. “Chanson d’automne” by Oscar Milosz
  22. “love is more thicker than forget” by e.e. cummings
  23. “My Three Loves” by Henry S. Leigh
  24. “Я мечтою ловил уходящие тени” (“Ia mechtoiu lovil ukhodiashchie teni”, “With my dreams I caught the departing shadows”) by Konstantin Balmont
  25. “Dane-geld” by Rudyard Kipling

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