Classes #21: Establishment Clause II and Marital Property III

First Amendment Class 21: Establishment Clause II

  • McCreary County v. ACLU (1638-1649) / (910-921)
  • Van Orden v. Perry (1649-1655) / (921-928)

Property II: Marital Property III – Community Property

  • Community Property, 447-449
  • Common-Law Concurrent Interests, 449-450
  • Problem, 450
  • Management of Community Property, 450-451
  • Problem, 451-452
  • Mixing Community with Separate Property, 452
  • Problems, 452-453
  • Migrating Couples, 453-454
  • Problem, 454
  • Texas Marital Property Law
  • Rights of Domestic Partners, 454-456

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