Governor Abbot: Texas Will Build Its Own Border Walls

Governor Abbot: Texas Will Build Its Own Border Walls

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Texas governor Greg Abbott announced Thursday that the state will begin erecting its own border barriers because the Biden administration is failing “to do its job” on the border and protect Americans from lawlessness.

In an interview with Breitbart News, Abbott said Texas “will immediately begin building border barriers in areas where migrants can easily cross the Rio Grande border with Mexico.”

“The influx across the border is out of control, and the Biden administration has shown that [it] is not going to step up and do its job,” Abbott said, adding “And amidst reports of even more people coming in across the border, we know we have to step up and do more.”

Abbott was attending a a border summit in Del Rio, Texas where he noted that the city is “is suffering from some of the largest increases” of undocumented migrants.

“They’re seeing a lot of very bad dangerous people come across the border. People that they are afraid of encountering, people who are causing damage to their fences, their livestock, their crops, their neighborhoods, and their homes,” Abbott urged.

“Bad things are happening around here, and so they need help from the state to help them address this exploding crisis,” the governor further explained.

“What people have seen in videos across the country seems to be the Biden Administration welcoming these people to the United States,” Abbott coninued, adding “We won’t be sending that message.”

“If you come to Texas, you’re subject to being arrested. You’re not going to have a pathway to roam the country. You’re going to have a pathway directly into a jail cell,” the governor warned.

“We want to be very aggressive in working with local officials and begin making mass arrests,” Abbott stated, adding “In working in collaboration with a large number of counties — that means we’re going to be arresting a lot more people.”

The governor also noted that the state will be sourcing more jail facilities and potentially building additional jail space.

Abbott concluded that “The immigration issue and the border issue is not just the number one issue of Texas, it’s the number one issue in America. And so all of these other governors, they hear the same concerns that we hear about in Texas.”

New US Customs and Border Protection figures published Wednesday, reveal that border agents apprehended over 180,000 would-be illegals in May, up from 178,600+ in April, 173,300+ in March, and 101,100+ in February.

The CBP has calculated that detentions for this fiscal year to date have already more than doubled on figures from a year ago, despite the fact that June, July, August and September have yet to be accounted for.

Senator Ted Cruz highlighted the latest figures:

Meanwhile, the White House press secretary again avoided questions on the ever worsening border crisis, blaming the Trump administration, and attempting to reverse the question on reporters by asking them “Should we send some kids who are 10 back at a certain point? Is that what you’re asking me?”


The cackling Vice President also snapped at a reporter Thursday who asked when she will bother to visit the border:

Harris spewed her sociopathic “I’m not finished” line and still couldn’t stop laughing.

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Tyler Durden
Fri, 06/11/2021 – 09:05

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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