Indian Officials Demolish ‘Corona Mata Temple’ In Crackdown On COVID Superstition

Indian Officials Demolish ‘Corona Mata Temple’ In Crackdown On COVID Superstition

While India is dealing with “scientists” allegedly lying and cheating over COVID cures, officials in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh have demolished a shrine dedicated to a coronavirus-inspired goddess, reportedly due to concerns about dubious claims of health benefits linked to the unorthodox religious site.

Last week, we saw The Indian Bar Association serve a legal notice (pdf) on World Health Organization’s (WHO) Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan on May 25, claiming that she was “spreading disinformation and misguiding the people of India, in order to fulfill her agenda” and sought to prevent her from “causing further damage.”

But, with “science” being questioned for its political bias worldwide, residents of a village near the city of Pratapgarh constructed a temple allowing devotees to seek the healing powers of “Mother Corona” as they battle the virus. 

“Villagers collectively set up the temple with the belief that praying to the deity would definitely offer respite to people suffering from Covid-19,” one local told Indian news agency ANI.

As RT reports, the shrine is composed of a mask-clad statue set behind a yellow backdrop. Devotees brought yellow flowers as offerings to the goddess, but were not allowed to touch the statue, according to local media reports.

According to the Times of India, police and regional officials dismantled the temple several days after it was unveiled in order to “discourage superstition” about the virus among villagers.

Ironically, places in India where Ivermectin is used preventatively or as early treatment, such as Goa and Uttar Pradesh, are seeing COVID-19 cases declining versus states that have banned the drug.

“Every one of those states, the curves are now precipitously declining,” said Dr. Pierre Kory, President and Chief Medical Officer of the FLCCC Alliance.

“But there’s a state in India called Tamil Nadu whose minister there basically effectively outlawed ivermectin… [and] the cases and deaths in that state are skyrocketing,” he added.

According to data by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering, Tamil Nadu saw 20,421 new cases and 434 deaths on June 6, while Goa recorded 403 new cases and 16 deaths, and Uttar Pradesh reported 1,037 cases and 85 deaths.

Uttar Pradesh, one of the most populous states in India with over 200 million people, has been handing out free medical kits containing seven days’ worth of medication, one of which is ivermectin, for COVID-19 positive patients under home isolation.

So – was it the ivermectin… or the Corona-Mata Temple that saved the people of Uttar Pradesh?

Tyler Durden
Sun, 06/13/2021 – 22:30

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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