Deadly Earthquake Hits China’s Southwestern Sichuan Province

Deadly Earthquake Hits China’s Southwestern Sichuan Province

A powerful earthquake rocked a mountainous region of China’s southwestern Sichuan province on Monday. At least 46 people are dead, in the latest problems mounting for the province hit by historic drought and Covid lockdowns

The 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit Luding county in western Sichuan, about 120 miles west of the provincial capital of Chengdu, reported China Earthquake Administration. 

Videos posted on social media showed damaged building structures and landslides.

Various types of infrastructure, such as roads and power lines, also appear to be damaged. 

Tremors were felt in Chengdu, a megacity with 21 million people currently under Covid lockdown. Besides lockdowns, the metro area has already faced power rationings due to drought and heatwaves this summer. 

A question we have: When an earthquake strikes, can those under mandatory Covid lockdown exit their homes or condos to avoid danger?

Sichuan is located on a major fault and is considered one of the country’s most highly active quake areas. In 2008, Chengdu was hit by a devastating 8.2 magnitude quake, leaving more than 69,000 dead. 

Tyler Durden
Mon, 09/05/2022 – 20:00

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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