Tucker Carlson Explains Why Democrats Must Rely On Censorship To Maintain Political Viability

Tucker Carlson Explains Why Democrats Must Rely On Censorship To Maintain Political Viability

Authored by D Parker via AmericanThinker.com,

Anti-liberty leftists and their national media apparatus are in their final desperate days before their well-deserved midterm (rhetorical) mangling, with the latter dropping any remaining microscopic vestiges of ‘objectivity.’  

They know that everything hinges on what happens over the next few days and if they can conjure up some reason for their side to maintain their death grip on power, they will do it.

This is why they are trying to carefully exploit the horrific assault on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband.  

It should go without saying that such acts of violence are to be condemned.

However, as Tucker Carlson detailed in his Fox News show Monday night, this disturbing incident brought forth some rather unsavory reactions from those who like to falsely portray themselves as ‘liberal.’  

These are the times that bring out the best and the worst in people, the stressful situations when their true nature shines through.

Tucker Carlson: Without censorship, the Democratic Party can’t continue to hold power

How did the left react to this recent crisis?

Do they try to consider all aspects of an issue and solve the problem with intelligent solutions?

Or do they simply react and call for another suppression of our liberty?

Consider how Politico framed the current crisis in their piece

The brutal assault on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul inside their San Francisco home early Friday morning reverberated across the campaign trail Saturday, with some Democratic campaigns acknowledging increased threats of violence and some Republican campaigns exercising extra caution in their rhetoric.

With the ‘conservative’ Max Boot ( pause for laughter) of the Washington Post ignoring the 2017 Inauguration Riot and the 2020 George Floyd Riots that were far more violent and caused far more destruction than Jan. 6, 2021.  

Followed by another alleged ‘conservative’ (sure, whatever Jen) from the same media source sounding the alarm over the people ruling in our Constitutional Republic:

First, and perhaps most troubling, the nearly 300 GOP election deniers/liars on the ballot are likely to whip up anger about a “rigged” system or “stolen election,” priming aggrieved supporters for violence. Many high-profile Republicans have refused to pledge to respect the results. Given Republicans’ embrace of the “big lie” in 2020, we should prepare for a plethora of baseless accusations, some of which could incite unstable individuals.

She of course goes on to carefully tie the nudist hemp jewelry maker from Berkeley to a totally unrelated event that took place almost 22 months ago all the way across the country.  But we’re guessing that since they’re floundering in the face of utter defeat, they’ll grasp at anything they can think of.

What is the common thread in all the coverage from the far-left media?

The almost subliminal message that runs just beneath the surface of all of their screeds.  It’s that our freedom of speech must be suppressed, lest it cause any other nudist hemp jewelry maker’s from Berkeley to lose the plot and attack someone of the leftist ruling class.  Just as it’s their knee-jerk reaction to call for gun confiscation whenever a leftist start shooting at people.

We could cite several other examples, but that should give you the picture.  We call them the anti-liberty left to make the point that restricting your freedom and common-sense civil rights is their go-to action to solve any problem.

What’s even worse about this is that these actions never work as advertised, they just empower the left, as intended.  They must know this, but they don’t care, they only care about their control over society.  Because none of those measures ever solves the problem, they only empower the left.

The term anti-liberty left also acts as a reminder that those people are only exploiting the term ‘liberal’ as just another form of gaslighting on their part, and a reason for everyone to stop complimenting the far-left with that term that they do not deserve.

 “The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.” 

– Confucius

Tyler Durden
Tue, 11/01/2022 – 16:20

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/Au67aiE Tyler Durden

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