Ukraine Paramilitary Groups Launch Another Cross-Border Raid Into Russia

Ukraine Paramilitary Groups Launch Another Cross-Border Raid Into Russia

On Tuesday Russia said it has “thwarted” another significant attempt at a ground invasion of the Russian border region of Belgorod consisting of Ukraine-backed “sabotage and reconnaissance groups.”

Ukraine-based groups identifying themselves as the Freedom of Russia Legion and the Siberian Battalion posted a message on Telegram acknowledged they launched a raid with an aim to “take our land away from the [Putin] regime, centimeter by centimeter” and additionally urged all Russians to boycott the national presidential election. Another group calling itelf the Russian Volunteer Corps also claimed responsibility.

They claimed to have gained control of a Russian border village. “The settlement of Tyotkino in the Kursk region is entirely under the control of Russian liberation forces,” a statement said.

A drone strike on Belgorod city hall accompanied the ground incursion on Tuesday. AFP via Getty Images

The Russian Defense Ministry (MoD) has responded by saying the ‘terror’ attack was beaten back. “Around 3:00 a.m. Moscow time, after intense shelling of civilian structures, Ukrainian terrorist groups, using tanks and armored vehicles, attempted to invade the territory of the Russian Federation,” the MoD wrote. “All the attacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were repelled by the selfless actions of the Russian military. The enemy was hit by aircraft, rocket troops and artillery,” the statement added.

According to CNN’s description of the groups involved in the assault:

The group, comprising a few hundred battle-hardened, anti-Kremlin Russian volunteers fighting as part of Ukraine’s armed forces, also said it had destroyed an armored personnel carrier inside Russia.

A separate pro-Ukrainian group of Russian fighters, the Siberian Battalion, wrote Tuesday on Telegram: “Well, we’re home at last. As promised, we are bringing freedom and justice to our Russian land.”

So in essence this was an attempted incursion by units of Ukraine’s national military, and not for the first time. Last year there were several such cross-border raids by some of the same groups, with the biggest happening on May 22, 2023.

At that time it was the largest such cross-border ground incursion, and even involved anti-Kremlin fighters utilizing American equipment including Humvees. Washington at the time distanced itself from the attack which briefly resulted in the pro-Ukraine groups holding territory and causing Russian civilians to flee. 

As for this fresh Tuesday attack, Russia’s military further described that five tanks were “eliminated” in Nekhoteevka and Spodariushino, along with a personnel carrier. The MoD also said Russian forces killed 60 Ukrainian soldiers near Odnorobovka who were attempting to cross into Russia.

Russian state media released footage of what it described as a failed attempt to attack Russian territory…

Like with prior cross-border ground incursions, this seems a desperate act meant to generate headlines, likely with an aim of Kiev showing the West it is still “in the fight” and not yet defeated.

President Zelensky has been desperately trying to attract more weaponry and funding from a reluctant West. He’s been up against an avalanche of inconvenient mainstream media reporting and acknowledgement that Ukraine forces are being steadily beaten back.

Meanwhile, Russia on Tuesday is touting that it has taken out a US-produced HIMARS multiple rocket launcher. While a precise location for the alleged strike wasn’t given, Russian media released video…

The White House has been trying to signal it won’t back down from backing Kiev, and has newly announced it is sending Ukraine $300 million more in immediate aid for ‘pressing’ needs.

At a moment the House has continued to block the much larger billions Biden has sought, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan announced Tuesday, “Today, on behalf of President Biden, I’m announcing an emergency package of security assistance and $300 billion worth of weapons and equipment to address some of Ukraine’s pressing needs.”

Tyler Durden
Wed, 03/13/2024 – 04:15

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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