Inspired Idiots: 2 Examples of the Left Losing Control

Recently, we noticed a few examples of obvious contradictions to the left’s narrative. Here’s the hypocritical, the counterproductive, and the tone-deaf stances they’ve taken, just in the past week.

Carjacker Shot By Justice Sotomayor’s Security Outside Her DC Home

Earlier this week, 18 year old Kentrell Flowers attempted to carjack a man he apparently didn’t know was a US Marshall guarding the Washington DC home of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

The teenage perpetrator was shot in the face four times by the Marshall, while a different federal Marshal sprayed bullets in his direction, but missed. Kentrell, however, survived, and was arrested.

It’s hard to ignore the irony that the crime wave enabled by leftist prosecutors and judges has shown itself on the doorstep of one of the most leftist judges in America. But the irony goes deeper than that.

Sotomayor was protected by a man with a legal gun, against a teenager with an illegally acquired gun, in a city with some of America’s strictest gun control laws.

It’s notable that Justice Sotomayor has been a major advocate of gun control; in the case McDonald v. City of Chicago, she argued that governments should be able to restrict firearm ownership, and that individuals might not have a constitutional right to bear arms.

She also argued in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen that New York should keep its strict gun control measures.

If Sotomayor had her way, no one in crime-ridden DC would be able to defend themselves… unless, of course, they had the privilege to be guarded by an armed US Marshall.


Is This How You Protect Democracy?

Chuck Todd is the Chief Political Analyst for NBC news. This week, he revealed that a member of President Biden’s cabinet told him Biden was mentally unfit for office… two years ago.

That’s an interesting time-line for a “journalist” to break an exclusive story about someone in the highest echelons of the Biden Administration revealing that the sitting president was unable to perform his duties due to cognitive decline.

Yet Todd apparently missed the irony of his own silence as he said, “It’s the classic open secret… It’s the story everybody knows, and that everybody was afraid to talk about.”

But now that everyone saw it for themselves in the debate, Chuck Todd feels comfortable jumping on the bandwagon to oppose Biden.

Is this really considered serious journalism? Hiding a real scoop to protect a political party, and only going public when it becomes the popular thing to do?

Then there’s George Clooney, who in an opinion piece for the New York Times, wrote that he knew at a fundraiser he headlined for Biden on June 15 that Biden’s mental capacity was gone.

A month later, after the tide has safely shifted against Biden, Clooney decided it was time to express the extremely safe and mainstream view that Biden should step aside. Such bravery! Such integrity!

The journalists who were present at the June fundraiser also apparently didn’t feel the need to report President Biden’s obvious signs of decline to the public.

Meanwhile, two Democrat operatives from academia have game-planned a “Blitz primary” whereby the new party nominee will be selected by a handful of party elites. To protect democracy, of course!

And major donors to President Biden and the Democrats, such as Disney heiress Abigail Disney, say they will withhold funds from the party until President Biden is replaced.

Because nothing screams democracy like a group of wealthy elites forcing the democratically elected candidate to step aside!

But Ms. Disney took it one step further by suggesting that it’s also racist and sexist to NOT replace Biden.

“We have an excellent Vice President,” Ms. Disney said. “If Democrats would tolerate any of her perceived shortcomings even one tenth as much as they have tolerated Biden’s (and let’s not kid ourselves about where race and gender figure in that inequity)… we can win this election by a lot.”

But perhaps the most hilarious part about this all is the left freaking out about getting a taste of its own medicine.

Chuck Todd, for example, said Democrats are frustrated with Biden’s refusal to admit their concerns about his mental fitness are valid.

“He’s attacked his own party members without simply acknowledging, ‘I get it. I understand why you’re concerned.’”

Welcome to the party! These same party elites who gaslit everyone else for years over vaccines, Covid lockdowns, masks, Trump, and Joe Biden, are now complaining about being gaslit themselves.

But regardless, there is still about a 50% chance that these are the people in power when the dust settles this November. That’s a good reason to have a Plan B.


from Schiff Sovereign

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