Russian Military Ship Spotted 30 Miles Off Alaska By Coast Guard

Russian Military Ship Spotted 30 Miles Off Alaska By Coast Guard

A U.S. Coast Guard cutter on routine patrol around Alaska’s Aleutian Islands came across a Russian military ship in international waters but within the U.S. exclusive economic zone, the AP reported citing US military officials.

The crew on the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Alex Haley on Monday detected the vessel about 30 miles (48 kilometers) southeast of the Amukta Pass, the Coast Guard said in a Friday statement. A helicopter aircrew from Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak also spotted the vessel.

The vessel was “transiting in international waters but still inside the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone,” which extends 200 nautical miles (370 kilometers) from the U.S. shoreline, according to the statement.

The Coast Guard vessel did not communicate with the Russian ship but followed it as it moved east, the statement said.

“We met presence with presence to ensure there were no disruptions to U.S. interests in the maritime environment around Alaska” Cmdr. Steven Baldovsky, commanding officer of the Alex Haley, said in the statement.

In July, the Coast Guard while on patrol spotted four Chinese military ships north of the Amchitka Pass in the Aleutian Islands in international waters but also within the U.S. exclusive economic zone, officials said.

Russian and Chinese bombers later that month flew together for the first time in international airspace off the coast of Alaska, in a new show of expanding military cooperation that U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said at the time raises concerns.

The flights weren’t seen as a threat, and the bombers were tracked and intercepted by U.S. and Canadian fighter jets. But it was the first time that Chinese bomber aircraft flew within the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone. And it was the first time Chinese and Russian aircraft took off from the same base in northeast Russia.

Tyler Durden
Sun, 08/11/2024 – 20:25

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Former RBC CFO Sues For $36 Million After Being Terminated For Alleged Affair With Co-Worker

Former RBC CFO Sues For $36 Million After Being Terminated For Alleged Affair With Co-Worker

RBC’s former CFO is suing the bank that terminated her, alleging they made a a “devastating” error in firing her.

Nadine Ahn was terminated for a relationship with a co-worker, according to BNN Bloomberg, and is now suing in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice denying that she ever had a romantic relationship. 

She claims in her suit she suffered “palpable reputational harm” and “public humiliation” and is suing for $36 million in pay and damages, the report says. 

RBC had previously said she was involved in an “undisclosed close personal relationship with another employee which led to preferential treatment of the employee including promotion and compensation increases.” 

Ahn’s lawsuit details how CEO Dave McKay texted her on April 4, requesting a meeting the next morning.

When she arrived, McKay was absent, and instead, she faced unexpected questions from a lawyer about her relationship with Ken Mason from the bank’s treasury group. Her laptop and cell phones were also seized, according to the court filing.

“RBC’s investigator accused Ms. Ahn of providing Mr. Mason with preferential treatment and insinuated that they were having an affair. Ms. Ahn pleads that RBC’s allegations are patently false.” her statement says. 

BNN reported that Ahn and Mason had been friends since 2013, well before she became CFO, and she argues RBC’s code didn’t require disclosing their friendship, which wasn’t hidden. Mason, who was also fired, has sued the bank, claiming he was “ambushed” by a biased and unfair workplace investigation.

“RBC opted to make an example of Ken and Ahn by wrongly publicly shaming them in order to project moral righteousness, appearing to swiftly investigate and punish perceived corruption,” Ahn’s filing says. 

“The clear insinuation of the RBC Statement was that Ken and Ahn had had an extramarital affair and that Ken received career advancement and financial benefits as a result. This insinuation was false and defamatory.”

A spokesperson for RBC said: “These claims are without merit, and we will vigorously defend against them in court. We conducted a thorough review with an investigation by outside legal counsel and the facts are very clear that there was a significant breach of our Code of Conduct based on the irrefutable evidence collected during the investigation.”

Tyler Durden
Sun, 08/11/2024 – 19:15

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

The Ardent Pipe-Dreams Of American Voters

The Ardent Pipe-Dreams Of American Voters

Authored by Edward Curtin via,

To hell with the truth! As the history of the world proves, the truth has no bearing on anything. It’s irrelevant and immaterial, as the lawyers say. The lie of a pipe dream is what gives life to the whole misbegotten mad lot of us, drunk or sober.”

– Eugene O’Neill, The Iceman Cometh

Voters in the USA live in fantasy and probably always will.  No matter how obvious it is that the U.S. is an oligarchy, not a democracy, the ardent pipe dreams of a new face in the White House go to their heads every four years.

It can only be explained by a combination of intellectual ignorance, the acceptance of propaganda, and the embrace of illusions.

An analogy is apropos. In the small town and vicinity where I live, there are about 10 pot shops where pipe dreams are dispensed. As The Platters sang long ago, “when your heart’s on fire, you must realize smoke gets in your eyes.”  But few realize it.

Smoke?  What smoke?

Quadrennially, this love affair with the presidential candidates burns hot and heavy despite their records, as if they were heart throbs of stage and screen, straight from Broadway or Hollywood deeply concerned for the public’s welfare.

Americans love actors, and the presidential candidates are of course actors, following the directions of the fat cats who produce their shows.  As the grand opening of election day approaches, the supine public is aroused to a fanatical frenzy of excitement from its years’-long sleep by a mass media that spews out drivel to deceive.  It could be said that what the media propagandists digest, the public eats.

Smoke and mirrors never fail as the electorate’s favorite billionaire-backed candidates – at this point in 2024 Trump and Kamala Harris (but don’t count on it) – spew lie after lie and the mass media faithfully promote the show as if it were an actual contest between good and evil, a grand movie.  The acting is terrible, but the audience is so inflamed they can’t tell.

“There are unconscious actors among them and involuntary actors; the genuine are always rare, especially genuine actors,” Friedrich Nietzsche told us long ago, alluding to far more than this crude political masquerade – to life itself – urging us to take a deep look at the games we play and love in our politicians because they confirm our illusions.

In the 2020 election between Joseph Biden and Donald Trump, more than 158 million ballots were cast, a record number that was two-thirds of estimated eligible voters.  That was about seven percentage points higher than in 2016 when Trump and Hillary Clinton faced off.  Each election was supposed to be the most important in “your lifetime.”

And as everyone knows, the country has gotten more prosperous, healthier and happier, and the world more peaceful, in those eight years of Republican and Democratic rule.

One can expect more of the same smoke this year as the excitement, titillation, and political lies build to a November 4th crescendo.  Illusions die hard, or to be more accurate – they do not die.

The Spectacle rolls on.

Although it might sound uppity, unless people read books that explain how the political and economic system is constructed and how it operates, they have no hope of understanding why the presidential elections are musical chairs played to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy.  Podcasts and talks can be instructive when true, but they don’t stick like words on a page in a book that you have noted and can refer back to.

But the vast majority of people will not read such books because many can’t read or are too lazy or distracted to take the time to switch off digital media and the mainstream corporate press.  It is only through slow meditative reading and study of the great analytic books about social structure, propaganda, history, capitalism, and political economy that a person can truly grasp the nature of the power elite’s domination of the US government, the mass media, and the White House.

A soupçon of differences between contestants for the presidency – superficial makeup – is enough to have those caught in the spectacle get worked up into a hot lather of excitement for candidates chosen by the billionaires.  It is an aspect of the mania for celebrity culture.

One cannot simply imbibe the daily mass media, listen to talking heads, or read books recommended and promoted by The New York Times or some prize committee such as the Booker or Pulitzer prizes. (see the NYT’s Best Sellers here – as if #5 could be as “best” as #1).

It is no secret that the reading public has been shrinking for years as literacy has waned dramatically.  This is not an accident as the internet, cell phones, and the online life have been pushed by the authorities at every level, including throughout the school system.  (I am not arguing that the voters saw through the electoral charade in the past because the level of cultural literacy was higher.)

Today, a walk into any local library throughout the country will confirm the sad state of what even those who read books are reading.  The new fiction shelves are filled with books with candy-colored sensationalized covers that evoke bodice-ripping books of old now updated to sound more serious by telling stories of orphans on European trains during WW II, mysterious murders, separated twins, equally evil Nazis and Russians on the prowl, childhood trauma, unfaithful men, etc.  All seemingly NY Times bestsellers, together with the “non-fiction” books within which you would search a long time on the shelves to find a radical critique of the American political system and its propaganda arms.

This issue of voting and literacy is connected to another key matter.  The American public as a whole does not much care to follow foreign policy and military issues.  That is an understatement.  Once the military draft was ended in January 1973, the public lost interest in who was being killed in America’s wars.  Let foreigners be damned was the unspoken assumption.  It was a stroke of genius by the military-industrial-political complex, for politics has always been about what’s in it for us, and when the military is voluntary and Americans are dying in smaller numbers, people are indifferent to the killing.

When it comes to politics, the public’s focus is primarily on domestic issues, the economy, health care, taxes, etc., despite the fact that the entire economy is dependent on war and preparations for war and the U.S. has been at war continually for decades.  The U.S spends nearly $900 billion dollars annually on “defense” spending; this is more than China, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia, the U.K., Germany, France, South Korea, and Japan combined.

As everyone knows:

The U.S. is defending itself in Syria where its troops illegally occupy the oilfields in the northeast.

It is defending itself helping Israel slaughter Palestinians and supporting an expanded Middle Eastern war.

It is defending itself by attacking Russia via Ukraine and leading the world to nuclear war.

It is defending itself by provoking China in the South China Sea.

It is defending itself all over the world with special forces and military bases everywhere because everyone is out to get us.

It is defending itself always far, far away from its own shores.

Everyone knows that’s how it goes.

But facetiousness aside, the voting public either doesn’t know or doesn’t care that the U.S.A. is a warfare state; it’s as simple as that.  Without waging wars, the U.S. economy, as presently constituted, would collapse.  It is an economy based on fantasy and fake money with a national debt over 35 trillion dollars that will never be repaid.  That’s another illusion.  But I am speaking of pipe dreams, am I not?    And whether they choose to be aware of it or not, the vast majority of Americans support this killing machine by their indifference and ignorance of its ramifications throughout the society and more importantly, its effects in death and destruction on the rest of the world.  But that’s how it goes as their focus is on the masked faces that face each other on the stage of the masquerade ball every four years.

This charade is comical but accepted by so many, and as the Halloween season in a presidential election year in the USA approaches, it becomes most clear.  It’s always a trick until four years elapses and the next poisoned candy treat is offered.

Get to the polls.  Your life depends on it!

But there is a big price to be paid – a lesson always too late for the learning – for going to the masquerade ball.  Yet when smoke gets in your eyes…ah, such an exciting time it is!

“Do you not know there comes a midnight hour when everyone has to throw off his mask?” warned Søren Kierkegaard.

“Do you believe that life will always let itself be mocked?

Do you think you can slip away a little before midnight in order to avoid this?

Or are you not terrified by it?”


Tyler Durden
Sun, 08/11/2024 – 18:40

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Bitcoin Is Change Management

Bitcoin Is Change Management

Authored by Kane KcGukin via The Mesh Point,

For the past few years, after every Bitcoin Conference, I take time to reflect on my learnings and observations. What did I see, and what does it mean for Bitcoin’s future and the broader financial system?

Unfortunately, this year, Bitcoin’s main event was hijacked by politicians.

Their presence was so pervasive it degraded the ability to float freely, meet people, and learn from the vast set of stages talking about all things Bitcoin. On the one hand, it’s not exactly a surprise that political interests are laser focused on Bitcoin. On the other hand, it’s difficult to witness Bitcoin being used as a pandering tool.

As with any setback, we must ask ourselves. What is the opportunity? Where is the signal amongst the noise?

Bitcoin Is Much More Than “Number Go Up”

In all honesty, the “number go up” narrative is one of the most fiat-brained ideas in Bitcoin. That doesn’t mean the show can’t go on. The conference this year proved Bitcoin will outlast longer any naysaying from TradFi skeptics.

Bill Mill IV summed them up nicely: “Most people work for somebody else… even if you believe in Bitcoin and you buy on behalf of somebody else, or one of your bosses doesn’t like it. You’re done. You’re head’s chopped off. Whereas, if it goes right, and somebody that you work for didn’t like it; you get a begrudging pat on the back. So, everything comes down to incentives.”

So, why is there such confidence in Bitcoin? Because of three things:

  1. The Nakamoto Stage opening presentation.

  2. The focus on Bitcoin as a solution to our energy infrastructure problem.

  3. Edward Snowden, 4th Turnings, and the power of paradigm shifts

Mastering Strategic Thinking

To kick off the conference, on the Nakamoto main stage, was Sophie von Laer’s talk: Mastering Strategic Thinking & Leading Bitcoin Companies Effectively.

What stood out most was it felt like a subtle psychological prep for what is to come and what types of individuals will be recruited to lead the charge. The talk felt like a high-level intelligence briefing, with its nuanced linguistic framing and psychological messaging. While I can’t say for certain if this was intentional, the theme became increasingly apparent over the next few hours and days.

There was a heavy government influence throughout Bitcoin 2024. Whether it be Trump, one of the numerous politicians, or Edward Snowden it was made clear that Bitcoin’s network would be a pivotal tool for decades to come.

Sophie’s descriptions of a Strategic Maverick, the strategic mindset, new paradigms, and the necessity of disconnection to achieve connection, felt very foretelling of what will be required for the chaos we’re living through (see 4th Turning).

Her thoughts on how we program and condition leaders seemed to outline an expectation for Bitcoiners who will inevitably partner with political forces as they bare down.

The framing around “thinking about not just your own needs but the needs of those around you” sounded much more moral, principled, and unifying than the divisiveness of our current DEI handbook.

  • Strategic Plan = continuous improvement and evolution

  • Strategic Alliance = it takes a village, a tribe

    • “Knowing the intersection of the things going on around you.”

  • Adaptive Resilience = manage change effectively

    • “Culture that fosters the change that is going on.”

  • Positive Psychology = focus on the things you do well in life.

    • A culture that thinks together becomes more coherent. We’ve got a lot of work to do based on where we stand today.

Strategic Maverick’s understand Adaptive Resilience: “The period of rest after change allows you to become the thing you want. Someone truly becomes adaptive in this time.” A framing, or warning? It seemed fitting for Bitcoin and Bitcoiners alike, amid this paradigm shift.

Bitcoin: an Energy Infrastructure Solution

Beyond politics, Bitcoin’s role in revamping the US energy infrastructure was a major focus of the conference. The recurring theme was that we are still early in this new paradigm.

Tennessee Senator Bill Hagerty made a great point in his talk when he highlighted that post-WWII was about expanding people, goods, and energy use in the US. To continue to support all that growth, we need more energy efficiency. And, caught in the middle of all the economic growth and the increasing energy demand is our money.

Bitcoin miners provide solutions to both monetary and energy challenges. They help balance energy use and, more importantly, generate revenue for utility companies by purchasing excess energy that would otherwise be wasted. As Harry Sudock succinctly put it, “Revenue cures everything.”

What better way to solve an energy issue than with machines that can switch on and off, easily balancing our stressed grid?

These machines provide revenue during periods that would otherwise be unprofitable. Additionally, they offer the flexibility to shut down during peak energy consumption, preventing the drain on scarce power.

Our modern economy relies heavily on advanced technologies. As we move forward, we’ll require significant updates and optimizations to our energy infrastructure, networks, and server farms. Each of these technologies has an exponential energy component. Bitcoin is the only solution that computes both money and energy in exponential form.

Edward Snowden: “Cast a Vote, Don’t Join a Cult”

Snowden’s greatest point was dousing cold water on the political parade. He attempted to bring us back down to earth a bit by offering several reminders that neither political party is as much your friend, as they are just out to get Bitcoiners to love them. Citing past behaviors, he urged us to remain caustious with this quote:

“for in every country of the world, I believe, the avarice and injustice of princes and sovereign states, abusing the confidence of their subjects, have by degrees diminished the real quantity of metal, which had been originally contained in their coins.” -Adam Smith

Edward reminded us that technologies have historically been designed to benefit “them”, organizations and politicians. This perspective makes it easier to envision a future where privacy diminishes as quickly as we can now connect, considering the six degrees of separation.

He touched briefly on the moral dilemma we face. Reminding us that our internal system feels broken, because of our broken money. With political interference, we may have started a new version of the same game, but with new rules. In this game, we should all be prepared to make difficult decisions.

Among many enlightening quotes Snowden made, I thought these two are worth remembering:

“We are competing constantly and cooperating rarely. We need to change that.”

“The internet is broken because the institution is competing against the individual, and the individual against another individual.”

Peter Theil made reference to the idea behind the first quote in his book Zero to One, and the second quote offered powerful insights to the situation we’re watching unfold.

Tying it All Together

The message was clear throughout Bitcoin 2024 we are headed for a paradigm shift on the other side of this 4th turning, and the Bitcoin tribe is believed to have the leaders that will shape the culture of our future.

Bitcoin is now mainstream. It’s still early in the adoption phase, but the Bitcoin network will be a crucial tool for our future.

How that future is shaped, and Bitcoin’s role in our financial system, will depend on which side of the aisle gains control and how they choose to use it. Will it be an asset and means to rebuild our aging energy infrastructure or is it just another monitoring device? Only time will tell.

*  *  *

Get on the Bombthrower mailing list here and receive a free copy of The Crypto Capitalist Manifesto and The CBDC Survival Guide when it drops.   Subscribe to Kane McGukin’s Substack here.

Tyler Durden
Sun, 08/11/2024 – 15:10

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

ActBlue Tightens Donation Security Requirements Amid Investigations

ActBlue Tightens Donation Security Requirements Amid Investigations

Authored by Darlene McCormick Sanchez via The Epoch Times,

ActBlue agreed to tighten its donation security requirements, according to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who, along with other Republican-controlled states and a congressional committee, is investigating the Democratic fundraising platform.

Paxton said in an Aug. 8 statement that ActBlue has cooperated with the Texas investigation and will now require CVV codes for credit card contributions.

One primary focus of the Texas probe launched in December 2023 involved ActBlue’s failure to require donors to provide CVV codes, which are numerical codes printed on credit cards commonly used to combat credit card fraud.

“ActBlue has been the subject of numerous allegations of illicit activity, including that its platform may enable fraud,” the statement said.

Paxton said his office issued a supplemental civil investigative demand in his ongoing probe to obtain additional information relevant to allegations of wrongdoing regarding ActBlue.

Enforcing the law surrounding elections and campaign contributions is critical, he said.

“Certain features of campaign finance law may incentivize bad actors to use platforms like ActBlue to covertly move money to political campaigns to evade legal requirements,” Paxton said.

State attorneys general from Virginia, Wyoming, and Missouri have launched similar investigations into ActBlue.

ActBlue has denied wrongdoing.

“This investigation is nothing more than a partisan political attack and scare tactic to undermine the power of Democratic and progressive small-dollar donors,” the organization said in a statement on Aug. 2 as Virginia announced its investigation.

Rep. Bryan Steil (R-Wis.) speaks at a hearing with the House Administration subcommittee on Elections in Washington on June 24, 2021. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

Republicans have resorted to “political attacks and spreading false accusations” because they can’t accept that millions of Democrats are donating, according to the group’s statement.

ActBlue did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Epoch Times.

On the federal level, Rep. Bryan Steil, (R-Wis.) chairman of the House Administration Committee, initiated a probe into ActBlue last fall amid allegations it facilitated illegal contributions to political committees nationwide.

In an Aug. 5 news release, Steil asked the FEC to require political campaigns to verify online donors’ CVV codes and stop taking donations via prepaid credit cards and gift cards.

In March 2023, O’Keefe Media Group reported that senior citizens in Maryland and elsewhere denied making all the donations attributed to them in Federal Election Commission records.

Donors contacted by O’Keefe Media Group said they made political contributions to ActBlue but had no knowledge of making what amounted to thousands of donations—with some totaling more than $200,000— in a few years.

The media group found similar anomalies in data from WinRed, a Republican platform similar to ActBlue. The House Administration Committee does not appear to be investigating the WinRed fundraising organization.

Tyler Durden
Sun, 08/11/2024 – 12:50

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Plagiarizing Trump, Copy Cat Kamala Promises No Tax On Tips

Plagiarizing Trump, Copy Cat Kamala Promises No Tax On Tips

At a Saturday rally in Las Vegas just three weeks into her campaign, Kamala Harris “stole” one of Donald Trump’s defining policy stances – promising to abolish federal income taxes on tips if elected. While right-wing social media reacted by vaulting #CopyCatKamala to the top of Twitter’s politics trending list, tax-savvy observers sighed, knowing the policy is riddled with drawbacks.  

Harris didn’t just steal the idea, she even copied Trump’s choice of where to announce it, as the former president also unveiled the idea in Vegas on June 9th. That makes sense, given the hospitality-heavy city’s high proportion of voters working in tipped jobs. 

Trump quickly took to Truth Social to ridicule Harris for parroting his proposal and cast doubt on whether she’s serious about it:

From a pure retail-politics point of view, Trump’s proposal was brilliant, as it outflanked the Democrats in appealing directly to low-income, working class people. Rather than contest the position, Team Harris decided to simply neutralize its benefit to Trump by removing it as a voting-booth differentiator.

Yet, as tech entrepreneur and investor David Sacks noted on X: “The entire narrative of the Harris campaign is that she represents something fresh and new. She just shattered that by blatantly copying Trump’s “no tax on tips.” 

And with no accomplishments from the Biden-Harris administration to ride on, Harris and her handlers have resorted to plagiarism. At the same time, corporate media is turning a blind eye to the fact that she hasn’t given a single unscripted interview since announcing her run.

Prior to Harris jumping on the bandwagon, Nevada’s two senators — both Democrats — voiced their own support for the concept. Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz introduced a “No Tax On Tips Act” to make the idea a reality, and Florida GOP Rep. Byron Donalds offered a companion House bill, while Reps. Thomas Massie and Matt Gaetz offered a “Tax Free Tips Act of 2024” with different specifics.

While the concept has a great ring to it, its actual application could have an underwhelming effect on the working class and some unintended consequences for many others. As Tax Foundation senior policy analyst Alex Muresianu wrote in July:

“The policy would be poorly targeted at low- and middle-income earners, given the relatively small share of the population working in tipped occupations. Worse, the exemption itself, and any safeguards added, would add to the complexity of the tax code overall.”

Only 2.5% of American workers earn tips, and just 5% of the bottom quartile of earners, Muresianu noted, citing the work of the Yale Budget Lab. Then there’s the fact that many tip-income workers pay little or no federal income taxes as it is, thanks to the standard deduction and credits like the child tax credit and earned income tax credit (EITC).

For those who do make enough to pay federal income tax, the “no tax on tips” idea is another example of politicians picking winners and losers, with a waitress making $34,000 getting a huge break while a cashier with the same total earnings getting left out. 

Source: Tax Foundation “Frustrated With Tipping? No Tax On Tips Could Make It Worse”

That brings us to an important question about policy specifics — just which taxes would tips be exempt from? Under the Cruz-Donalds “No Tax On Tips Act,” tips would be spared from federal income tax, but remain subject to the payroll tax that purportedly funds Social Security and Medicare. The Massie-Gaetz offering would exempt tips from both flavors of government theft.  

On the knowingly false assumption that tax-free tips wouldn’t alter behavior of labor market participants, the cost of the proposal might be around $107 billion over 10 years. However, making a certain kind of income at least income-tax-free will offer a powerful incentive to shift compensation in that direction, including many occupations where tips are currently nonexistent. 

“One could imagine a scenario in which, say, highly compensated lawyers or accountants begin to receive some of their income as voluntary tips,” cautioned Muresianu. Congress could try heading that off by imposing income limits and other restrictions on the exemption, but that would only further complicate an already Byzantine tax code. An increase to the standard deduction would offer a simpler and more even-handed avenue for easing tax pressure on the working class. 

If all that isn’t enough to give you pause about “no taxes on tips,” consider how many more places — dentist offices, auto shops, florists, groceries — where you might have a cashier spinning one of those touch-screens around and asking you to choose how much you want to tip.  

Good point…

Another zinger. 

Next thing you’ll know…

What else will Harris plagiarize before the September 10th debate with Trump?


Tyler Durden
Sun, 08/11/2024 – 12:15

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Appeals Court Blocks Key Parts Of Biden’s Student Loan Relief Plan

Appeals Court Blocks Key Parts Of Biden’s Student Loan Relief Plan

Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times,

A federal appeals court has issued an order blocking key parts of the federal government’s Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) student loan forgiveness plan, replacing an earlier temporary administrative stay with an injunction that lays out specific prohibitions that will remain in force until the court issues a final ruling on the matter or until the Supreme Court intervenes.

The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals on Aug. 9 ruled against the Department of Education’s (DOE) student loan forgiveness plan, largely granting an injunction requested by seven GOP-led states of a district court order that they say didn’t go far enough in blocking the program.

The SAVE plan, which aimed to lower monthly payments for millions of borrowers and speed up loan forgiveness for some, has been a point of contention since its introduction, drawing legal challenges from several states.

The latest order halts key aspects of the program while the legal battle continues.

The Eighth Circuit’s partial injunction prohibits the Biden administration from forgiving any principal or interest on loans under the SAVE plan, blocks provisions that would prevent interest from accruing on loans, and disallows borrowers from making very low or $0 monthly payments based on their income.

The federal government is “enjoined from any further forgiveness of principal or interest, from not charging borrowers accrued interest, and from further implementing SAVE’s payment-threshold provisions,” the judges wrote. The injunction will remain in effect until further order of the Eighth Circuit or the U.S. Supreme Court, the judges stated.

An initial ruling by a district court in Missouri partially blocked the SAVE plan but allowed other key parts to continue. The Eighth Circuit Court noted in its Aug. 9 order that the government adapted to the district court ruling by creating a hybrid plan that continued loan forgiveness in a different form, effectively undermining the district court’s injunction.

The hybrid plan meant that the lower court’s injunction only delayed loan forgiveness from 10 to 20 years and that borrowers could still get their loans fully forgiven after 20 years, even if they’ve made zero payments each month.

The Biden administration appealed the district court injunction, while the coalition of Republican-led states cross-appealed, seeking an expanded injunction. In response, the Eighth Circuit issued a decision on July 18 that granted the states’ emergency motion for an administrative stay, temporarily halting the implementation of the entire SAVE plan.

The Eighth Circuit then ruled on Aug. 9 to replace the administrative stay with a superseding injunction, siding with the district court’s finding that the plaintiffs have a “fair chance” of winning their argument on the merits because the sheer magnitude of the Biden administration’s debt relief plan.

Estimated to forgive around $475 billion in student loans, the SAVE plan likely exceeds the scope of congressionally authorized income-driven repayment plans.

The partial injunction only blocks the more controversial parts of the SAVE plan, such as faster forgiveness and non-accrual of interest, while allowing the federal government to continue offering income-driven repayment options to borrowers, just under stricter terms. The judges recognized that some aspects of the SAVE Plan, which were challenged as overreach, may exceed the government’s authority. However, other elements are within the permissible scope of income-driven repayment programs authorized by Congress.

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona issued a statement expressing opposition to the appellate court’s decision.

“I strongly disagree with the Eighth Circuit’s decision blocking our Administration’s SAVE plan,” he said in a post on X, adding that borrowers currently enrolled in the program will be placed in an interest-free forbearance, the details of which would be announced by the DOE in the coming days.

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey voiced support for the decision to grant an injunction.

“This court order is a stark reminder to the Biden–Harris Administration that Congress did not grant them the authority to saddle working Americans with $500 billion in someone else’s Ivy League debt,“ he said in a statement. ”This is a huge win for every American who still believes in paying their own way.”

Despite the injunction, the federal government can still implement the broader structure of income-driven repayment under the SAVE plan, meaning that borrowers can still make payments that are calculated based on their income and family size.

Further, the injunction indicates that all borrowers currently impacted by the Eighth Circuit Court’s administrative stay are allowed to remain in administrative forbearance and are thus not required to pay principal or interest on their loans. Also, borrowers who have remained in PAYE and REPAYE plans are not impacted, and the coalition of states that challenged the SAVE plan “cannot turn back the clock on any loans that have already been forgiven.”

Another federal judge in Kansas had also blocked parts of the SAVE plan. However, a different federal appeals court, the Denver-based 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, put part of that decision on hold. A group of Republican-led states have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to reinstate that injunction.

In an earlier emailed statement to The Epoch Times, a DOE spokesperson said that Congress gave the department the authority to define the terms of income-driven repayment plans in 1993 and that the SAVE plan is the fourth time the agency has used that authority.

The spokesperson added that the Biden administration “won’t stop fighting to provide support and relief to borrowers across the country—no matter how many times Republican elected officials try to stop us.”

The Education Department said recently that it had already granted $5.5 billion to 414,000 borrowers through the SAVE plan.

The administration has estimated that the program would cost taxpayers around $156 billion over a decade, while Republican attorneys general argued that its true cost will amount to around $475 billion.

The Eighth Circuit wrote in its Aug. 9 decision that a budget model by the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania estimated that the program would cost $475 billion, while siding with the Kansas district court’s finding that the Biden administration’s expansion of the income-driven repayment plans from a program costing roughly $15 billion to $475 billion “expands agency authority to such an extent that it alters it.”

Tyler Durden
Sun, 08/11/2024 – 11:40

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

How Overpriced Are Basic Necessities In Prison?

How Overpriced Are Basic Necessities In Prison?

Apart from receiving basics like soap, toilet paper, a tooth brush and tooth paste as well as clothes and three meals per day, prisoners in the U.S. largely have to pay for additional food, religious and hygiene items themselves.

And, as Statista’s Florian Zandt details below, while inflation has driven up prices across the board, prison commissaries often add a premium that goes far beyond regular price increases.

For example, a packet of instant ramen by the brand Maruchan currently costs $0.20 at Walmart, while commissaries in state prisons around the country charge as much as $0.65 for the same serving size. This is according to data aggregated by reporters Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg and Ethan Corey at The Appeal for the first-ever database on commissary prices in the U.S. 

This premium is hard to bear for many prisoners due to average prison job wages topping out at a maximum of $0.52 per hour as evidenced by an ACLU report from 2022.

Infographic: How Overpriced Are Basic Necessities in Prison? | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista

Statista calculations show prison laborers in regular jobs, which include maintenance or working the kitchen, need to work an average of 1.6 hours to afford one packet of the most commonly offered state-wide ramen variant. For a cup of mac & cheese, inmates have to work more than a half-day on average. In terms of personal hygiene, many items considered basic necessities to maintain personal health are even less affordable for prisoners. A tube of toothpaste or a deodorant stick, for example, take around one and a half days to earn based on the average hourly wage.

Looking at state-level averages, many items become even less affordable to regular inmates. For example, the average hourly wage for a prisoner in Louisiana is $0.06, while a packet of ramen costs $0.57. While states like Texas, which don’t pay their prison workers at all, argue that the labor of incarcerated people pays for their room and board, companies outside the prison walls also profit from the cheapest workforce in the country. An in-depth Associated Press investigation on forced labor in prison “tied hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of agricultural products to goods sold on the open market”, with companies like McDonald’s or Walmart profiting off this arrangement.

Tyler Durden
Sun, 08/11/2024 – 11:05

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

What Is AI Really? Digital Illusions, False Promises, And Mass Re-Education

What Is AI Really? Digital Illusions, False Promises, And Mass Re-Education

Authored by Brandon Smith via,

Much fanfare has been lavished on the concept of Artificial Intelligence in the past five years to the point that its primacy is treated in the media as a forgone conclusion. The idea that algorithms can “think” has become a pervading myth, a sci-fi fantasy come to life. The reality is much less impressive…

We continually hear from globalists at the World Economic Forum and other elitist institutions that AI is the catalyst for the “4th Industrial Revolution” – A technological singularity that will supposedly change every aspect of our society forever. I keep waiting for the moment that AI does something significant in terms of advancing human knowledge or making our lives better. The moment never comes. In fact, the globalists keep moving the goalposts for what AI really is.

I would note that WEF zealots like Yuval Harari talk about AI like it is the rise of an all powerful deity (I discuss the globalist worship of AI in my article ‘Artificial Intelligence: A Secular Look At The Digital Antichrist’). Yet, Harari has also recently downplayed AI as a sentient intelligence. He argues that it doesn’t need to achieve self awareness or consciousness in order to be considered a super being or living entity. He even suggests that the popular image of a Terminator-like AI with individual agency and desire is not a legitimate expectation.

In other words, AI as it stands today is nothing more than a mindless algorithm, and thus, it is not AI.  But, if every aspect of our world is engineered around digital infrastructures and the populace is taught to put blind faith in the “infallibility” of algorithms then eventually become the robot gods the globalists so desperately desire.  That is to say, AI dominance is only possible if everyone BELIEVES that AI is legitimate.  Harari essentially admits to this agenda in the speech above.

The allure of AI for average people is the pie-in-the-sky promise of freedom from worry or responsibility. As with all narcissists, the global elite love to future-fake and buy popular conformity now on false promises of rewards that will never come.

Yes, algorithms are currently used to help laymen do things they could not do before, such as build websites, edit essays, cheat on college exams, create bad artwork and video content, etc. Useful applications are few and far between. For example, the claim that AI is “revolutionizing” medical diagnosis and treatment is far-fetched.  The US, the nation that arguably has the most access to AI tools, is also suffering from declining life expectancy.  We know it’s not covid because the virus has a 99.8% average survival rate.  You would think that if AI is so powerful in its ability to identify and treat ailments the average American would be living longer.

There is no evidence of a single benefit to AI on a broader social scale. At most, it looks like it will be good at taking jobs away from web developers and McDonald’s drive-thru employees.  The globalist notion that AI is going to create a robotic renaissance of art, music, literature and scientific discovery is utter nonsense.  AI has proven to be nothing more than a tool of mediocre convenience, but that’s actually why it’s so dangerous.

I suspect the WEF has changed its ideas about what AI should be because it’s not living up to the delusional aspirations they originally had for it. They’ve been waiting for a piece of software to come to life and start giving them insights into the mechanics of the universe and they’re starting to realize that’s never going to happen. Instead, the elitists are shifting their focus increasingly into the melding of the human world and the digital world. They want to fabricate the necessity of AI because human dependency on the technology serves the purposes of centralization.

But what would this actually look like? Well, it requires that the population continues to get dumber while AI becomes more integral to society.

For example, it is widely accepted at this point that a college education is no indication of intelligence or skill. There are millions of graduates entering the workforce today that display an unsettling level of incompetence. This is partially because college educators are less capable, ideologically biased and the average curriculum has degraded. But, also, we need to start accounting for the number of kids coasting their way through school using ChatGPT and other cheat boxes.

They don’t need to learn anything, the algorithm and their cell phone camera does it all for them. This trend is disturbing because human beings have a tendency to take the easiest path in every aspect of survival. Most people stopped learning how to grow food because industrial farming does it for us. They stopped learning how to hunt because there are slaughterhouses and refrigerated trucks.  Many Zennials today are incapable of cooking for themselves because they can get takeout to their door anytime they want. They barely talk on the phone or create physical communities anymore because texting and social media have become the intermediaries in human interaction.

Yes, everything is “easier”, but that does not mean anything is better.

My great fear – The future that I see coming down the road, is one in which human beings no longer bother to think. AI might be seen as the ultimate accumulation of human knowledge; a massive library or digital brain that does all the searching and thinking for you. Why learn anything when AI “knows everything.” Except, this is a lie..

AI doesn’t know everything; it only knows what its programmers want it to know. It only gives you the information its programmers want you to have. The globalists understand this and they can taste the power that they will have should AI become paramount as an educational platform.  They see it as a way to trick people into abandoning personal development and individual thought.

Look at it this way: If everyone in the world starts turning to AI for answers to all their questions, then everyone in the world will be given the same exact answers and will come to the same exact conclusions. All AI has to do is actively censor any information that contradicts the official narrative.

We got a taste of this Orwellian condition during the covid pandemic when Big Tech companies like Google used algorithms to bury any and all data that proved covid was not the threat that government officials said it was. You could not go on YouTube for at least three years and look up alternative information on covid or the vaccines. The algorithm forced everyone to sift through a long list of establishment sources, many of them promoting blatant lies about masking, social distancing, the covid death rate and vaccine safety.

The powers-that-be don’t even need to directly censor or remove information they don’t like. All they have to do is let the algorithm dictate the search results and bury the truth on Page 10,000 where no one will look.

How would this affect the average person?  Say AI is programmed to dictate scientific discourse.  What if AI says that man-made climate change is an undeniable reality and the “science is settled” while never presenting the mountain of counter-evidence to the contrary?  No one will look up the real data because AI will make it impossible to find.  Everyone will assume AI is telling them all there is to know about the subject, but it gets worse than that…

Many readers might remember a few months back when Google AI system “Gemini” was programmed to force DEI onto its users. Whenever a person asked the AI to create a historical image the algorithm made everyone black or brown and often female. Depictions of white men were suspiciously rare despite historical accuracy. This meant endless images of black and brown Highlanders in Scotland, black Founding Fathers in America, female Catholic Popes, Asian knights in Medieval Europe, and hilariously, even black Nazis in WWII Germany.

AI developers often claim that once an AI is created they don’t really control what it does and how it grows. The Gemini incident proves this is a lie. AI can definitely be controlled, or at least molded by coding to promote whatever propaganda the programmers want it to promote. There is no such thing as an autonomous AI; there is always an agenda.

To summarize, globalists want the proliferation of AI because they know that people are lazy and will use the system as a stand-in for individual research. If this happens on a large scale then AI could be used to rewrite every aspect of history, corrupt the very roots of science and mathematics and turn the population into a drooling hive mind; a buzzing froth of braindead drones consuming every proclamation of the algorithm as if it is sacrosanct.

In this way, Yuval Harari is right. AI does not need to become sentient or wield an army of killer robots to do great harm to humanity. All it has to do is be convenient enough that we no longer care to think for ourselves.  Like the “Great and Powerful” OZ hiding behind a digital curtain, you assume you’re gaining knowledge from a wizard when you’re really being manipulated by globalist snake oil salesmen.

*  *  *

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Tyler Durden
Sun, 08/11/2024 – 10:30

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Russia Begins Heavy Retaliation On Ukrainian Capital As Zelensky Breaks Silence On Kursk Invasion

Russia Begins Heavy Retaliation On Ukrainian Capital As Zelensky Breaks Silence On Kursk Invasion

Now in the sixth day of the Kursk invasion, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky explained the following on Sunday, breaking his silence and giving his first official confirmation of the daring cross-border ground operation, “Today, I received several reports from Commander-in-Chief Syrskyii regarding the front lines and our actions to push the war onto the aggressor’s territory.” He added: “Ukraine is proving that it can indeed restore justice and ensure the necessary pressure on the aggressor.”

On the same day Russia’s Foreign Ministry has vowed, “A tough response from the Russian army will not be long in coming.” But that response appears to have already begun overnight and into Sunday, as the capital of Kiev has come under heavy missile attack. Missiles did not reach the center of the city, but the suburbs were impacted.

Aftermath of strike in the village of Rozhivka in the Kiev region of Ukraine. Reuters

The Associated Press has described that at least four ballistic missiles slammed into the capital region along with 57 Shahed drones sent, citing Ukraine’s air force, which also said its air defenses intercepted 53 of the drones.

Zelensky has alleged that as part of the aerial assault, Russia used a North Korean ballistic missile. “According to preliminary information, the Russians used a North Korean missile in this attack – yet another deliberate terrorist strike against Ukraine,” Zelensky stated on social media. “Pyrotechnic experts are still working to determine the exact data regarding this missile,” he added.

The US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink has condemned the new Russian aerial assault, saying it killed a man and his four-year old boy.

As has been the pattern after any major air assault by Russia, Zelensky pressed his Western allies for more immediate defense equipment to defend the skies. He urged that “to really stop Russian terror, we need not only a full-fledged air shield that will protect all our cities and communities, but also strong decisions from partners — decisions that will remove restrictions on our defensive actions.”

This reference to “strong decisions” is clearly an appeal for Western militaries to get more directly involved.

Some analysts view this ongoing Kursk cross-border offensive as a last-ditch and desperate ploy to force an escalation so that the US and NATO will more directly intervene, or else to gain leverage. Others say this is all PR-driven and that Ukrainian troops are being sacrificed in what’s essentially a suicide mission for propaganda purposes and as but a temporary blow to Kremlin morale…

It also appears a distraction of sorts from the front lines, where Ukraine is fairing poorly and having serious manpower problems. It might be forcing Russia to relocate reservists from the Donbass region as well in order to urgently protect its borders.

Ukraine has continued sending drones and missiles into Russian territory, with one reportedly hitting a building in Kursk on Sunday, wounding 13 according to local sources.

Meanwhile, the world is witnessing Russia fight a war to repel invaders on its own territory in the southern region, with state media describing a Ukrainian command and control center having been destroyed in the Kursk region:

A missile strike has destroyed a Ukrainian command-and-control center in Russia’s Kursk Region, the Defense Ministry in Moscow has claimed, releasing video of the strike. Ukrainian forces launched a large-scale incursion into the border region earlier this week.   

Ukraine sent tanks into Kursk, which Russia is taking out via airstrikes…

Many tens of thousands of Russian citizens have been evacuated from several border regions – with Russian sources acknowledging some 80,000 have fled in buses, trains, and cars. A formal “state of emergency” has persisted as Russia pours droops and security forces into the Kursk region to restore order.

Tyler Durden
Sun, 08/11/2024 – 09:55

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden