MSM Absent In Reporting “Dozens Of Night Time Low Temp Records” Across US 

MSM Absent In Reporting “Dozens Of Night Time Low Temp Records” Across US 

Climate alarmists and their left-wing corporate media allies, who constantly spread fear and anxiety among an already heavily medicated population, churn out endless streams of climate doom headlines right at the peak of the Northern Hemisphere summer (how convenient). They deliberately ignore the fact that the 2022 Tonga Volcano eruption is contributing to some of the Earth’s warming—and they’ll conveniently leave out this critical piece of climate news:

“Dozens of night time low temp records have been broken the last 2 mornings. Many folks waking up to temps in the upper 40s and lower 50s this morning,” private weather forecaster BAM Weather wrote on X. 

BAM Weather explained these low temperatures are “Typical of early October weather for most.” 

Let’s not forget that climate alarmists usually point to ‘record temperatures’ with data going back several decades, half a century, or a little more. If they were to show the entire picture, well, their agenda and climate grift would evaporate overnight. 

The lower 48 region is about three weeks post-peak summer.

Looking ahead, the National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center still expects the weather phenomenon La Nina to emerge “during Sep-Oct-Nov (66% chance) and persist through the Northern Hemisphere winter 2024-25 (74% chance during Nov-Dec-Jan).” 

Here are the weather impacts in a La Nina year across the Lower 48.

Leftist corporate media usually get it wrong – with zero accountability – because they’re plagued by the ‘climate religion’ and push an agenda to scare folks into believing that more government taxes and banning cow farts and Taylor Swift’s jet will solve the world’s problems.

Tyler Durden
Sat, 08/10/2024 – 19:15

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

US Will Lift Ban On Offensive Weapons Sales To Saudi Arabia

US Will Lift Ban On Offensive Weapons Sales To Saudi Arabia

Via Middle East Eye

The Biden administration will lift its ban on the sales of offensive weaponry to Saudi Arabia, Reuters reported on Friday, a move that reverses the three-year US ban amidst ongoing attempts by the administration to broker a Saudi-Israel normalisation deal.

The move comes against the backdrop of the 10-month-long Israeli war on Gaza and after Middle East Eye’s reporting that Russia has deployed military intelligence officers to assist Yemen’s Houthis with targeting commercial vessels in the Red Sea.

Saudi army officers walk past F-15 fighter jets at King Salman air base in Riyadh, AFP.

A congressional aide told Reuters that the administration briefed Congress this week on the decision, and another source said that Biden was moving ahead on Friday afternoon with notifications about a sale. “The Saudis have met their end of the deal, and we are prepared to meet ours,” a senior Biden administration official told Reuters.

Middle East Eye reached out to the White House for comment on the report, but didn’t hear back by time of publication.

The Biden administration first invoked the ban on offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia in February 2022, a move that came after US lawmakers, progressive activists, and antiwar groups were calling on Washington to end its support of the Saudi-led coalition’s war efforts in Yemen.

War broke out in Yemen in 2014 after the Houthi rebel group seized the capital Sanaa, prompting Saudi Arabia and allied Gulf Arab countries – chiefly the United Arab Emirates – to launch a coalition to fight against the Houthi gains and reinstate the internationally recognised government.

The Saudi-led coalition launched a brutal bombing campaign that killed thousands of Yemeni civilians. Outrage spread in the US when reports began to emerge that US-supplied bombs were being used by coalition forces in attacks that killed civilians.

However, the harder line taken by the Biden administration against Saudi Arabia soon began to fade, most notably since last year as the US attempted to broker a historic deal that would see Saudi Arabia and Israel normalise diplomatic relations for the first time in history.

At the same time, the US and the UK have for months been actively battling Yemen’s Houthis in the Red Sea, launching several air strikes on Houthi military sites as the armed group responded with attacks on American naval vessels and downing multiple armed reaper drones.

The Houthis, whose fight against the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen has been paused due to a UN-brokered ceasefire in April 2022 that has so far held, began to target ships travelling to and from Israel in the Red Sea last year, in what they said was in solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza.

The Houthis also claimed responsibility for a deadly drone attack in Tel Aviv in July, which prompted Israel to launch air strikes on the Yemeni port of Hodeidah. “We are regularly conducting airstrikes to degrade Houthi capabilities, an effort that is ongoing and will continue together with a coalition of partners,” a senior Biden official told Reuters.

“We have designated the Houthis as Specially Designated Global Terrorists, and we will have imposed sanctions and additional costs on the Houthi smuggling networks and military apparatus. This pressure will continue to build over the coming weeks.”

Middle East Eye’s reporting of the assistance to the Houthis provided by Moscow, a major rival to the US, has added another dimension to the situation.

The US has been actively providing Ukraine with billions of dollars in military support, including advanced weaponry such as tanks, amid Kyiv’s efforts to fend off a Russian invasion that began in 2022.

Tyler Durden
Sat, 08/10/2024 – 17:30

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

The Trillion Dollar Coin: A Dumb Idea That Some Government People Take Seriously

The Trillion Dollar Coin: A Dumb Idea That Some Government People Take Seriously

Authored by Mike Maharrey via Money Metals,

When I was about 7 years old, my friend Tommy and I decided we were going to dig a cave. We envisioned a massive cavern we could stand up in. It would be our secret fort. We went as far as digging a pretty deep hole in Tommy’s backyard. 

It was a dumb idea.

But our cave-building scheme wasn’t nearly as dumb as the notion that simply minting a trillion-dollar coin can solve America’s debt problem.

The idea is pretty simple. The U.S. Treasury could mint a $1 trillion platinum coin, deposit it at the Federal Reserve, and then the federal government could write checks against that asset.

Voila! Budget problem solved.

Now, it may sound a little bit like creating money out of thin air.

That’s because it is. But hey, if it’s legal, why not? 

I’ll be honest; when people were discussing the trillion-dollar coin during the 2023 debt ceiling fight, I thought it was just an attention-grabbing political gimmick. Even Janet Yellen eventually nixed the idea. Surely nobody seriously considered such a scheme, right? 


Documents obtained by Bloomberg investigative journalist Jason Leopold reveal that government officials discussed the feasibility of minting a trillion-dollar coin on at least two occasions in 2013 and 2015. 

According to a heavily redacted November 2013 memo, Treasury Department officials and Department of Justice lawyers discussed the legality of issuing a “large denomination coin in order to obtain funds for making debt payments and other expenditures if Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling.” 

A second memo dated Oct. 27, 2015, reveals another round of discussions about the legality of such a scheme.

It seems to me they should probably consider the economic ramifications before fretting over legal minutia, but that’s just me. 

Yale professor Jack Balkin promoted the $1 trillion coin scheme back in 2011. Here’s how it would work:  

“Sovereign governments such as the United States can print new money. However, there’s a statutory limit to the amount of paper currency that can be in circulation at any one time.

“Ironically, there’s no similar limit on the amount of coinage. A little-known statute gives the secretary of the Treasury the authority to issue platinum coins in any denomination. So some commentators have suggested that the Treasury create two $1 trillion coins, deposit them in its account in the Federal Reserve and write checks on the proceeds…

“The ‘jumbo coin’ [strategy works] because modern central banks don’t have to print bills or float debt to create new money; they just add money to their customers’ checking accounts.”

In effect, it would be no different than the quantitative easing operations (QE) the Federal Reserve currently runs to expand the money supply.

In a QE operation, the Federal Reserve buys securities (primarily U.S. Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities). The catch is the money to buy these assets doesn’t exist until the Fed “writes a check” for the purchase. Imagine your bank honoring a check you wrote even though your balance was zero. That’s QE in a nutshell. The central bank creates the money out of thin air and injects it into the economy.

The trillion-dollar coin scheme would have the same practical effect as QE, but the government would be off the hook from having to pay off bonds on the Fed balance sheet. Instead of having to borrow money by issuing bonds for the Fed to later monetize, the government would just create the money itself bypassing the Fed middleman.

So, what’s the problem?

Well, we just saw what happens when the Fed creates money out of thin air. During the pandemic, the central bank created nearly $5 trillion through quantitative easing. After that, prices went through the roof. This was inevitable because money creation is, by definition, inflation. One of the consequences of monetary inflation is price inflation. 

Minting a trillion-dollar coin would have a similar effect. 

The coin is just a prop for monetary kabuki theatre to make it all seem legal and above board. They wouldn’t even use 1 trillion dollars in platinum. If they did, it would weigh over 60 million pounds.

In fact, they don’t even need the coin. As economist Robert Murphy explained, the Treasury could sell a paperclip to the central bank. Just imagine a QE operation using a paperclip instead of Treasury bonds.

“The Federal Reserve has the power to buy whatever assets it wants at whatever price it wants. In principle, [the Treasury Secretary] could sell a paperclip to the Fed for $2 trillion. The Fed would simply write a check made out to the Treasury, drawn on the Fed itself.

“When the Treasury deposited this check with its own bank — which just so happens to be the Fed — then its own ‘checking account’ balance would go up by $2 trillion. This money wouldn’t come from anywhere in the sense that some other account would need to be debited $2 trillion. On the contrary, the system’s total reserves (and what is called the ‘monetary base’) would have swelled by $2 trillion. The Treasury would be free to start paying bills by writing checks on the $2 trillion in its account.”

Nevertheless, some people think this is a great idea. In their minds, it would be “free money.”

But as the saying goes, there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. You would pay for the $1 trillion coin through the inflation tax – just like you’re still paying for the pandemic-era stimulus every time you go to the grocery.

Minting a coin or selling a paper clip and pretending it is worth $1 trillion doesn’t change the economic dynamics. When you boil it all down, it’s just a weird scheme to increase the money supply.

And I can’t emphasize this enough – increasing the money supply is inflation.

In theory, the government could keep price inflation under control by using the newly created funds judiciously and with restraint. In theory, they could just dribble the new money out slowly as they need it to minimize the inflationary effect. In theory, it could work!

And in theory, Tommy and I could have dug a cave fort.

Let’s be honest – judicious and restrained aren’t qualities you find in politicians. They’d blow through that $1 trillion like a spring tornado through Kansas. And when they spent it all, they’d mint another coin. And another. And another.

There would be no dribble. It would unleash a cascade of spending on top of the tidal wave we already have.

But this is what you get when you have an entire school of economics that disconnects money from stuff. 

Sure, the federal government could mint a $1 trillion coin. But it can’t mint stuff. It can’t create stuff out of thin air. It can’t mint cars, food, clothing, houses, and cell phones. It can’t wave a wand a create vital services.

But don’t you worry! We’re dealing with “smart” people here. They’ll tell you, “Don’t worry! This is different.” And then they’ll start spinning. They’ll offer up seemingly plausible reasons a $1 trillion coin will work. They’ll couch it in academic speak and technical jargon to make it sound even more plausible. They’ll yammer about how the dollar is the global reserve currency and everybody wants more of them. They show you some convincing-looking accounting tautologies. They’ll babble and gesticulate. And suddenly, you’ll be thinking, “Heck yeah! Mint that $1 trillion coin! That’s the ticket!”


It’s dumb. 

Tommy and I quickly realized our cave fort was a dumb idea. But unfortunately, dumb ideas spun out in the hallowed halls of government rarely die so easily.

Tyler Durden
Sat, 08/10/2024 – 16:20

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Ukraine Says It Hit & Destroyed Russian Offshore Gas Platform In Black Sea

Ukraine Says It Hit & Destroyed Russian Offshore Gas Platform In Black Sea

Ukraine says its military has targeted and destroyed an offshore gas platform in the Black Sea which had allegedly been converted to a forward operating sea base by Moscow forces.

“Ukraine’s navy and military intelligence have attacked and damaged a former offshore gas platform used by Russian forces in the Black Sea,” a Ukraine navy spokesman said Saturday.

The Ukrainians further released a video purporting to show the strike. The nighttime footage shows a large explosion and fire engulfing an offshore platform. Dozens of people may have been killed in the attack, but it is unconfirmed whether they were military or civilian platform operators.

A Ukrainian government spokesman, Dmytro Pletenchuk, announced on social media: “The occupiers used this location for GPS spoofing to make civilian navigation dangerous. We cannot allow this to happen.”

He further claimed there “were no civilians there” and that the “platform was not performing its normal functions” – and thus was a legitimate military target.

Moscow did not immediately comment on the Ukrainian claims or the video. Starting Friday the Kremlin did acknowledge a sizeable Ukrainian naval attack on its Black Sea fleet and infrastructure, as well as drones sent over Crimea.

Russian state media said the bulk of these attacks in various locations were thwarted:

The Russian military has intercepted an attempted landing by Ukrainian marines near Kherson and destroyed a group of sea drones headed for Crimea, according to the Defense Ministry in Moscow.

Overnight, a group of unmanned surface vessels (USVs) was detected on approach to the Black Sea Fleet base in Sevastopol. Combat camera footage released by the Russian Defense Ministry on Friday showed them being destroyed in the water.

“The on-duty fire systems destroyed seven unmanned boats in the Black Sea,” the ministry said, without elaborating.

Meanwhile, a group of Ukrainian commandos tried to land at the tip of the Kinburn Peninsula, overlooking the mouth of the Dnieper, early on Friday. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, four boats approached the Kinburn Spit, attempting to land a “sabotage and reconnaissance group.” Under covering fire from two of the boats, about a dozen troops stormed the beach.

All of this is also taking place against the backdrop of the surprise Ukraine cross-border attack into Russia’s Kursk region, which as of Saturday has entered day five.

Ukraine has in the past months dramatically stepped up its attacks and sabotage campaign against Russian oil and gas infrastructure. Currently a Ukrainian cross-border force appears to be in control of Gazprom’s Sudzha trans-shipping hub for Russian natural gas to Europe via Ukraine, which is a crucial part of the Urengoy–Pomary–Uzhhorod pipeline. Still, supplies appear to be pumping normally, and very little has been confirmed of the current status of fighting in Sudzha amid an information blackout and fog of war.

Tyler Durden
Sat, 08/10/2024 – 15:45

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Manners Are The Glue That Binds Society

Manners Are The Glue That Binds Society

Authored by Rob Smith via RealClearMarkets,

Convention, customs, manners and civility.

When my daughter Ella was 16, I met her at a local restaurant for dinner. I was already seated when she arrived and before I could hold the chair out for her, she plopped down in the seat next to me. I was livid. I stood up and told her to get her ass out of the chair and stand up. I told her to always wait until the gentleman held the chair out for her, no matter how long it takes. I followed with “you need to demand respect from men, because if you don’t, you’ll never get it.

Manners are important. Indeed, they are the adhesive glue that binds society together and allows it to operate in smooth, orderly and conciliatory fashion. Like all convention, customs and manners developed organically because they served important functions. There was never a top-down Napoleonic Code of Manners that was dictated to the populace by some sort of government edict. I think all would agree that we have seen a degradation of civil society over the past 30 plus years. Our cities are trashed, there’s violence in the streets, and  civil  adult discourse is rare. Politicians and talking heads are totally uninhibited from telling not just “straight up lies,” but lies that are so fantastically and obvious false that a 3rd grader can immediately recognize the deceit. I attended schools with rigid honor systems and grew up in a culture where such blatant dishonesty made one an outcast and an immediate social pariah, cast out from respectable society. I remember a childhood contemporary was kicked out of boarding school for cheating on a test. At the time, this seemed like a punishment worse than death, as he would have to live with the stigma of dishonor the rest of his life. These long-established honor codes reflected the mores of the culture, anyone who violated these standards polluted the student population and had to be immediately drummed off campus. Today dishonesty seems to be rewarded as long as it advances an agenda.

I have lots of nicknames, Robbie, Jones, Big Rob, Big, B.R., B-aura, Mr. Bread Truck, Professor and a few others, one of which is Mr. Mayor. I don’t know why folks call me Mayor, but I have thought quite a lot of what I would do if I was the mayor of Richmond, or better yet Governor of Virginia. The very first initiative, before any government policy proposals would be to start a campaign to re-establish civility and good manners. And what better place to begin than Richmond, Virginia, which I am quite sure, at one point not terribly long ago was the good manners capital of the world. I want to bring those days back. An initiative like this takes leadership and passion. Oh, how I hate to see what is happening to my city, not to mention the fabric of our national culture. My campaign would be much like Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” program. No government money.

When Robert E. Lee became president of what would become Washington and Lee University in 1865, he initiated the “Speaking Rule.” Other Virginia schools followed. I don’t remember there being such a rule at the University of Virginia, primarily because the natural, organic culture that already existed was one spoke to everyone he passed and engaged in a pleasantry. It’s demoralizing to walk down the sidewalk in Richmond and watch your oncoming neighbor try NOT to make eye contact to avoid speaking. They know nothing of the “speaking rule,” and it’s sad. In the world of social media where people rage at complete strangers, there is no better salve than to look someone in the eye , smile and say “Good morning.”

Good manners revolve around respect for others, and of course such respect is the essence of the Golden Rule. Good manners have a transcendental nature in that they create a system that one can’t see and can’t touch, but nonetheless create a benign social order. This evolves into a “custom” which evolves further into an almost universal “convention.” Kindness, gentleness, respect and tolerance are the result. Moreover, when a child is raised in this social order, this invisible ethos of civility instills itself in one’s personality, it is imbued, cooked in the sauce, and the act of being well mannered and thoughtful occurs without any conscience volition or effort to be that way. A few years ago, I visited two older gentleman I knew in the Alzheimer’s ward. There were ladies present, and I’ll never forget, although they couldn’t remember their names, they didn’t forget their manners. They were as we say perfect “southern gentlemen.” It was “baked in.”

Before the advent of “business casual,” we all wore suits. How well I can remember 100 degree, extremely humid days and the perfumed smell of tobacco resting in downtown Richmond warehouses. Despite the heat and humidity, men did not take off their jackets when wandering outside their offices. If one was in the presence of a lady, the custom was to seek her permission before taking off one’s jacket. Now this might sound archaic to some, but the foundation of this rule, like so many others, is respect for and deference to women. As these exercises in civility have waned, what are we left with? The absolute barbarity of men beating the tar out of women in an Olympic sport.

Dressing well is important.  By putting forth an effort to look nice, you exhibit respect and appreciation towards everyone you encounter, but the respect works both ways, your dress illustrates that you respect yourself.  Likewise, being punctual illustrates your respect for the other party and the value of his time, but it also illustrates that you respect yourself. 

Boy, how many lessons did I learn from my father! Always stand when a lady enters a room. Stand when she leaves the dinner table and stand again when she returns. Ladies are always served first. Never, ever begin to eat until the last lady at the table has picked up her fork and put food in her mouth.  I’ll always remember him telling me to always wear a sports jacket and sometimes a tie when traveling on a plane. “Son, wherever you go in this world, you are a representative of the Commonwealth of Virginia and our family.” When I was old enough to drive and before cell phones, the custom was to follow a woman home and make sure she got into her house safely. When I see kids that I coached or taught in Sunday School wearing a hat in restaurant, I yank it off their heads and ask them what the hell is wrong with them. That was Dad’s biggest pet peeve! Offer the black housekeepers walking through the neighborhood to the bus stop a ride. Always be a good sport, and win or lose after any competition, whether athletic or business, shake the other fella’s hand. When using the telephone, introduce yourself and say “may I speak to,” and not “is so and so there.” Never go through a woman’s pocketbook or anyone’s mail. There’s a proper way to shake hands. Oh, he was a stickler for proper English! Using words correctly and phrased pleasantly honors the recipient. And, I will never forget exactly where I was when I heard the biggest rule of all. I was 5 years old. Dad was driving.  I can remember the story Dad told me, the exact bend in the road and the message was the most despicable thing a man could ever do, and was never, ever permissible under and circumstances, was to hit a woman!

Tyler Durden
Sat, 08/10/2024 – 15:10

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

US Arms-Makers Warily Consider Production In Ukraine At Pentagon’s Urging

US Arms-Makers Warily Consider Production In Ukraine At Pentagon’s Urging

At the urging of the Pentagon, several American arms-makers are exploring the possibility of producing weapons inside Ukraine, but are grappling with assessing a host of risk factors that include not only Russian bombs but also Ukraine’s infamous corruption. 

In June, President Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a bilateral agreement  committing to “defense industrial cooperation, including codevelopment, coproduction, and supply of Ukraine’s defense industrial base requirements.”

The next month, Northrop Grumman was first to take the plunge, announcing that it had finalized a deal to coproduce medium-caliber ammunition in Ukraine. Crucially, no Northrop employees are to set foot inside the embattled country. “As part of the co-production agreement Northrop Grumman will provide the equipment and training to install an assembly line so that [Ukranian firm Ukroboronservice] can produce and test advanced medium caliber ammunition in Ukraine,” a spokesman told Breaking Defense

This Ukrainian defense-industrial facility in the Kiev suburbs was shattered by Russian bombs in 2022 (Fadel Senna/AFP via Getty Images and Newsweek

If that first project goes well, Northrop could take on more ambitious ventures. “[Medium-caliber ammo] is our first project that’s paid for with Ukrainian dollars. We are looking to expand that into tank ammo, 155 mm, others as we find innovative processes,” Dave Bartell, the firm’s director of international business for Northrop’s defense systems sector, told Breaking Defense in June.  

Other companies are still crunching the numbers and weighing risks that are difficult to quantify. An unnamed State Department official says they’re champing at the bit. “I think our industry is really eager, but at the same time, [it] has to make sense from a business case, right? And financing is an issue too, how you can actually pay for this stuff,” the official told Defense One

The official also acknowledged other risks that go beyond the prospect of employees and production lines being vaporized. “Clearly, corruption is a concern,” the official said, before offering the mandatory Western-government claim that Ukraine is making progress on that front.  

In May, Ukraine’s former deputy head of the presidential administration was charged with “illicit enrichment,” having amassed real estate, vehicles and other riches valued in excess of 10 times his disclosed salary and savings. A few weeks earlier, local media revealed that the wife of the head of the Security Service’s cybersecurity operation bought a $500,000 apartment, which prompted President Zelensky to fire her husband. There are many more examples where that came from.

A 155mm production line at the Scranton Army Ammunition Plant (Charly Triballeau/AFP via Radio Free Europe)

There’s also the question of whether a heavy investment would be accompanied by long-term opportunity, or whether the breakout of peace — God forbid — would turn a Ukrainian-based project into a money-loser. Given the uncertainty, companies are likely to emphasize less ambitious undertakings. The ability to obtain insurance is another concern. 

“It has to be a business case for what they’re trying to do, and so looking at maybe starting off with a maintenance, repair, and overhaul type stuff, spare parts production, so kind of starting a crawl-walk-run-type philosophy, before you actually get to the more advanced stuff,” the official added. 

We suspect that, if things turn south, the Pentagon will find a way to make it up to US weapon manufacturers — and pass the cost on to you. 

Tyler Durden
Sat, 08/10/2024 – 14:35

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Polling On Latinos Shows Trouble For Harris

Polling On Latinos Shows Trouble For Harris

Authored by Jeffrey Baldwin via RealClearPolitics,

According to a new survey, Latinos are disillusioned with President Joe Biden and his administration’s policies. 

The survey, primarily sampling Latinos living in several key states such as Pennsylvania, finds that a majority feel like things are worse than they were four years ago. And a whopping 72% say that the country is headed in the wrong direction. 

The findings are significant because Biden comfortably won the Latino vote in the 2020 presidential election, and Latinos have traditionally voted for Democrats in previous elections. 

And following the dramatic shake up atop of the Democratic ticket, Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign will need to put together a coalition – which includes Latinos – if she is to win the presidency.

Unfortunately for Harris, our poll shows that the economy is front and center for most Latino voters.

According to our findings, consistent with other polls, Latinos are most worried about jobs, the economy, inflation, and the high cost of living. 

According to our findings, two-thirds of Latinos say the state of the economy is either fair or poor. It’s no surprise, then, that our poll found that though Latinos still continue to believe in the American Dream, nearly 88% believe that it’s harder to achieve than ever before. 

These findings are consistent with what I am hearing every day from Latinos drawn to our workshops on financial literacy, the role of government, and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. Hispanics are drawn to America because of the promise of a better life and want to be active in making this country better and more prosperous. 

Most immigrants from Latin America and the Caribbean are not looking for handouts, but instead are looking for ways to get ahead in a country of abundant opportunity and prosperity. They know that unlike other countries – including the ones they may have fled from – the United States is where people can accomplish extraordinary things through hard work and perseverance. 

But as our polling makes clear, Latinos are feeling battered after years of runaway spending, crony capitalism, and ever-expanding regulations that make owning a business or raising a family more difficult.  

The everyday Latinos I talk to, who are working two shifts or struggling to make ends meet, are looking for solutions from our elected officials. They are looking for bold leadership and they are tired of partisan politics.  

Many of us, having come from countries ruled by dictators with little chance of prosperity, are grateful to take on the responsibilities that come with living in a republican democracy where the elected officials are accountable to the people – not the other way around.  

We’re not a perfect nation, but the founders of this country knew that to make this a “more perfect union,” this great experiment of democracy needs an educated and vibrant citizenry. Latinos are showing that we are both and will not be seen as a monolithic, one-issue voting bloc for anyone. 

As one of the youngest and fastest growing demographic, Latinos will have an outsized role in determining the future of our country. This election is just the start in shaping the next chapter of America’s history.  

Tyler Durden
Sat, 08/10/2024 – 14:00

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Records Reveal Trump Shooter Visited Local Gun Range Dozens Of Times – And May Have Had Company

Records Reveal Trump Shooter Visited Local Gun Range Dozens Of Times – And May Have Had Company

Authored by Ken Silva via Headline USA,

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has released records from the Clairton Sportsmen’s Club, the shooting range Thomas Crooks used in the lead-up to his alleged assassination attempt against Donald Trump.

The records show Crooks became a member of Clairton Sportsmen’s Club last August and visited there at least 43 times, the last visit being the day before he tried to kill Trump at the July 13 campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Crooks was a member of the Clairton Sportsmen’s Club “through his family,” according to the Associated Press.

Of his 43 trips, Crooks might have had company at least four times: Aug. 31, 2023; Sept. 28, 2023; Nov. 10, 2023; and April 24 of this year. On those dates, someone signed into Clairton on the exact same time and used the same ranges—with Crooks and the mystery visitor both using the rifle and pistol range on Nov. 10.

Grassley redacted the names of the other visitors to Clairton, which is also reportedly a training ground for the Department Homeland Security. According to local news site TribLive, Clairton was used by the DHS for police training on a day Crooks wasn’t there.

Grassley’s office reportedly described Crooks’ visits as “intense preparation in the months prior to his attempted assassination of the former president.”

Also noteworthy was Crooks visiting the gun range on Valentine’s Day this year, and on Christmas and Halloween last year, according to the records.

According to TribLive, Clairton spans 180 acres in West Mifflin and Jefferson Hills and boasts more than 2,000 members. The club has several rifle ranges, including at least one that is 200 yards.

In the days after the shooting, club president Bill Sellitto reportedly told TribLive, “What happened was a terrible, terrible, terrible thing. That’s not who we are.

We know very little about him,” club president Bill Sellitto also told the AP. “That was a terrible, terrible thing that happened Saturday — that’s not what we’re about by any means.”

He declined to comment Thursday when the records were released.

As a freshman, Crooks had tried out for his high school rifle team but was rejected for poor marksmanship.

Ken Silva is a staff writer at Headline USA. Follow him at

Tyler Durden
Sat, 08/10/2024 – 10:30

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

These Are The US Universities With The Most Athletes At Paris 2024

These Are The US Universities With The Most Athletes At Paris 2024

American universities are often considered the best in the world for providing a world-class education. They’re also a rich environment for superstar athletes who go on to play in the NBA and NFL. But what about the biggest sports event of them all?

Visual Capitalist’s Bruno Venditti ranks the U.S universities with the most athletes in Team USA at the 2024 Paris Olympics. Data is from the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee.

This includes both current and former students. Students who competed at multiple schools are listed for all their alma maters.

U.S. Olympians Go to School in California

Stanford University has the most Team USA Olympic athletes of any college at Paris 2024. Its ranks include U.S. swimmer Katie Ledecky, who has won nine Olympic gold medals, the most in history for a female swimmer.

Stanford’s history with the Olympics dates back more than a century to the 1912 Stockholm Games. George Horine, Stanford’s first Olympian to win a medal, made his mark in the high jump event.

But the 2016 Rio Olympics was the university’s most successful one to date, when its athletes won 27 medals (12 gold, 7 silver, and 6 bronze). Katie Ledecky, of course, was a big part of that success.

Following Stanford, the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) has 17 athletes, and the University of Southern California (USC) has 16.

In total, 169 U.S. universities are represented in Team USA at Paris 2024. And as CNBC reports, some of them really specialize as well. For example, the men’s saber team (an event in fencing) is all Harvard.

And several athletes with ties to American universities are also competing for other countries. Per NCAA statistics, more than a 100 Olympians from Canada and 40 from Australia have gone to school in America. USC tops the list for most Olympians overall (58 athletes, 22 countries) at Paris 2024.

Tyler Durden
Sat, 08/10/2024 – 08:45

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

“Japan Mixed The Batter, The Fed Will Bake The Cake…”

“Japan Mixed The Batter, The Fed Will Bake The Cake…”


Americans are already struggling to feed their families and pay their bills, but having predicted every US recession since 1960, the steepening bond yield curve is speaking loud and clear that an “official” downturn is nearly inevitable. With bond prices on the rise as the Fed looks increasingly likely to cut rates in September, the yields are going down and the inverted curve is finally leveling out after an epic two-year inversion

And with stocks now crashing around the world, global uncertainty is rocketing upward in a “Black Monday” event, especially as dizzyingly volatile Japan struggles to contain its post-ZIRP doom loop. In other words, the storm may be arriving in earnest.

The yield curve represents the difference in interest rates between long and short-term bonds, and every time it steepens after becoming inverted, a recession soon follows. It’s become a popular indicator because of its surgical accuracy, and because it tends to flash clear and reliable predictions before other datasets can do the same.

10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Minus 2-Year Treasury Constant Maturity

Source: Bloomberg

Even the Federal Reserve admits that thus far, the yield curve crystal ball has never failed. While there are some different yield spreads that one could observe between bonds of varying maturities, recessions tend to hit when the curve flattens and the Fed cuts interest rates – precisely the current scenario.

Unemployment numbers and equity prices are important as well, and last week, data showed that unemployment has gone up, triggering the “Sahm Rule” – a formula which has predicted the majority of recessions since it was devised in the 1950s by Federal Reserve alumnus Claudia Sahm.

As a general statement, unemployment has been trending upward again since 2022, in the fallout of the COVID-19 spike.


For Sahm’s part, she recently published a substack post downplaying the significance of her indicator in the context of the current market, but as indicated by the yield curve and other trends, it’s far from the only warning sign.

Stock markets also flashed a sea of red last week, with Japanese stocks now tumbling further in the worst day since 1987 and the global sell-off, especially in risk assets, is intensifying. The stock market is not the economy, and as for the jobs reports, those numbers can’t be trusted — but if anything, the real employment data is even worse than indicated by official claims.

And if history is any indication, the inverted yield curve tells no lies even as government and Federal Reserve data seek to paint as rosy a picture as possible to reassure markets and continually justify the academic expertise and professional necessity of central bankers.

So does that mean we’re in for a “hard landing,” or a soft and gentle recession? 

It isn’t just up to the Fed — chaos in Japan and beyond is fueling global economic chaos, forcing the Fed’s hand. The epic supply of liquidity injected into the system in the past several years has helped fuel a post-COVID asset rally, stunting the effects of the Fed’s rate hikes. But it also means that lowering interest rates now, and causing the money supply to increase even more, is increasingly likely to cause inflation to run utterly amok when consumer prices are already cripplingly-high.

However, a rate cut is all but assured now that a global sell-off is triggering panic. There’s likely to be panic either way, so the Fed might as well intervene with an emergency rate cut (or two) to try to save the system — which will, at best, kick the can down the road, and at worst, fuel further madness that ripples through the quivering world economy like a shockwave. 

The Japanese implosion gives the Fed no choice but to cut, and cut hard — Japan mixed the batter, the Fed will bake the cake, and the people of the world will now have it stuffed down their throats.

Tyler Durden
Sat, 08/10/2024 – 08:10

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden