Nvidia Dumps, Gold Pumps As Dollar General Craters Most On Record

Nvidia Dumps, Gold Pumps As Dollar General Craters Most On Record

It was all about Nvidia’s earnings, and how the market would react to them, and… well, it left a bit to be desired.

After initially spiking as high as $128 on blowout Q2 earnings, NVDA then dumped instantly as the market was disappointed with the company’s Q3 guidance, before staging a modest rebound into the Thursday premarket, only to see the gains then fade, and slide more than 6%, and wiping out $200 billion in market cap.

Still, the move was not as big as the option straddle suggested – market was pricing in a 10% swing – so both calls and puts saw their value tumble as vol repriced dramatically lower.

While NVDA failed to reverse losses, the same can not be said for the Nasdaq which after tumbling almost 1.5% overnight, scrambled to rebound and even turned briefly green at one point, before it too also reversed and stumbled lower, dragging spoos with it. In fact, the only index that did well today was the Russell, because now that earnings season is officially over, all focus turns back to the Fed and the looming rate cut in September which will benefit heavily debt-laden small caps more than all other companies.

While there was no specific catalyst for this afternoon’s swoon, one possible reason behind the move was a slamdown of bitcoin (really Solana) at exactly 2pm ET, which then quickly dragged down the Nasdaq and the rest of the risk complex.

While stocks swung at the whims of crypto HFT market makers such as Jane Street, oil managed yet another rebound and after hitting YTD lows just a few days ago, Brent once again rebounded back over $80, on growing concerns about Libyan production.

The oil recovery naturally meant that yields would have a tough day staying down, and sure enough the 10Y hit a one week high rising just shy of 3.90%, having broken out of a triangle formation to the upside, and clearing the path for higher highs (today’s poor 7Y auction certainly helped push yields higher)…

… especially after today’s unadujsted initial claims hit a new 2024 low, assuring that next week’s jobs report will come in well hotter than expected, as last week’s near record negative jobs revision was the big reset the BLS needed to “come clean”, allowing the agency to once again resume cooking the books heading into the election.

And let’s not forget today’s much hotter than expected GDP print, which came in at 3%, and was entirely on the back of a spike in personal spending…

…. which of course is a joke when one considers the record implosion in ultra discount retailer Dollar General – which now caters to not just the lower class but also a substantial portion of the “middle class” – which suffered its biggest market cap drop on record, and sent its stock price to 6 year low!

The above chart of course reeks of massive fiscal or monetary looming stimulus, whether it is under president Kamala or Trump, something which gold is clearly sniffing out as it hits another record high, and stronly suggests that real rates should be about 4.5% lower, at -3.0%!

TL/DR: the countdown to the next stimmy has begun.

Tyler Durden
Thu, 08/29/2024 – 16:04

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/ZSMbnsD Tyler Durden

IDF Fires Missiles On West Bank Mosque, Killing Top Terror Commander, In Day 2 Of Incursion

IDF Fires Missiles On West Bank Mosque, Killing Top Terror Commander, In Day 2 Of Incursion

Thursday marks day two of the Israeli military and security forces’ large-scale raid into the West Bank, the biggest seen in at least two decades. Fierce fighting overnight focused on a mosque in the city of Tulkarem, resulting in five Palestinian gunmen being killed.

The first day of the major assault involving hundreds of IDF troops and Shin Bet security personnel left at least nine Palestinians dead. Fighter jets, drones, and bulldozers have been seen focusing counter-terror efforts in the towns of Jenin, Tulkarem and Tubas – each which also contains sprawling refugee camps.

AP/TOI: Palestinians stand outside a damaged mosque following an Israeli military operation in the West Bank refugee camp of Al-Faraa, Thursday.

Amid international criticism over the apparent expansion of the Gaza war into the PA-administered West Bank, Israeli leadership says it has intelligence showing that if it didn’t act, another Oct.7-style terror attack might have been launched from operatives in the West Bank.

As for the now pacified showdown at the Tulkarem mosque, Israeli media describes that at one point the military launched shoulder-fired missiles at the mosque

The Yamam officers carried out a tactic known as “pressure cooker” that involves escalating the volume of fire directed at a building to force suspects to come out.

The Israeli forces had fired shoulder-launched missiles at the mosque as part of the tactic, and two gunmen were killed. In an adjacent building, another four gunmen were identified, and three of them were killed in an exchange of fire with the Yamam officers, while the fourth surrendered.

Among the dead who had been holed up in the mosque was Muhammad Jaber, aka Abu Shuja’, believed to be the commander of the Islamic Jihad’s local wing. The IDF says it has recovered explosive devices at the site.

Militants are not only being targeted by ground forces in the ongoing West Bank operations, but drone strikes on vehicles are playing an active role as well. Attack helicopters are also coordinating these efforts.

Since Oct.7, the West Bank has seen internecine fighting, also involving Jewish settlers. In all, Palestinian sources say that 650 West Bank Palestinians have been killed since the Gaza war began. The Israeli side has said during the same period 27 Israelis, including security personnel have been killed in terror attacks in Israel and the West Bank.

“Among the dead in the mosque was Muhammad Jaber, known as Abu Shuja’a, reported to be the commander of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s local wing in the Nur Shams camp in Tulkarem.”

Things haven’t been this violent in the West Bank since the Second Intifada, but the prior intifiadas of 20+ years ago show that things could always get worse.

None of this bodes well for efforts to achieve a Gaza ceasefire deal, talks which have been centered in Cairo. Hamas is likely to point to Israel’s expansion of the war into the West Bank as a reason to show Tel Aviv isn’t serious about peace.

Tyler Durden
Thu, 08/29/2024 – 15:50

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/QMkBhnq Tyler Durden

AI SPAC iLearningEngines Plunges 55% After Hindenburg Alleges “Artificial Partners And Artificial Revenue”

AI SPAC iLearningEngines Plunges 55% After Hindenburg Alleges “Artificial Partners And Artificial Revenue”

Shares of SPAC iLearningEngines, Inc. are down more than 50% heading into the cash open after short seller Hindenburg Research alleged that the artificial intelligence company has “artificial partners and artificial revenue”.

In the short seller’s second report this week, following its piece on Super Micro Computer, the firm headed by Nathan Anderson said that iLearningEngines “was borderline insolvent when it merged with a desperate SPAC sponsor that was quickly running out of time to get a deal done.”

The report focuses on an unnamed “Technology Partner” crucial to AILE’s business, stating “nearly all of company’s revenue and expenses (~96% of revenue and ~100% of CoGs in 2022) seem to be run through an undisclosed related party, an unnamed ‘Technology Partner’.”

The company then told the SEC the technology partner was not a related party in a comment letter, Hindenburg says. It alleges that it “unmasked” the partner to be a related party…one which, at one point, shared a listed address with AILE’s CEO’s home residence. 

Hindenburg writes:

  • The American contact for “Technology Partner” Experion was listed as none other than the CEO of iLearningEngines, according to a web capture from 2020. A 2022 web capture listed the American address for Experion as the personal residence of iLearningEngines’ CEO.
  • The latest Indian corporate records for Experion’s India affiliate list current iLearningEngines senior employees as directors and shareholders. UAE corporate records from June 2024 indicate Experion is partially owned by the brother of iLearningEngines’ senior director of channel partnerships.
  • Earlier UAE corporate records from 2019 indicate Experion was headed by iLearningEngines’ President and Chief Business officer and its AVP of business development.
  • Despite claiming to generate vast and growing revenue, iLearningEngines has no obvious industry presence, doesn’t name key customers or partners and does not appear to do the volume of business it claims.

“iLearningEngines claims its Indian market has an annual revenue run rate of $216 million. The financials for its sole Indian subsidiary reported ~$853,471 in revenue for its latest fiscal year, or ~99.4% less than iLearningEngines’ claimed revenue in the country,” Hindenburg wrote.

“We believe the majority of iLearningEngines’ revenue doesn’t exist, and that its relationship with the mystery ‘Technology Partner’ is merely a conduit for falsifying its financials. We do not expect it will remain a public company for long,” the short seller wrote.

You can read the full iLearningEngines report here

Yesterday, shares of Hindenburg target Super Micro shares plunged more than 20% on news that the company was delaying its 10-K filing for FY 2024.

In a report released on its website Tuesday morning, the short seller alleged that the semiconductor/server company, which has seen its stock skyrocket over the last few years during the AI bubble, could be engaged in accounting manipulation and self dealing among family members.

Tyler Durden
Thu, 08/29/2024 – 14:10

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/C51EKo8 Tyler Durden

China Is Rethinking Its Russian Pipeline Plans

China Is Rethinking Its Russian Pipeline Plans

Via Eurasianet.org,

  • China appears to be reconsidering the Power of Siberia 2 gas pipeline project with Russia, as indicated by Mongolia’s exclusion of funding for the pipeline in its economic plan.

  • Turkmenistan is emerging as a favored gas supplier for China, with increased cooperation and higher gas export revenue compared to Russia in 2024.

  • Experts suggest that China sees Turkmenistan as a more manageable partner for energy projects, given its political landscape and simpler economy.

Buddies in war, Russia and China appear to be frenemies when it comes to energy. As a result, Turkmenistan may be the primary beneficiary of Beijing’s need for more natural gas.

Just a few months ago, Russian and Chinese officials were saying that an agreement to build a new gas pipeline connecting the two countries, dubbed Power of Siberia 2, was imminent. Now, it appears those plans have been put on hold. A recent decision by Mongolia’s government not to include funding for pipeline construction in a five-year economic plan is widely seen as an indicator that China is rethinking the pipeline project, the South China Morning Post reported

Power of Siberia 2 is projected to carry up to 50 billion cubic meters of gas annually from western Siberia to China via Mongolia. Its operation would provide much needed revenue for Russia, which is straining to afford the cost of its war in Ukraine. China has proven an important supporter of Russia, helping the Kremlin surmount sanctions imposed by the West. But the hold put on the Power of Siberia 2 project suggests Beijing’s friendship does have boundaries, despite the famous proclamation by Chinese leader Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, that bilateral relations had “no limits.”

While China is keeping Russia hanging on energy cooperation, it is tightening ties with Turkmenistan. A cohort of Turkmen students, for example, has spent the summer taking a training course at Petroleum University in Beijing, the Turkmenportal website reported

RFE/RL cited a regional expert, Alexey Chigadayev, as saying a new pipeline connecting China and Turkmenistan makes more sense for Beijing. For one, China would maintain a far greater degree of control over such a pipeline during both the construction and operational phases. “Negotiating with Turkmenistan’s political leadership is also easier – it has an even higher level of authoritarianism than Russia and a simpler economy,” Chigadayev told RFE/RL.

So far in 2024, Turkmenistan is outpacing Russia in supplying gas to China, in terms of revenue. A report published by an Uzbek news outlet, Spot.uz, said that Turkmenistan was China’s top gas supplier during the January-July period, exporting $5.67 billion in gas. Russia was second with $4.69 billion in sales. Kazakhstan also provided over $730 million worth of gas to China during the period.


Tyler Durden
Thu, 08/29/2024 – 13:45

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/XIiguAq Tyler Durden

Subpar 7Y Auction Tails As Direct Bidders Tumble To Lowest Since March 2020

Subpar 7Y Auction Tails As Direct Bidders Tumble To Lowest Since March 2020

In the week’s final coupon auction, moments ago the US Treasury sold $44 billion in 7Y paper in what was at best a subpar auction.

Stopping at a high yield of 3.770%, this was the lowest yield on the tenor since April 2023, and was a whopping 39bps tighter than last month’s 7Y auction. More importantly, the auction tailed the When Issued 3.761% by 0.9bps, the first tail since May.

The bid to cover also dropped from the July auction, dropping to 2.50% from 2.637% last month and below the 2.55% six-auction average.

The internals were more impressive, with Indirects taking down 75.1%, above last month’s 74.4%, and also above the recent average of 69.22%. But while Indirects rose, the Direct takedown tumbled to just 11.2% from 16.8% last month, and the lowest since March 2020. That means that Dealers were left with 13.7%, up from 8.9% last month and in line with the recent average of 13.4%.

Overall, this was a subpar auction, and the weakest of this week’s coupon trio. And yet, with yields already snapping higher after today’s stronger than expected GDP and initial claims data, there was little movement in the secondary market, with the 10Y barely budging on news of the auction’s pricing, with the benchmark paper trading at 3.87% since this morning.

Tyler Durden
Thu, 08/29/2024 – 13:24

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/E4PXaq6 Tyler Durden

Apple Boosts iPhone Orders By 10%, Betting On AI Upgrade Supercycle 

Apple Boosts iPhone Orders By 10%, Betting On AI Upgrade Supercycle 

Tech giants recognize a massive opportunity with artificial intelligence, leading them to integrate AI features into their devices. This move towards AI-enhanced hardware could spark a larger-than-normal smartphone upgrade cycle this fall, especially following Apple’s upcoming event in just weeks, where they are expected to unveil the latest version of the iPhone with AI. 

Apple has prepared for increased iPhone orders. A report from Nikkei specifies the world’s most valuable company ordered components and parts for between 88 million and 90 million iPhones, compared to initial orders of around 80 million.

One supplier was quoted as saying iPhone orders could exceed 90 million. However, the supplier noted Apple usually orders more units and adjusts production as iPhones go on sale. 

“We are quite cautious over Apple’s robust orders, as we know the Chinese market is definitely going to provide tough competition due to geopolitics,” an executive at one of Apple’s suppliers said. 

Goldman’s Lauren Rowe pointed out to clients, “Overnight an initial knee jerk lower in Tech with Semis and AI stocks initially lagging but subsequently reversed with HK leading in the region with some focus on Apple supply chain on the news of orders for iPhones up 10% versus previous year.” 

Apple’s big event is expected to kick off on September 9. Anticipated product unveilings include the new iPhone 16, Apple Watch Series 10, Apple Watch Ultra 3, and Apple AirPods 4. It’s likely Apple executives will provide more color on the AI platform Apple Intelligence

According to Wedbush analyst Dan Ives, the AI-enabled iPhone 16 will unleash Apple’s biggest upgrade cycle in history. 

“AI is on the doorstep,” Ives said, adding, “Our recent Asia checks are giving us more confidence this upgrade cycle will unleash a long-awaited renaissance of growth for Cupertino over the next year.”

Ives said the next phase of the consumer AI revolution will involve developers and other tech firms integrating their AI models/tech into Apple Intelligence. 

“We expect developers over the next 6 to 12 months will build hundreds of generative AI-driven apps that will be key ingredients in the recipe for success for Apple as its technology stack creates the core building blocks of the consumer AI tidal wave we see coming starting with iPhone 16,” he added.

Goldman’s Kash Rangan noted days ago how Apple AI will help “drive an uplift in iPhone demand”: 

“At WWDC in June 2024, Apple announced Apple Intelligence, a personal intelligence system which includes features including 1) improved Siri capabilities (deeper language understanding, text communication with Siri, tailored responses driven by user activity and information, etc), 2) language features including writing tools that rewrite and summarize text across apps including Mail, Notes, and Pages, and 3) image features including Image Playground (image generation), new Genmojis, improved photo editing features, and more advanced search capabilities within a user’s photo library. Apple Intelligence will only be available for the iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, as well as future later models. Apple Intelligence should be released in the fall of 2024 and we believe these features should 1) should drive product upgrades as customers refresh older iPhones to access AI capabilities; 2) continue to drive a mix shift towards premium models, which should drive continued uplift in ASP; and 3) could present an opportunity for an iPhone price increase. Accordingly, we forecast F2024/25/26 iPhone sell-in units of 232/241/257mn (+2/+4/+7% you).”

Apple’s stock has risen by nearly 18% this year, reaching $226 per share, which gives the company a market capitalization of approximately $3.4 trillion.

The bigger question is whether consumers are willing to fork over $1,000 or more for new smartphones in a period of elevated inflation and sky-high interest rates, thanks to the Biden-Harris team. 

Tyler Durden
Thu, 08/29/2024 – 12:30

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/NM1Yghr Tyler Durden

Oil Jumps As Libyan Oil Shutdown Deepens With Loading Halt At Five Main Terminals

Oil Jumps As Libyan Oil Shutdown Deepens With Loading Halt At Five Main Terminals

The daily oil rollercoaster continues, and one week after tumbling to the lowest price of the year, oil is once again spiking, as news of more Libyan oil turmoil emerge. 

Brent rose as much as 3% and briefly topped $80, after Libya suspended oil exports from five eastern ports, and the country’s output dipped further amid an escalating stalemate over who controls the central bank.

The eastern-based government ordered the halt of oil-loading operations at the ports of Brega, Es Sider, Ras Lanuf, Zueitina and Hariga, Bloomberg reported citing people familiar with the matter.

The terminals have a combined capacity of around 800,000 barrels a day, which means almost all of Libyan output remains landlocked. Libya, an OPEC member, is divided between eastern and western rival governments following a power struggle that has persisted for about a decade.

Libya, which pumps about 1.2 million bpd of oil, was plunged into a deeper political crisis earlier this month over a row about the leadership of the Central Bank of Libya, the only internationally recognized depository of the country’s oil revenues.

The Benghazi-based government in eastern Libya, which is a rival to the Tripoli-based government in the politically divided North African OPEC producer, said on Monday it would shut down all crude oil output and exports. The east-based government backed by military leader Khalifa Haftar is not internationally recognized, but Haftar and his people control most of the country’s oilfields.

Over the past weeks, the situation in Libya has deteriorated with the east-west rivalry flaring up again and centered on the leadership of the Central Bank of Libya—the guardian of Libya’s wealth and income from oil exports.

The internationally recognized government in the capital city in the west, Tripoli, is trying to replace Sadiq Al-Kabir, the governor of the Central Bank of Libya. This has led to the latest controversy between the eastern and western governments and political factions, threatening again to reduce Libya’s oil production and exports.

Additional support for prices today came from continued expectations of an interest rate cut in the United States next month. The positive movement is unstable, however, and we may see a reversal later in the day under the weight of bearish factors.

On the bearish side, Biden’s EIA (which according to some is even more politicized than the BLS) reported only a modest draw in oil inventories yesterday, at less than 1 million barrels. Even though this was the second weekly draw in a row, it appeared to not have impressed the market much. Demand for oil remained a concern.

“Libyan output has dropped this week by close to 500k b/d, and this is not taking into account the shutting down of the Sharara oilfield earlier this month,” ING commodity analysts Warren Patterson and Ewa Manthey said in a note. “A prolonged shutdown from Libya will give OPEC+ a bit more comfort in increasing supply in 4Q24 as currently planned.”

The analysts noted that the Libyan outage will make OPEC+’s decision on whether to bring back some production more difficult and said they expected the cartel to resist that temptation and avoid a price rout.

Tyler Durden
Thu, 08/29/2024 – 12:08

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/6WUXqGF Tyler Durden

Hindenburg Target Tingo Mobile Found Liable For “Brazen” Fraud By Federal Judge After Ignoring SEC Lawsuit

Hindenburg Target Tingo Mobile Found Liable For “Brazen” Fraud By Federal Judge After Ignoring SEC Lawsuit

Nigerian “agri-fintech” company Tingo Mobile – targeted by short seller Hindenburg Research barely a year ago, in June 2023 – has been found liable by a federal judge after failing to even respond to the SEC’s lawsuit against them, accusing them of demonstrable financial fraud.

US District Judge Jesse Furman called the fraud “brazen” in court on Wednesday, ruling in favor of the regulators, who followed claims by Hindenburg Research that Tingo was booking “billions” in fraudulent transactions.

“The magnitude of the fraud is quite something,” the judge said, according to a Bloomberg writeup

Back in December we noted that the SEC charged Tingo with “massive fraud”, claiming that almost every aspect of the company – including its partners and its financials – was fabricated.

The SEC announced that it obtained a temporary asset freeze, restraining order, and other emergency relief against the company’s founder Dozy Mmobuosi for running an “alleged multi-year scheme to inflate the financial performance metrics of his companies and key operating subsidiaries to defraud investors worldwide”. 

“Mmobuosi spearheaded a scheme to fabricate financial statements and other documents of the three entities, Tingo Group Inc., Agri-Fintech Holdings Inc., and Tingo International Holdings Inc. and their Nigerian operating subsidiaries,” the SEC wrote in a release. 

Dozy Mmobuosi, Tingo CEO

Among the more egregious examples of fraud the SEC alleged was the company claiming to have $461.7 million in cash when it had only $50 in its bank accounts:

Tingo Group’s fiscal year 2022 Form 10-K filed in March 2023 reported a cash and cash equivalent balance of $461.7 million in its subsidiary Tingo Mobile’s Nigerian bank accounts. In reality, those same bank accounts allegedly had a combined balance of less than $50 as of the end of fiscal year 2022.

“Defendants also fabricated the customer relationships that formed the basis of their purported businesses,” the SEC alleged. “Mmobuosi and the entities he controls have fraudulently obtained hundreds of millions in money or property through these schemes.”

Antonia M. Apps, Regional Director of the SEC’s New York Regional Office, commented in December: “As alleged, Mmobuosi spearheaded a brazen scheme using phony records and fictitious entities to make the Tingo companies he controlled appear highly profitable, so that he could hoodwink investors and reap massive benefits at their expense. We filed this emergency action to expose Mmobuosi’s fraud and hold him accountable, while protecting investors from further harm.”

Hindenburg’s Nathan Anderson noted that Deloitte Israel gave Tingo a clean audit opinion for 2022 and was seeking to work with the company for 2023. He called it an “astonishing audit failure” for a Big 4 firm.

“We think Tingo is a worthless and brazen fraud that should serve as a humiliating embarrassment for all involved,” Hindenburg wrote at the end of their June report. Tingo responded shortly thereafter that the Hindenburg report was full of “misleading and libellous content”. 

You can read the full SEC complaint against Tingo here.

Tyler Durden
Thu, 08/29/2024 – 11:40

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/AjsVS7t Tyler Durden

US Geopolitical Hubris Presents Terrifying Fat Tail Risks

US Geopolitical Hubris Presents Terrifying Fat Tail Risks

By Michael Every of Rabobank


Headlines today are of disappointing earnings at NVIDIA. Yet somehow world markets –and the world economy aside from one firm, in one sector, in one country– managed to survive, and we didn’t see a complete meltdown. The neoliberal ‘Too-Big-To-Fail-is-how-we-succeed’ system needs to try harder to create the Perfect Storm; I’m sure it will, while central banks and central bank-watchers jawbone about 2% inflation and financial stability. Meanwhile, related systemic storms are brewing.

In Tuesday’s ‘The Powell of the Powerless’, I pointed out the dangers of a global system in which the Fed not only ‘understands’ complex reality with internally inconsistent, secular-religion ideology, but believes it creates it. Today, I stress the same solipsistic hubris is institutional in geopolitics, which presents terrifying fat tail risks as bad as a burst bubble or Fed policy error.

US national security advisor Sullivan is in Beijing to smooth relations. As recently noted, he said the Middle East was the quietest it had been for two decades just prior to October 7. His team appeases Iran, allowing Tehran’s proxies to expand regionally: the result has been the closure of the Suez Canal to many, the defeat of the US Navy in reversing it, and now a potential Red Sea environmental disaster after the Houthis blew up a European oil tanker. Before that, we had the US failure to prevent Russia invading Ukraine. Before that, the panicked US withdrawal from Afghanistan. Yes, we also got the low-hanging fruit of Europe, Japan, and Australia nodding to US words while spending little on defense, and the berry of the Philippines reinvigorating its mutual defense pact with the US. However, as a US Navy admiral says it will escort Filipino vessels in the South China Sea against possible Chinese actions, a long-run lack of investment meaning more time in drydock and strife in the Middle East means the US doesn’t have an aircraft carrier in the Indo-Pacific, should it need one.  

As @AndrewBadger_ notes, “What we are seeing -in real time- is a violation of the fundamental principle of sound grand strategy: that ends (aspirations) are in line with means (capabilities).” He quotes Yale Professor Gaddis, an expert on this topic: “Because ends only exist in the imagination, they can be infinite… Means, though, are stubbornly finite: they’re boots on the ground, ships in the sea, and the bodies required to fill them. Ends and means have to connect if anything is to happen. They’re never, however, interchangeable.”  Put simply, this is a national security mirror image of the Fed’s – and again it’s institutional.

Though most current US foreign policy experts are politically 180 degrees removed from the neocon, neoliberal hubris of George W Bush’s presidency, whose policy advisor Rove stated, “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality,” they still exhibit exactly the same ideologically-closed minds and self-confidence, just in different ways. Of course, they can’t see it, which is why they can’t course correct – but others do.

As @davidpgoldman notes, “A Chinese PhD grad of a US university takes the measure of the US foreign policy elite at “The Observer.” The hottest topics in contemporary international relations are “human rights” and “environmental protection”, rather than “war” and “country”… When our old professor who studied Russia taught a Russian studies course for the last semester before his retirement, I was the only one in the department who signed up. A classmate even asked me in surprise, “Ah? Does anyone still care about this topic?””

Sadly, very few in US academia do; nor think tanks; nor political circles; nor power circles. Few even study history or philosophy, nor Russian, Chinese, or Farsi, assuming Google Translate gives insight into others’ thoughts – that as those countries produce experts who speak fluent English and understand Western economies and societies intimately. Goldman summarises that in the US: “This is an elite that believes whatever they say is real is actually real.”

Taking a naïve/hubristic geopolitical approach presents staggering fat tail risks. And reality always wins out over those who think they can create it in the end: it already is, if you look at the chaos.

The US will have to spend far more and more efficiently ahead to avoid increasing geopolitical tail risks, regardless of its deficit and debt. As geostrategist Harald Malmgren pointed out yesterday, capital investment aside –and too much of it has been put aside for too long– the Pentagon spends what it needs to on its real time, then this shows up in the following year’s defence budget. Do you think all the current military build-up in the Middle East comes for free? We won’t even know the fiscal damage for around another year.

But if you think this is a US issue, it’s infinitely worse elsewhere. The US, the EU, UK, NATO allies, Japan, and South Korea are in a far worse starting position. There will have to see far larger increases in defence spending to help fill US gaps.

Moreover, if the US doesn’t spend more, or becomes more isolationist, then expect more articles like the one from Hal Brands today arguing ‘If South Korea Goes Nuclear, So Will the World’. That’s not just a hair-raising thought – it’s hair-raisingly expensive. In Europe, Poland just boosted its 2025 defence budget to 4.7% of GDP. Now imagine the cost of going nuclear, should the rest of Europe want to move beyond the small French umbrella, which few outside it are convinced actually covers them in a crisis. For all of Europe, it’s either massive military-spending increases to keep the US onside, or to defend itself if the US is off its side – with major macro and market spillover effects; or it sees massive geopolitical and geoeconomic decline – with major macro and market spillover effects.

Globally, the systemic hubris of central banks who ‘don’t do geopolitics’ is challenged by this realpolitik. The history of central banking is intimately linked to that of war because it’s so staggeringly expensive, and important. The systemic hubris of geopolitical experts who ‘don’t do central banks’ (or “war” or “country”) will be challenged too. The history of geopolitics should always intimately linked to that of war, because it’s so staggeringly expensive to get it wrong.

As such, the heuristic still says it’s a question of if, not when, complex reality supplants internally inconsistent, secular-religion ideologies at US think tanks and the Fed in favour of something more pragmatic,…and fiscally AND monetarily expansionary – at least for the government / military, if no one else.

Yes, such looming fat tail risks are hard to price for in a financial economy. However, in the physical economy, CEOs have no such excuse. Neither do politicians, much as they may try. Nor central banks, who are there for a reason, or have no reason to be there. So, while the financial markets will happily look away for now, those acting last in this regard will eventually be punished as hard as those acting first today.  

This is all not so much “NVIDIA!” as invidious. Life is simpler when all you have to worry about is once-a-quarter earnings from one firm; but such secular religion offers purgatory, at best, not anything heavenly

Tyler Durden
Thu, 08/29/2024 – 11:15

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/mUuc8ZE Tyler Durden

OpenAI Agrees To Run GPT Models Past US Government To ‘Evaluate’ For Safety

OpenAI Agrees To Run GPT Models Past US Government To ‘Evaluate’ For Safety

AI companies OpenAI and Anthropic have agreed to run their new AI models past the US government’s AI Safety Institute to evaluate their ‘capabilities and risks,’ as well as ‘collaborate on methods to mitigate potential issues,’ Bloomberg reports.

The ChatGPT app is displayed on an iPhone in New York, May 18, 2023. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

Safety is essential to fueling breakthrough technological innovation,” said Elizabeth Kelley, director of the US AI Safety Institute. “These agreements are just the start, but they are an important milestone as we work to help responsibly steward the future of AI.”

Under agreements announced Thursday by the Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), in “close collaboration with the UK’s AI Safety Institute,” the government will work to provide feedback on potential safety improvements.

“We strongly support the US AI Safety Institute’s mission and look forward to working together to inform safety best practices and standards for AI models,” said OpenAI Chief Strategy Officer Jason Kwon. “We believe the institute has a critical role to play in defining US leadership in responsibly developing artificial intelligence and hope that our work together offers a framework that the rest of the world can build on.”

Anthropic also said it was important to build out the capacity to effectively test AI models. “Safe, trustworthy AI is crucial for the technology’s positive impact,” said Jack Clark, Anthropic co-founder and head of policy. “This strengthens our ability to identify and mitigate risks, advancing responsible AI development. We’re proud to contribute to this vital work, setting new benchmarks for safe and trustworthy AI.” -Bloomberg

The US AI Safety Institute was launched in 2023 as part of the Biden-Harris administration’s Executive Order on AI. The group is tasked with developing the testing, evaluations and guidelines for responsible AI innovation.

Meanwhile, as we reported on Wednesday, the Microsoft-backed OpenAI is preparing to raise at least a billion dollars in a new funding round, which would place the company’s value at just north of $100 billion.

Microsoft has a 49% share of OpenAI’s profit after plowing $13 billion into the chatbot company since 2019. 

News of the funding round from WSJ comes about a month after OpenAI revealed it’s testing SearchGPT: a combination of AI tech and real-time search data that allows users to search the internet with ChatGPT. 

Tyler Durden
Thu, 08/29/2024 – 10:50

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/wUHanR8 Tyler Durden