Millions In Stolen 1MBD Funds Was Routed Into Kim Kardashian, Pharrell Williams Bank Accounts

Millions In Stolen 1MBD Funds Was Routed Into Kim Kardashian, Pharrell Williams Bank Accounts

The Malaysian High Court was informed last week that a staggering $2.4 million in stolen funds was diverted from the scandal-plagued 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) sovereign wealth fund, into the accounts of celebrity Kim Kardashian and musician Pharrell Williams, who is also men’s creative director at Louis Vuitton, through fugitive businessman Jho Low’s shell company, Good Star Ltd.

According to The Star, Richard Templeman, a financial fraud investigator, made the revelation as part of his testimony in the US$6.59 billion lawsuit brought by 1MDB against former Treasury Secretary-General Tan Sri Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah and former 1MDB CEO Arul Kanda Kandasamy.

Templeman told the High Court that the investigation found, by October 25, 2011, 1MDB had transferred US$1.03 billion to Good Star for the benefit of Low.

“These funds were transferred through a series of offshore companies and used for, inter alia, the personal benefit of the co-conspirators and their relatives and associates”, he detailed in his witness statement,

Templeman explained that from the billions flowing through Good Star, $2,025,000 was moved to a Suntrust Bank account under the name of Talamasca Inc. Transactions between August 11 and November 17, 2011, were noted as “part payment for music production” and “Letter of Agreement DD 3 NOV 2011 Red Spring Investments And Talamasca/Pharrell Williams.”

“I note that publicly available information links Talamasca Inc. with musician Pharrell Williams,” Templeman was quoted as saying. However, he added, “I have no further information regarding this transfer of funds.”

The Star also reported Templeman as revealing that further sums were paid from Good Star to various entities, including US$306,000 to reality TV star Kim Kardashian and another US$100,000 to Kardashian and her then-husband Kris Humphries.

The purpose of these transactions remains “currently unknown,” according to Templeman.

Templeman, who is a director of investigations at Kroll Advisory, oversees the ongoing probe into misappropriated funds from 1MDB and SRC International Sdn Bhd, which were channelled through liquidated companies.

In May 2021, 1MDB initiated a lawsuit against Mohd Irwan and Arul Kanda for breach of trust and conspiracy, leading to a reported $1.83 billion in losses related to an investment in 1MDB-Petrosaudi Ltd, later converted into the Brazen Sky Limited investment, which 1MDB claims is recoverable from the Bridge Global Fund.

The lawsuit also alleges that the defendants misappropriated $3.5 billion in funds paid to Aabar Investments and US$1.265 billion paid to International Petroleum Investment Company on May 9, 2017.

Furthermore, 1MDB accuses Mohd Irwan of colluding with Arul Kanda to extend an employment agreement, resulting in a RM2,905,200 payment to Arul Kanda and additional losses to the company.

As a result, 1MDB is seeking $6.59 billion in damages from both defendants and an additional RM2.9 million from Mohd Irwan related to the employment agreement extension.

The hearing will resume this afternoon before Judicial Commissioner Raja Ahmad Mohzanuddin Shah Raja Mohzan.

Tyler Durden
Mon, 09/16/2024 – 06:55

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

UK High Court Revokes Permit For First Coal Mine In 30 Years

UK High Court Revokes Permit For First Coal Mine In 30 Years

Authored by Tsvetana Paraskova via,

London’s High Court on Friday quashed a planning permission for the UK’s first new coal mine in three decades, ruling that the permit was unlawful as it hadn’t considered the emissions from burning the fuel. 

Earlier this year, climate campaigners, including Friends of the Earth, challenged the approval of the coal mining project.

The UK’s previous Conservative government approved in December 2022 the Woodhouse Colliery project in Whitehaven, northwest England, developed by West Cumbria Mining.  

The project to mine metallurgical coal, the one used for steelmaking, will be required to support steelmaking throughout the transition to Net Zero over the next few decades, WCM said at the end of 2023.

However, the new Labour government in the UK pulled in July its support for the project and said that it would no longer defend the case at High Court.

The UK’s new Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Angela Rayner, has accepted there was an “error of law” in the approval from December 2022. 

The government’s move to drop its defense of the project follows a landmark Supreme Court judgment from June 2024, which ruled that a local council unlawfully granted approval to an onshore oil drilling project as planners must have considered the emissions from the oil’s future use as fuels, in a landmark case that could upset new UK fossil fuel projects.

Today the High Court agreed with the legal challenges that the lifetime emissions of the proposed Whitehaven mine, mostly from burning coal, were not properly considered and the approval was unlawful. 

“We have to leave fossil fuels in the ground and build the cleaner, brighter future that will slash emissions, cut bills and create the well-paid jobs of tomorrow that areas like West Cumbria so urgently need,” said Niall Toru, senior lawyer at Friends of the Earth.  

Tyler Durden
Mon, 09/16/2024 – 06:30

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Goldman Losses On Consumer Business Hit A Massive $6 Billion As Bank Scrambles To Exit Credit Card Business

Goldman Losses On Consumer Business Hit A Massive $6 Billion As Bank Scrambles To Exit Credit Card Business

Six years ago, when we first described Goldman’s catastrophic foray into consumer banking, we joked that the Goldman of 2008 would be shorting the Goldman of 2018 for that ridiculous idea.

Fast forward to today when the joke is indeed on Goldman, and the bank’s losses on its now defunct subprime, pardon, consumer lending unit have hit the stratosphere: according to the WSJ, Goldman is still looking to exit its partnership with Apple as losses continue to mount, and the bank is set to take a $400 million hit this quarter due to its floundering consumer business.

Speaking at a conference this week, Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon explained that this $400 million hit comes from two primary things: selling off its General Motors credit card partnership and selling real estate loans. According to the report, the GM card business will be sold to Barclays, with around $2 billion in card balances.

In total, Goldman Sachs has lost a staggering $6 billion pre-tax since the beginning of 2020 “on a big chunk of its consumer-lending businesses, including its credit cards”, a sad confirmation of our 2018 warning. Several factors contribute to Goldman’s massive losses associated with Apple Card, including lax underwriting standards and the resulting charge-off rates that are nearly double those of other credit cards.

In fact the latest Fed stress test revealed that Goldman – the former master of the universe – now has the second crappiest, subprimiest credit card portfolio of all US banks; only Ally bank, whose stock got absolutely crushed last week, is worse.

In the years ahead of the covid crisis, Goldman had planned to its Apple Card to bolster the bank’s efforts and expand into consumer banking. However, in the intervening years, the bank – which had exactly zero previous experience with consumer lending – bank began pivoting away from consumer-financing in 2022 after accumulating staggering losses, focusing its attention on its core strength: catering to big business and ultrarich clients.

Looking toward the future, Goldman Sachs is still looking to exit its partnership with Apple, which consists of the Apple Card and Apple Card Savings Account. Currently, Apple Card credit card balances total $17 billion. The Wall Street Journal says that Goldman Sachs could face even bigger losses when it offloads the Apple partnership than the losses associated with the GM sale to Barclays.

Last November, the WSJ reported that Apple had “sent a proposal to Goldman to exit from the contract in the next roughly 12-to-15 months.” The current fate of that proposal remains unclear. It’s previously been reported that Goldman has talked to American Express and Synchrony Financial about taking over the Apple Card business.

Tyler Durden
Mon, 09/16/2024 – 05:45

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Arab States, Northern Africa Suffers World’s Worst Youth Unemployment

Arab States, Northern Africa Suffers World’s Worst Youth Unemployment

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), youth unemployment hit its lowest level in the past 15 years in 2023, at 13%, marking a strong recovery from the high rates during the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, these unemployment figures vary significantly by geographical region.

This map, via Visual Capitalist’s Kayla Zhu, visualizes youth unemployment rates by global region in 2023. Youth are defined as individuals between the ages of 15 to 24.

The data comes from the International Labour Organization’s 2024 Global Employment Trends for Youth 2024 report.

Which Region has the Highest Youth Unemployment?

Below, we show youth unemployment rates by region in 2023.

The Arab States, consisting of countries like Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Yemen, and others, recorded the highest (28.6%) youth unemployment rate globally, with Northern Africa, consisting of countries like Algeria, Egypt, and Morocco, following closely behind at 22.5%.

According to the Brookings Institution, youth unemployment rates in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region have been the highest in the world for over 25 years.

In 2019, just before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, 30% of youth in the MENA region were NEET–not in education, employment, or training, according to the ILO.

Experts say the combination of low infant mortality rates and high fertility rates, which translated into high labor force growth rates from 1970 onwards could be a leading cause of the high youth unemployment rates in the region.

In contrast, the Northern America region saw the lowest youth unemployment rate in 2023, at only 8.3%. The U.S. saw a significant decrease in the youth unemployment rate last year, with young workers seeing the lowest unemployment rate in 70 years at 7.5% in March of 2023.

However, in the first half of 2024, both the U.S. and Canada both have seen increases in youth unemployment rates.

To learn more about youth employment, check out this graphic that show employment rates for U.S. college and high school students since 1993.

Tyler Durden
Mon, 09/16/2024 – 04:15

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Hedge Fund CIO: Europe’s Collapse Is A Healthy Reminder For Americans To Stay True To Their System

Hedge Fund CIO: Europe’s Collapse Is A Healthy Reminder For Americans To Stay True To Their System

By Eric Peters, CIO of One River Asset Management

“For complex reasoning tasks this is a significant advancement and represents a new level of AI capability,” wrote OpenAI, describing its latest model release. “Given this, we are resetting the counter back to 1 and naming this series OpenAI o1.” Such is the pace of advancement (and hype) in AI that we need to rebase our calibrations. o1 answered 78% of PhD-level science questions accurately, compared to 56.1% for GPT-4o and 69.7% for human experts, which confirms that o1 is way smarter than I am.

But for some reason I feel I’m probably more intelligent, at least for now. Even if I couldn’t tell you without the help of o1 the precise difference between smarts and intelligence.


“For the first time since the Cold War we must genuinely fear for our self-preservation,” Draghi told reporters, working himself up into another ‘whatever-it-takes” frenzy.

“And the reason for a unified response has never been so compelling and I am confident that in our unity we will find the strength to reform,” said Mario, far from confident, his long-awaited report on EU competitiveness hot off the press. But of course, the stock market provides objective, real-time analysis on national competitiveness, and the European benchmark equity index is now just slightly above where it was at the 2007 market high.

Equities are priced in nominal terms though, and the EU consumer price index is roughly 52% higher since 2007. Which means that European equities have fallen 30% in real terms from where they were 17yrs ago (excluding dividends). Relative to where they were at the 2000 highs, European stocks are worth about half what they were nearly 25yrs ago in real terms.

By the same measure, Chinese stock prices are -67% in real terms from the 2007 nosebleed highs (+44% in real terms since 2000 – just before its WTO entry). And the S&P 500 is +60% in real terms from the 2007 highs (+107% from the 2000 highs). As a general observation, the US invents, China builds, the EU regulates.

And the stock market does an admirable job at indicating which of those activities you want to prioritize, if the goal is to aggressively increase overall national prosperity. But the EU’s goal was never really that. That union was formed to avoid another disastrous continental war, which has been a recurring theme since well before the first Italian started shaving coins. The European project as it is currently constituted has narrowly achieved this primary objective, but at the cost of more chronic economic stasis. Naturally though, national weakness invites discontent from within and aggression from without. Which is where Europe finds itself today.

It’s a healthy reminder for Americans, as we enter our political season, to stay true to our system and to that which has led to our greatness. Innovation, invention, risk taking, entrepreneurialism.


“We have 4% of the world’s population and the dominant economy – almost twice the size of China and 5x the next largest,” said the Chairman, an American patriot, a public servant, realist, capitalist.

“US stock market cap is over $50trln, dwarfing China at $11trln and Japan at $6trln,” he continued. “For over five decades, the US has produced the next generation of great global companies.”

As Nippon Steel begs our politicians to buy US Steel for $14.9bln, Nvidia’s market cap is nearly $3trln, and OpenAI is raising a fresh venture round at a $150bln valuation. “Meta started in 2004 and employs 70k people, producing $134bln in annual revenue, much of it from abroad.” Apple, Google, Netflix, the list goes on.

“Silicon Valley is the world’s premier innovation hub and attracts the best and brightest from across the globe.” Technology is helping lift the world’s poor out of poverty at an unprecedented rate, and in today’s hyper-connected world, every person who comes online, becomes a customer of a US tech company.

“Genentech and Amgen were once startups and are now industry leaders. Without the hundreds of billions in they’d invested in R&D, we would never been able to develop the COVID vaccines in record time,” said the Chairman.

“The flywheel effects of being the world’s innovation and growth engine are breathtaking. And are strongly supported by the tax code.”

Since the Revenue Act of 1921, capital gains have been taxed at a lower rate than ordinary income, providing a powerful incentive for individuals to invest in new, often risky ideas. Fueling an entrepreneurial culture, that is the source of America’s prosperity, strength, power.

“Energy is vital to our enduring strength too, economic and geopolitical. We lifted US domestic oil production between 2016-2020 from 9mm barrels per day to 12mm, and natural gas production by 25%.”

Biden quietly continued Trump’s energy policies, lifting oil production another 1mm barrels and natural gas 15%. “Had we not, our military and economic adversaries would have more control over the future of America and our allies,” said the Chairman.

“We need a coherence across economic, national security, and energy policy that is centered on and builds upon all these strengths.” 

Tyler Durden
Mon, 09/16/2024 – 03:30

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Why Do So Many Young Africans Want To Leave?

Why Do So Many Young Africans Want To Leave?

Nearly three in five young Africans said that they are either very or somewhat likely to consider emigrating to another country in the next three years, according to the African Youth Survey 2024 by Ichikowitz Family Foundation.

As Statista’s Anna Fleck details below, this marks a seven percentage point increase from 2022, when the last survey wave was conducted, likely driven by the improving freedom of movement post-pandemic.

Where young people from Rwanda who are considering emigrating said that it would likely only be temporary (90 percent), those in Nigeria (45 percent), Ghana (44 percent) and Congo Brazzaville (41 percent) were among those more likely to say they would make a permanent move. The 2024 poll included 5,604 people aged between 18 and 24 year olds across 16 countries: Botswana, Cameroon, Chad, Congo Brazzaville, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia.

Main reasons cited as motivations for moving abroad included economic reasons (selected by 43 percent of respondents), education opportunities (38 percent) and due to corruption in respondents’ respective home countries. The latter option, corruption, saw an increase of three percentage points since the survey wave in 2022. In South Africa, corruption was cited as the top reason for young people considering emigrating in 2024 (38 percent) as well as in Gabon (32 percent).

Infographic: Why Do So Many Young Africans Want To Leave? | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista

When asked what the major barriers are to finding employment, corruption was selected as the top issue (40 percent), followed by a lack of well-paying jobs (29 percent) and not having enough government support (27 percent).

Tyler Durden
Mon, 09/16/2024 – 02:45

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Sweden To Pay Migrants Who’ve Failed To Integrate Nearly €31,000 To Return Home

Sweden To Pay Migrants Who’ve Failed To Integrate Nearly €31,000 To Return Home

By Thomas Brooke of

Sweden has announced plans to pay migrants 350,000 SEK (€30,809) to return to their homeland in a new voluntary remigration scheme proposed by the center-right government.

Remix News was one of few English-language sites to report on the plans proposed last month by then Migration Minister Maria Stenergard and reviewed by the Swedish justice ministry.

“For those who have not entered Swedish society, remigration can be a way to create a better life for themselves,” Stenergard said at the time.

“This is one of several ways we achieve sustainable immigration that strengthens integration and reduces exclusion,” she added.

This week, Stenergard was appointed the new foreign secretary and succeeded by Johan Forssell who announced the new policy on Thursday.

“Migrants who voluntarily return to their home countries from 2026 onwards will be eligible to receive 350,000 Swedish kronor (€31,000),” he said. Even those with Swedish citizenship will be eligible.

Forssell, whose appointment was backed by the right-wing Sweden Democrats who influence government policy, said upon starting his new role that the government must commit to remigration and abandon the open borders policies of the previous liberal administrations.

“The important thing now is that we should not return to the previous policy, which after all put Sweden in a very difficult situation. A lot of people were affected by it,” he told Aftonbladet.

“It is clear that it is an important issue for Sweden and for this government,” he added.

The country, previously lauded as a migrant magnet and known for its hospitality, has cracked down on the number of new arrivals permitted after a radical cultural shift across the country that has seen crime and particularly gang warfare skyrocket.”

Sweden isn’t the first European nation to give migrants a golden handshake upon leaving the bloc. Last month in Germany, convicted criminals including child rapists were handed €1,000 upon their flight back to Afghanistan, although these, however, were forced deportations and only amounted to 28 people.

Earlier this year, the Swedish government announced it was toughening up its family reunification laws to slash immigration with income requirements expected to increase and extra DNA testing to prove relations is likely to be rolled out.

Last month, Stockholm announced that for the first time in 50 years the country had seen net emigration over the past 12 months. These figures were contested, however, by some right-wing groups with some claiming the government has ramped up naturalizations to massage the figures.

Continue reading at

Tyler Durden
Mon, 09/16/2024 – 02:00

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Escobar: BRICS, The Rise Of China, And How The Hegemon Buried The Concept Of “Security”

Escobar: BRICS, The Rise Of China, And How The Hegemon Buried The Concept Of “Security”

Authored by Pepe Escobar,

The first meeting of security experts/National Security Advisors under the expanded BRICS+ format at the Konstantinovsky Palace in St. Petersburg unveiled quite a few nuggets.

Let’s start with China. Foreign Minister Wang Yi proposed four BRICS-centric security initiatives. Essentially, BRICS+ – and beyond, considering further expansion – should aim at peaceful coexistence; independence; autonomy; and true multilateralism, which implies a rejection of Exceptionalism.

At the BRICS table, the overarching theme was how member-nations should support each other despite so many challenges – mostly unleashed by you-know-who.

On India, Secretary of the Russian Security Council Sergei Shoigu, meeting with Indian National Security Adviser Ajit Doval, stressed the strength of the alliance, “confidently standing the test of time”.

The larger context was in fact offered in parallel, in Switzerland, at the Geneva Center for Security Policy, by the always delightful Foreign Minister S.Jaishankar:

“There was a club called G7, but you wouldn’t let anybody else into it – so we said, we’d go and form our own club (…) It’s actually a very interesting group because if you look at it, typically any club or any group has either a geographical contiguity or some common historical experience or a very strong economic connect.” But with BRICS what stands out is “big countries rising in the international system.”

Cut to Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov, stressing how Russia and Brazil “have similar approaches to key international issues”, emphasizing how Moscow cherishes the current “bilateral mutual understanding and interaction, including in the light of the simultaneous presidencies of BRICS and G20 this year.”

In 2024, Russia presides over BRICS while Brazil presides over the G20.

The Russia-Iran strategic partnership

President Putin, apart from addressing the meeting, had bilaterals with all the top players. Putin noted how 34 nations “have already expressed their desire to join the activities of our association in one form or another.”

Meeting with Wang Yi, Putin stressed that the Russia-China strategic partnership is in favor of a just world order, a principle supported by the Global South. Wang Yi confirmed President Xi Jinping has already accepted the official Russian invitation for the BRICS summit next month in Kazan.

Putin also met with the Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Ahmadian. Putin confirmed he is expecting Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian for another visit to Russia, apart from the BRICS summit, to sign their new strategic partnership agreement.

Geoeconomics is key. The development of the International North South Transportation Corridor (INSTC) was confirmed as a top Russia-Iran priority.

Shoigu for his part confirmed, “We are ready to expand cooperation between our security councils.” The deal will be signed by both Presidents soon. Moreover, Shoigu added that Iran’s entry into BRICS advances cooperation among members to form a “common and indivisible architecture of strategic security and a fair polycentric world order.”

Now compare it with the new collective West “strategy” – adopted by U.S., UK, France and Germany: another sanctions wave against Iran related to the case of Iranian missiles transferred to Russia.

Ahmed Bakhshaish Ardestani, a member of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, confirmed early this week that Iran is sending missiles and drones to Russia as part of their defense agreements.

But the heart of the story is that these missiles are Russian anyway; they are just being produced in Iran.

While security was being discussed in St. Petersburg, China was hosting the BRICS Forum on Partnership on New Industrial Revolution 2024 in Xiamen, in Fujian province.

Talk about interlocking BRICS cooperation: as sanctioned-to-oblivion Iran has been trying to get access to new industrial technologies, Iran-China collaboration on everything from AI to green technologies will be surging further on down the road.

A new Eurasian security architecture

The heart of the matter is China’s rising and rising status as the top global trade power – as scores of nations across the Global South adapt to the fact that interaction with China is the privileged vector to improve their own domestic living standards and socioeconomic development. This monumental shift in international relations is reducing the collective West to a bunch of headless chickens.

China’s increased power is reflected in every major geoeconomics move: from the RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership), a mega inter-Asia free trade agreement (FTA) to the countless ramifications of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) projects, and all the way to BRICS+ cooperation. The future of all Global South nations involved spell out getting closer and closer to China.

In sharp contrast, the Hegemon – and that is bipartisan, all the way down from the rarified plutocracy – simply cannot contemplate a world that it does not control. An EU prone to acute disaggregation basically “reasons” along the same lines. For the whole collective West, the demented double trouble desire of maintaining hegemony while preventing the rise of China is unsustainable.

Add to it the mad obsession of the current U.S. administration to inflict a “strategic defeat” on Russia since it rejected Moscow’s late 2021 proposal for a new European security architecture, actually an “indivisibility of security” concerning the whole of Eurasia.

This new pan-Eurasian security system proposed by Putin was discussed in detail at the latest Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit. Putin actually stated that a “decision was made to turn the SCO regional anti-terrorist structure into a universal center tasked with responding to the entire range of security threats.”

It all started with the concept of “Greater Eurasian Partnership”, which Putin advanced in late 2015. That was refined during his annual address to the Federal Assembly last February. And then, in a meeting with key Russian diplomats in June, Putin stressed that the time was right to kickstart a comprehensive discussion of bilateral and multilateral guarantees embedded in a new vision for collective Eurasian security.

The idea, from the start, was always inclusive. Putin stressed the need to create a security architecture open to “all Eurasian countries that wish to participate”, including “European and NATO countries.”

Add to it the drive to conduct discussions with all sorts of Eurasia-wide multilateral organizations, such as the Union State of Russia and Belarus, the CSTO, the EAEU, the CIS, and the SCO.

Crucially, this new security architecture should “gradually phase out the military presence of external powers in the Eurasian region.” Translation: NATO.

And on the geoeconomic front, apart from developing a series of international transportation corridors across Eurasia such as the INSTC, the new deal should “establish alternatives to Western-controlled economic mechanisms”, from expanding the use of national currencies in settlements to establishing independent payment systems: two top BRICS priorities, which will feature prominently in the Kazan summit next month.

We want a three-front war

As it stands, a deaf, dumb and blind Washington remains obsessed with its single-minded declared goal of inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia.

Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov cuts to the chase: “It is impossible to negotiate with terrorists”, adding that “no schemes or so-called ‘peace initiatives’ to cease fire in Eastern Europe without taking into account Russia’s national interests are possible. Conferences won’t help either, no matter how beautifully they are named. As in the years of the Great Patriotic War, fascism must be eradicated. Goals and objectives of the special military operation will be fulfilled. No one should have any doubts that this is exactly how it’s going to be.”

And that brings us to the current incandescent juncture. There are only two options ahead for the U.S. proxy war against Russia in Ukraine: an unconditional Kiev surrender, or escalation towards a NATO war against Russia.

Ryabkov has no illusions – even as he puts it quite diplomatically:

“Signals and actions that we are witnessing today are aimed towards escalation. This remark will not force us to change our course, but will create additional risks and dangers for the United States and its allies, clients and satellites, no matter where they are.”

After bombing the concept of diplomacy, the Hegemon has also bombed the concept of security. Acute dementia in U.S. Think Tankland has even reached the point of dreaming of a three-front war. And this from an “indispensable nation” whose mighty Navy has been utterly humiliated by the Houthis in the Red Sea.

It is really a spectacle for the ages to see the plutocracy of a 200-year-plus savage nation which essentially looted most of its land from others believe it can simultaneously challenge the Persians, the Russians, and an Asian civilization with 5,000 years of recorded history. Well, savages will always be savages.

Tyler Durden
Sun, 09/15/2024 – 23:20

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Here’s Why The World’s Comfort Class Is So Far Removed From Reality…

Here’s Why The World’s Comfort Class Is So Far Removed From Reality…

Authored by Chris Macintosh via,

Let’s begin with how society functions.

Today, we are in this unfortunate situation where the ostensible pillars of production are distinct from the actual pillars of production.

Let me explain…

The actual pillars of society (at least in terms of production) are agriculture, mining, fabrication, and transportation. All of these industries have benefited massively from technological advancements. Agriculture, for example, now uses harvesters as opposed to, say, oxen.

As a result, the actual number of people employed in agriculture continues to… you guessed it, fall. That’s a good thing! It frees up time for folks to do other things — build isht that doesn’t yet exist (this is how humans have advanced) or paint pretty pictures, play music, or write novels. The entire arts owes its existence to reducing the amount of time needed to actually provide for life functions. Stay with me because this part is important. The number of folks employed in “the arts” has therefore exploded upwards.

People tend to like these jobs, too. They’re more comfortable and less taxing on the body and increasingly less taxing on the mind as well. It is how we have such soft-brained individuals littering society today. The fact is, today we are drowning in comfort. Society is saturated with it. This is how universities have liberal arts degrees and gender studies, as if there’s more to know than that there are 2. There isn’t. That’s it.

Additionally, each group of people act like gangs. Consider the schoolyard. The kids who play football think they’re better than the kids who play chess (nerds). Well, today the kids drowning in comfort are finding that their “value” they bring to the table isn’t quite so high — hence they advocate for mandating and forcing society to value them. This is how we were told to “accept” all the “underprivileged,” except this term has been hijacked. You see, the thing is these people were always accepted. They just weren’t praised for these attributes. Today, we have to exalt them to media star status for their inadequacies. Today, you can be a victim for any number of reasons. Fat? No problem, you’re a victim. Ugly? You’re a victim. Stupid? Victim. Can’t do math? It’s the patriarchy or white supremacy and racism. You’re a victim. As daft as this is, we’ve moved beyond it. Take that disgusting obese lesbian (no sane man would touch her, so…) who we’re told we must applaud. When we don’t, we’re labelled any number of stupid things. Sexist, fat shamer lesbian hater, etc.

Here’s the kicker. These people vote. Their vote is equal to everyone else’s. Frighteningly, the pink-haired angry lesbian with a liberal arts major who now heads up the “Diversity and Equity” department at Lululemon has the same weight in vote as does a farmer. One produces for the world while the other detracts value. What’s worth understanding, too, is that with the advancement of technology, which builds on previous underlying fundamentals such as electricity, for example, there are more and more folks who fall into the “comfort saturation” bucket than fall into the “produce isht we need” bucket. Technology, remember. Combine harvesters don’t vote.

What’s more is that the “comfort class” have an inability to understand the connection between their liberal world and that of the reality world. Case in point. They are champions of electricity. In fact, they see it as part of the cosmic firmament. It’s just there, like the air you breathe, and therefore should be a right. At the same time, they are ready and willing to deface beautiful artwork, glue themselves to bridges, and become general nuisances to society in an effort to end the use of coal and natural gas. Their inability to understand the connection between what they see as a right (electricity) and what they see as evil (coal and natural gas) is complete. 100% complete.

Because these people are useless and an actual menace to society, they’re not wanted. Pray tell, who wants this?

It is why they have to resort to violence to demand society like, accept, and “value” them. Communists are always the same. They’re the parasite class in their early phase, but like any cycle before us (Mao’s China, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, Stalin’s Bolsheviks), they resort to tyranny. Always and every time.

You can easily spot tyranny because it always comes in the name of compassion and equality of outcomes. It is a road paved with cowards, conmen, corrupt bureaucrats, high taxes, debauchery, mass menticide, and the moral depravity of distracted and diseased materialists conned by chosen ones who monopolise control of information, media, spy agencies, war machines, and money. We’ve moved past the phase where we can vote our way out of the destruction. No, the deep state is a real thing. We still have politicians and politics, but it’s a facade. Today, politics is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex.

Take a look around you and tell me that this time is different.

They demand you like them and accept them, and they will cancel, and when the time comes, murder those who disagree with them. The EU commission threatened Elon Musk with broadcasting an interview with Trump (election interference by a foreign entity?). The now daily reports of folks being thrown into prison for sharing evidence of rioting in English towns and cities. At the last count, over 400 people have received prison sentences for disagreeing with the government… online. They’ve not thrown any rocks, not punched anyone, not rioted — just voiced their discontent online. This, folks, is the rapid march towards genocide. I know, it may sound absurd, but that is the story of history. Don’t believe me, just go read up a bit.

We can watch this from a psychological point of view as well as financial. The two go hand in hand.

The UK currently has a tax burden of 33% of GDP and rising fast — that is while a mass invasion continues (yes, it’s an invasion, and if you need more information, go and read about the Kalergi plan and then reconcile it with what’s taken place). This is important because a good majority of these folks are coming for the free benefits which increase the burden, all the while the UK is raising taxes.

You know why the UK is one of the countries with the highest level of rich people leaving? Because rich people look at this stuff, see the writing on the wall, and get out before they have their assets stolen from them by a collapsing economy, communist power grabs, and capital controls… which are all coming. Watch!

Oh, and one other thing I’ll mention…

Historically, revolutions take place when the income tax burden surpasses 30% of GDP. The UK budget office is projecting it will hit 37% of GDP by 2027.

The first step towards solving any problem lies in acknowledging its existence.

Rampant Censorship

Tech can continue to be a liberator. The events unfolding in Britain now should usher in a newfound awareness of the risks to tying any account with your details.

The communist Guardian published this:

Aimed at teaching critical thinking? God, these people lie through their teeth. This is EXACTLY the opposite of what they are teaching:

That’s why our curriculum review will develop plans to embed critical skills in lessons to arm our children against the disinformation, fake news and putrid conspiracy theories awash on social media. Our renewed curriculum will always put high and rising standards in core subjects – that’s non-negotiable.

It is worth knowing our history. In the Bolshevik revolution and the former USSR, children were taught to rat on their parents and their own family. Divide and conquer has been the strategy employed in every communist fascist movement since the dawn of time.

Remember last week when we spoke about the Bolsheviks in Britain? Europe under the EU is doing their part to usher in the great reset — a technocratic world with one world government and humanity enslaved.

Over in Frogland, they just passed a law that allows the government to open the camera and microphone of any phone remotely and without any legal process. Politicians are exempt, of course.

French Assembly passes bill allowing police to remotely activate phone cameras and microphones for surveillance

Lavrentiy Beria was the notorious chief of the Soviet secret police under Joseph Stalin. This phrase encapsulates the idea that authorities can fabricate or manipulate evidence to incriminate anyone they choose, regardless of actual guilt. Beria’s approach was to identify a target first and then find or create a crime to justify their persecution, reflecting a profound abuse of power within totalitarian regimes.

Rules for thee, but not for me. Take it you peasants and shut up!

The Bolsheviks at the European Union sent a letter to Elon Musk, demanding he censor their Donald Trump interview. They threatened Musk with legal consequences if he does not prevent the spread of what they label as “disinformation.”

Remember when these same clowns were blaming Putin for “interfering in US elections?” Oh, the irony.

Meanwhile the chief Bolshevik here, the EU commissioner Thierry, who is actually Senegalese (yup, he’s African, no, really), you see, this turd, who lectures all the European peasants and earns his income from them at the point of a gun only pays a 5% income tax thanks to a cosy dual national relationship with the French Ministry of Economy.

The conditions are now being set for a digital ID required to access the internet. First, they’ll conjure up all manner of misdeeds (riots, for example) and then build the narrative that it was social media posts that fomented this violence. The police will therefore need “extra powers” to deal with this. They’ll couch it in terms that are entirely warm and cosy with safety thrown around a lot.

Europe (and with that I would include Britain as well) is — and I believe this to be a technical term — F.U.K.T.

*  *  *

The Western system is undergoing substantial changes, and the signs of moral decay, corruption, and increasing debt are impossible to ignore. With the Great Reset in motion, the United Nations, World Economic Forum, IMF, WHO, World Bank, and Davos man are all promoting a unified agenda that will affect us all. To get ahead of the chaos, download our free PDF report “Clash of the Systems: Thoughts on Investing at a Unique Point in Time” by clicking here.

Tyler Durden
Sun, 09/15/2024 – 21:00

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

California Homeowners Are Losing Their Insurance. Here’s Why…

California Homeowners Are Losing Their Insurance. Here’s Why…

Authored by Siyamak Khorrami via The Epoch Times

Thousands of Californians have lost their home insurance coverage in recent years, a topic host Siyamak Khorrami recently featured on Epoch TV’s “California Insider.” 

To help understand the complex issue, Khorrami invited an insurance broker with 40 years in the business as well as a couple who have recently lost two homes to California wildfires, the more recent of which was uninsured. 

Additionally two California lawmakers give detail solutions and their take on how to turn the problem around.  

Caps on Rate Increases

The issue began in 1988, when California residents approved Proposition 103, which capped rate increases for auto insurance—and eventually for homeowners’ policies—and established the state’s insurance commissioner. 

Since then, the commission has approved rate increases for residential and commercial property based on historical data and capped them at 7 percent. If a carrier requested more, the approval process was opened up to challenges by residents and watchdog groups. The result, experts say, is that increases, if approved at all, could take up to two years. 

Such kept homeowners’ rates in California artificially low, while other costs for insurers were on the rise.

A Freeze on Rate Increases

Insurance broker Harry Crusberg said the crisis of so many insurance carriers canceling policies or leaving the state began during the COVID pandemic, when the state’s insurance commissioner froze all rate increases, resulted in carriers losing money. 

“Carriers started losing $1.15 to $1.25 per dollar they took in,” Crusberg said.

“When you talk about multi-millions of dollars and billions of dollars, these losses just mounted substantially for carriers.”  

As a result, carriers large and small started issuing nonrenewals or dropping out of the California market all together. 

“You can only lose money for so long,” he said. 

Suddenly, many homeowners lost their insurance and had only two options: going with one of the so-called non-admitted carriers—which are not regulated or guaranteed by the state—or getting insurance through California’s Fair Plan, established more than 50 years ago as a last-ditch emergency resort. 

While pricing can vary, both are usually much more expensive than traditional insurance, as much as 10 times higher in some cases, experts say.

The Fair Plan is not funded by the government, as some believe, but instead by the state’s regulated insurance carriers, who pay proportionally into it. According to Crusberg, today they have accumulated about $400 billion in risk for their contributions to the plan. 

With a freeze on rate increases, contributions to the Fair Plan, the need to have their own costly insurance—called “reinsurance”—and more claims for wildfire and disasters, the industry became destabilized, Crusberg said.

“They [had] to back off. They just [didn’t have] the capital to sustain that,” he said.

Crusberg said the confluence of issues is rare.

“I’ve been in the business for a little over 40 years … and we’ve never been faced with such a situation,” he said. 

A New Insurance Plan

According to Crusberg and others, there is now “light at the end of the tunnel,” thanks to recent changes by the state’s insurance commission that will allow for wildfire and risk-based premiums determined by recent events. Also, under the commissioner’s recent plan, an insurance carrier’s requested rate increase must be decided within 90 days. 

“Once that comes in, the carriers [will start] to get a breath of fresh air,” he said.

“If we can do this and get our right rates, we’re going to be able to help solve this problem by coming back into the marketplace.”

But with the new plan—called the “sustainable insurance model”—not yet in place, some have chosen a third option: to forgo home insurance altogether. 

One Couple’s Losses

Such is the case of Michael and Christy Daneau, who lost a home in the 2018 Camp Fire in Northern California’s Butte County, and then, most recently, another in July’s Park Fire, which originated in Chico, about a 20 minute drive west from their first home.

The couple said they had insurance before the first fire for $86 a month. But after they moved to the Chico area, their first year of insurance through the Fair Plan—the only insurer that would carry them—was $7,000—roughly $580 a month—payable in one lump sum. 

They also had to purchase additional coverage for their new home, as the Fair Plan offers only fire insurance. 

They said the price increased to $10,000 in the second year, again due in one payment, and finally $12,000 in the third year, which they said they could no longer afford. 

Ultimately, the couple said, they had to go without, an especially hard decision as they had already lost one home to fire. They never expected they would be hit twice.

The price was “too unobtainable for us,” Daneau said. 

Now after the Park Fire, he said they have little left. 

“We went from being homeowners, owning our house outright, to now having literally just some clothes and a few personal possessions,” Daneau said. 

Other Solutions

California state Sen. Bill Dodd, who represents the state’s Third Senate District including Napa, Contra Costa and Sacramento counties, told Khorrami their choice to not have insurance was not a good one. 

“All you can do is hope and pray, and hope and prayers are not a great strategy,” he said. 

He said he has faith in the commissioner’s new insurance strategy since it will allow insurers to increase rates using climate and catastrophic models and will allow them to factor in their cost for reinsurance.

Not being able to do so previously, he said, was a “disservice to the ratepayers of the state of California.”  

Because insurers’ rate increases have been capped at 7 percent for so long, he said, allowing them to catch up with increases between 25 percent and 40 percent will ultimately stop so many carriers leaving the state. 

“Thirty-five percent rate increases across the board are a heck of a lot better than cancellation of policies or rates that are three to four to 10 times more than [people] are paying now,” Dodd said.

“That is at least affordable.

“It’s doable and ultimately creates a more stable insurance market and perhaps competition over time could bring those prices down.” 

He said the number of policies written for the Fair Plan more than doubled over the last year, and that is “a critical problem.”

“It’s got way too many clients to really withstand the type of risk that it is,” he said. 

He said as things change, property owners currently on the plan or those using non-admitted providers will decrease as more typical carriers return to the market and pick up those lost customers. 

Additionally, Sen. Dave Cortese, who represents the state’s 15th Senate District, which encompasses Santa Clara County, discussed the possibility of what’s known as “partial” insurance, where a carrier, for example, would insure only a portion of a property, which he said needed more study. 

He added that there may be bills introduced in the next legislative session—beginning in January—that, if passed, would make the insurance process better for homeowners, especially in terms of fire risk, like being rewarded for hardening their property and creating defensible space around their homes. 

Then, he said, the homeowners could go back to the insurer and say, “‘We’ve reduced your risk. Can you underwrite insurance on those now?’” he said. 

He also said the Legislature needs to consider a state-funded backup financial safety net for the Fair Plan. As it is today, if there were a couple of major losses, it could become insolvent. 

By doing so, he said, “Fair Plan won’t be able to tell [people who have catastrophic losses], ‘Sorry, we ran out of money,’” Cortese said. 

He closed by saying both chambers of the Legislature have created their own insurance working groups to come up with solutions to get the insurance market to “shift back naturally to where it should be.”

“The Legislature is taking this issue very, very seriously,” he said. “We know that people who have invested their entire lives or life savings in their homes and their properties can’t be left at risk without insurance coverage.” 

Finding the balance between protecting property owners and ensuring insurance companies are profitable enough to do business in the state is the challenge. 

“That’s the balance and that’s the trick,” Cortese said. “That’s what we’re trying to accomplish.” 

Tyler Durden
Sun, 09/15/2024 – 18:40

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden