Abandoned Cybertruck Becomes Unlikely Tourist Destination After Going Viral On Reddit And Google Maps

Abandoned Cybertruck Becomes Unlikely Tourist Destination After Going Viral On Reddit And Google Maps

An abandoned Cybertruck in Seattle has become an unlikely tourist destination, with the stranded vehicle’s attention-grabbing appearance turning the vehicle into a de facto landmark.

This stranded truck has become a city landmark now with its own Google Maps pin, a new report from Jalopnik says.

But the fun could be short-lived. The truck was reported abandoned recently and city officials warned the owner via an orange sticker that it would be towed if not moved.

The Cybertruck owner reportedly had no idea his vehicle was viral online, the report says. 

Regardless of how it broke down, it appears leaving it on a busy city street wasn’t the smartest move. The Google Maps pin was quickly flooded with fake reviews, but sadly, Google has since deleted it.

The Jalopnik report says that one Reddit user claimed to have spoken to the owner of the truck.

“I went by there this evening on my way to dinner. The owner was outside and was not happy we were there,” the user wrote.

“He said a kid hit his CT a few weeks ago and was still trying to figure out the insurance to get it fixed. He said people having been harassing him and his wife the past few days and he didn’t understand why.”

He concluded: “We told him his truck was all over Reddit and he got even madder. We left pretty quickly.”

Tyler Durden
Wed, 09/11/2024 – 07:45

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/Lo5NFid Tyler Durden

Salmonella Outbreak Linked To Recalled Eggs Spreads Across Nine States

Salmonella Outbreak Linked To Recalled Eggs Spreads Across Nine States

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have issued urgent warnings concerning a Salmonella outbreak that has affected 65 individuals across nine states. The outbreak has been traced back to eggs sold by Milo’s Poultry Farms, a company based in Bonduel, Wisconsin, according to a notice released by the FDA on September 6.

A digitally-colorized scanning electron microscopic image of a grouping of Gram-negative bacilli, or rod-shaped, Salmonella sp. bacteria. Janice Haney Carr/CDC

The eggs implicated in this outbreak were distributed to retailers and food service locations in Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Milo’s Poultry Farms has contacted customers who purchased the affected eggs, as indicated in the FDA’s notice.

Growing Numbers of Infections

To date, the CDC has reported 65 cases of Salmonella infections stemming from this outbreak, resulting in 24 hospitalizations. While there have been no fatalities, the CDC warns that the true number of infections is likely higher. This is due to the fact that many individuals recover from Salmonella infections without seeking medical attention and therefore are not tested or reported. The cases reported thus far occurred between May 23 and August 10.

A detailed map released by the CDC and FDA highlights that the infections have been spread across California, Utah, Colorado, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, and Virginia. Wisconsin and Illinois account for the majority of reported cases, with 42 and 11 cases respectively.

The CDC’s findings suggest that the outbreak might not be limited to the states where cases have already been confirmed. The agency noted that it can take several weeks to determine whether an individual is part of a broader outbreak.

Tracing the Source of Infection

Interviews conducted by state and local public health officials with affected individuals revealed that several had eaten at the same restaurants in the days before they became ill. These findings point to the likelihood that contaminated eggs were served or sold at those locations. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services reported four clusters of illness at restaurants where the recalled eggs were served, reinforcing this theory.

The eggs associated with the outbreak were labeled under the names Milo’s Poultry Farms or Tony’s Fresh Market. The FDA’s recall notice urges all retailers, restaurants, and consumers to discard the recalled eggs immediately. If the eggs were stored without their original packaging and cannot be identified as part of the recall, the FDA recommends they be thrown away as a precaution.

Symptoms and Risks of Salmonella Infection

Salmonella is a type of bacteria that can cause symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, fever, diarrhea, and stomach pain. The majority of people infected with Salmonella recover without medical treatment within a week. However, the infection can be severe for infants, young children, the elderly, those with weakened immune systems, and people taking medications that reduce stomach acidity.

In rare cases, a Salmonella infection can lead to severe complications by spreading to the blood, joints, nervous system, brain, spinal fluid, or urinary tract, potentially resulting in hospitalization or death. Some people may develop reactive arthritis, a condition characterized by joint pain that can last for months or years and may be difficult to treat.

Protective Measures

Both the CDC and FDA stress the importance of following proper food safety practices to avoid Salmonella infection. Consumers are advised to wash their hands, utensils, and food preparation surfaces with hot, soapy water before and after handling raw eggs or raw egg-containing food. The FDA also emphasizes the importance of disposing of any potentially contaminated eggs and urges vigilance for symptoms of Salmonella infection, particularly among vulnerable populations.

As the investigation continues, the public is encouraged to stay informed and heed the guidance of public health authorities to prevent further spread of this outbreak.

Tyler Durden
Wed, 09/11/2024 – 06:55

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/tnlRfF9 Tyler Durden

Nuland Admits US Discouraged Ukraine From Signing Russia Peace Deal At Moment It Was ‘Really Close’

Nuland Admits US Discouraged Ukraine From Signing Russia Peace Deal At Moment It Was ‘Really Close’

There’s never a dull moment when former high-ranking State Department official Victoria Nuland goes on the record for a new tell-all. She’s certainly never shy about broadcasting her role in anti-Moscow covert maneuvering and machinations.

Indeed, many already know her as Victoria-‘Fuck the EU’-Nuland and for essentially running foreign policy in Europe stretching back through the Obama years as then Assistant Secretary of State for Europe, where many of the problems which sparked the disastrous and tragic Russia-Ukraine war were first set in motion.

Exiled Russian journalist Mikhail Zygar recently sat down with her for a new interview published to YouTube earlier this month. The most interesting part of the interview was when he pressed Nuland on widespread reports saying that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson actively encouraged President Zelensky to back out of a potential peace deal with Moscow early after the Feb.2022 Russian invasion. There was a possible chance to end the war and perhaps avoid hundreds of thousands of deaths. But the West apparently convinced Zelensky to fight it out.

Stillframe via CNN

But a deal was on the table, and Russia was demanding a full commitment to Ukrainian neutrality regarding NATO. Nuland laid out that it was “relatively late in the game” when Kiev started seeking guidance on the peace deal from Washington and its allies. Zygar said there were statements from foreign leaders privy to the negotiations saying both sides were “really close” to achieving a deal.

“The Ukrainians began asking for advice on where this thing was going, and it became clear to us, clear to us and the Brits, clear to others, that Putin’s main condition was buried in an annex to this document that they were working on. And it included limits on the precise kinds of weapons systems that Ukraine could have after the deal,” Nuland introduced in response.

She went on to describe that Washington didn’t like that the end result of the deal would leave Ukraine “neutered” as a military force while at the same time the same limits weren’t imposed on the Russian military. “People inside Ukraine and people outside Ukraine started asking questions about whether this was a good deal, and it was at that point that it fell apart,” Nuland admitted.

Watch this section of the interview below:

Here’s what she described as her and the Biden administration’s main problem with what was on the table…

By contrast, “there were no similar constraints on Russia,” Nuland said. “Russia wasn’t required to pull back, Russia wasn’t required to have a buffer zone from the Ukrainian border, wasn’t required to have the same constraints on its military facing Ukraine.”

This constitutes significant confirmation that ultimately the US’ prime concern was not for the Ukrainian people, or for achieving peace any way possible. Instead, Washington and NATO’s ultimate goal was to ensure a weakened Russia. What Nuland is essentially saying is that if a deal didn’t ensure a weakened or limited Russian military, then they were willing to crumple it up and go home, while watching Ukraine go up in flames, which is sadly exactly what has happened.

It was 

Wow! Nuland basically admits that Ukraine-Russia peace deal, which was close to being finalized in spring 2022, “fell apart” because US, UK & other Western governments “advised” Zelensky government that it was not “good deal” even though even members of Ukrainian delegation… pic.twitter.com/HPsrpOzQNf

— Ivan Katchanovski (@I_Katchanovski) September 8, 2024

But no, it was too important for US Empire to pursue the NATOization of Ukraine, and the rest is the bloody, tragic history of the last 2+ years, with nuclear-armed confrontation looming on the horizon, and no end in sight. Another question that remains is: is the mainstream media going to cover Nuland’s blunt admission? 

Tyler Durden
Wed, 09/11/2024 – 05:45

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/AmDpdcb Tyler Durden

Germany’s Scholz Wants ‘Faster Pace’ Of Progress Toward Peace In Ukraine

Germany’s Scholz Wants ‘Faster Pace’ Of Progress Toward Peace In Ukraine

Authored by Dave DeCamp via AntiWar.com,

On Sunday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called for a diplomatic push toward peace in Ukraine and said he and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zekensky agreed that Russia should attend a future peace summit.

“I believe that now is the time to discuss how to arrive at peace from this state of war, indeed at a faster pace,” Scholz said. “There will certainly be a further peace conference, and the president and I agree that it must be one with Russia present.”

Via Reuters

Scholz’s comments mark a rare call for peace in Ukraine from a leader of a NATO country. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been consistently calling for an end to the fighting, but he’s been out of step with other NATO and European leaders.

Back in June, Ukraine organized a conference in Switzerland that was billed as a “peace summit,” but Russia was not invited to attend, so it didn’t make any progress toward a ceasefire.

After the Switzerland conference, Zelensky began saying that Russia should attend the next summit, which marked a break from his previous position that he wouldn’t hold any talks with Moscow until a complete Russian withdrawal from Ukraine, which was a non-starter.

Russia expressed interest in holding peace talks, but then Ukraine launched its invasion of Russia’s Kursk oblast on August 6. Following the attack, Russian officials dismissed the idea of peace talks and suggested Zelensky’s earlier comments about inviting Russia to a summit were a bluff.

Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin signaled that he was softening his position, saying Moscow “never refused” to negotiate.

But there’s still no sign that a peace summit involving Russian and Ukrainian officials is being planned, and the US isn’t expected to support any efforts toward peace, at least before the November election.

Throughout the war, the only time a real peace deal was on the table was back in March and April of 2022. But the US and NATO discouraged Ukraine from signing an agreement and promised to support its fight against Russia.

Tyler Durden
Wed, 09/11/2024 – 03:30

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/vYjJByz Tyler Durden

Only Six Countries Operate Nuclear Submarines

Only Six Countries Operate Nuclear Submarines

India unveiled its second nuclear-powered submarine last week in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.

The domestically produced vessel is armed with ballistic missiles that have a striking range of 750 kilometers, the South China Morning Post reports. Its two submarines, the first having been launched in 2009, give the country the ability to now launch nuclear weapons from land, air and sea – an important factor in its deterrence strategy, according to Defence Minister Rajnath Singh.

As Statista’s Katharina Bichholz details below, data from the International Institute for Strategic Studies’ publication The Military Balance shows that the U.S. has by far the largest nuclear-powered fleet worldwide at 66.

Infographic: Only Six Countries Operate Nuclear Submarines | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista

Russia has less than half the number of nuclear-powered submarines, around 30, while China had 12 at the start of 2024. Nuclear-powered submarines do not necessarily mean nuclear-armed but those fuelled by a nuclear reactor rather than by diesel-electric propulsion. However, the powerful vessels are often also used for this purpose.

To bolster Australia’s naval defense amidst Western nations’ mounting anxiety over China’s military expansion, the U.S. agreed last year to sell the country three U.S. Virginia class nuclear-powered submarines in the early 2030s, and two more at a later point if needed.

Beijing criticized the move, saying it was encouraging an arms race. China’s foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin warned that the three countries are walking “further and further down the path of error and danger.”

The Guardian reports that under the new so-called Aukus partnership, the UK too could see a considerable increase in its deep sea vessels.

Brazil will be another country acquiring nuclear-powered submarines in the future. It plans to start the construction of a first one in 2025 as part of a partnership with France.

Tyler Durden
Wed, 09/11/2024 – 02:45

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/o7fRHqu Tyler Durden

Orban’s Latest Ceasefire Proposal Won’t Amount To Anything For Now

Orban’s Latest Ceasefire Proposal Won’t Amount To Anything For Now

Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack,

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban told the press during his trip to Italy that “communication is number one, followed by a ceasefire, and only after that can we start talks about a peace agreement” between Russia and Ukraine.

He also added that the EU is against all three steps since it’s counterproductively pursuing a pro-war policy in that conflict. Here are three briefings about Orban’s peace trip over the summer for those who might have forgotten about it since then:

* 7 July: “Orban Shared Some Detailed Insight Into His Mediation Efforts

* 20 July: “Orban’s Peace Mission Report To The EU Isn’t Anywhere As Scandalous As Some Might Think

* 2 August: “Orban’s Insight Into The Global Systemic Transition & Hungarian Grand Strategy Is Worth Reading

He’s therefore sincere with his ceasefire proposal, but it won’t amount to anything for now. A cessation of hostilities is completely out of the question for Russia so long as Ukraine continues occupying part of Kursk. Other “goodwill gestures” are still possible as is now known after Lavrov revealed that Russia was on the brink of reviving the grain deal this spring, but only because those are envisaged as costless means to the end of politically resolving this conflict. Here are three briefings on these calculations:

* 25 May: “Russia Is Open To Compromise But Won’t Agree To A Ceasefire That Doesn’t Meet Its Interests

* 15 June: “What’s Really Behind Putin’s Generous Ceasefire Proposal?

* 2 September: “Lavrov Revealed That Russia Was On The Brink Of Reviving The Grain Deal This Spring

Considering this, the only chance for a ceasefire is if Ukraine agrees to the “goodwill gesture” of withdrawing from Kursk, though that’s unlikely after Zelensky confirmed prior speculation that his forces plan to indefinitely hold it. No progress on Orban’s proposal is therefore expected until Russia first pushes the Ukrainians out of Kursk, but there’s no telling how long that’ll take. Here are three briefings on this dimension of the conflict, which is now in its second month:

* 8 August: “Five Lessons For Russia To Learn From Ukraine’s Sneak Attack Against Kursk Region

* 14 August: “Analyzing Putin’s Assessment Of Ukraine’s Incursion Into Kursk

* 21 August: “Don’t Expect A Radical Response From Russia To The US’ Involvement In Ukraine’s Invasion Of Kursk

Russia’s capture of Pokrovsk could compel Ukraine to withdraw from Kursk so as to prevent the collapse of the front lines, but there’s no guarantee that it won’t turn that city into the next Artyomovsk (Bakhmut), Avdeevka, or Mariupol, which could lead to it holding Kursk for a little longer. This sequence of events could revive interest in a ceasefire, but it might not unfold, or one side might still refuse to silence the guns even if it does. For that reason, nobody should expect a ceasefire anytime soon.

Tyler Durden
Wed, 09/11/2024 – 02:00

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/OtLu5VE Tyler Durden

Japan Complains After Chinese Ships Armed With Machine Guns Sail Near Disputed Islets

Japan Complains After Chinese Ships Armed With Machine Guns Sail Near Disputed Islets

By Keishi Koja of Stripes.com

Japan lodged another protest with China last week, its third in less than two weeks, after it said Chinese coast guard vessels entered waters around Japanese islets in the East China Sea.

Four vessels crossed the 12-mile territorial limit claimed by Japan around the Senkaku Islands between 4 p.m. and 4:06 p.m. Friday, according to a Japan coast guard news release that day.

Japan’s Foreign Affairs Ministry then lodged complaints with the Chinese Embassy in Japan and with the Chinese government in Beijing, a ministry spokesman told Stars and Stripes by phone Monday.

Some government officials in Japan are required to speak to the media only on condition of anonymity.

Two Chinese vessels approached Taisho Island from the northwest and entered the 12-mile limit at 4 p.m. and 4:06 p.m., according to the release.

Meanwhile, the remaining pair of Chinese vessels simultaneously entered the area around Uotsuri Island, also from the northwest.

The Chinese vessels appeared to be armed with deck-mounted machine guns and were met by a larger contingent of Japanese coast guard ships, a Japan coast guard spokesman told Stars and Stripes by phone Monday.

They warned the Chinese vessels to leave the area using radio and electronic message boards, he said.

“We do not know why the Chinese vessels intruded Japanese waters,” he said. “There were no Japanese fishing boats operating in the area.”

All four vessels left Japanese waters without incident by 6:01 p.m.

The incidents marked the 32nd and 33rd times this year that Chinese coast guard vessels intruded into Japan’s territorial waters around the Senkakus, the spokesman said. The last incident occurred Aug. 28.

The Senkakus are 105 miles east of Taiwan. The islets, whose surface area amounts to about 2½ square miles, are also claimed by China and Taiwan.

The incidents followed the intrusion of a Chinese military aircraft and a survey vessel into Japanese airspace and territorial waters around Kyushu, the southernmost of Japan’s four main islands, in late August.

A Chinese Y-9 surveillance plane flew into Japanese airspace on Aug. 26 just southeast of the Danjo Islands, about 100 miles southwest of Nagasaki. It was the first time a Chinese military aircraft breached Japan’s airspace.

The flight was a “grave violation” of Japan’s sovereignty and a threat to its security, Defense Minister Minoru Kihara said during a press conference Aug. 27.

“We filed extremely severe protests through diplomatic channels on the same day and strongly asked for measures to prevent recurrences,” he said.

Five days later, a Chinese naval survey vessel navigated into Japan’s territorial waters southwest of Kuchinoerabu Island, Kagoshima prefecture.

“We expressed strong concerns and filed a protest to the Chinese government through diplomatic channels on the same day,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi said during a press conference Sept. 2.

U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel questioned China’s intent on his account on social platform X.

“China says it’s still ‘investigating and verifying’ the recent violation of Japan’s airspace by one of its surveillance planes,” he wrote Sept. 3. “But with a Chinese survey ship sailing into Japanese waters only the other day, two territorial incursions in less than a week looks more intentional than accidental.”



Tyler Durden
Tue, 09/10/2024 – 23:20

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/Ha8uqC1 Tyler Durden

“I Do Consider Her A Progressive”: Bernie Sanders Dismisses Kamala Harris’ Performative Flip-Flops As “Pragmatic”

“I Do Consider Her A Progressive”: Bernie Sanders Dismisses Kamala Harris’ Performative Flip-Flops As “Pragmatic”

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Sunday called Vice President Kamala Harris “pragmatic” for betraying progressive voters by moderating her views on fracking and “Medicare for All,” telling NBC News‘ “Meet the Press” that Harris is “doing what she thinks is right in order to win the election,” and that he still considers her to be “progressive.”

“Her views are not mine, but I do consider her progressive,” he said.

Photo: Allison Robbert

In short, Harris – once deemed the most liberal member of Congress – is pandering to moderates and Sanders knows she’ll pivot back to Marx once she’s elected.

Sanders also suggested that Harris has a path to victory against Donald Trump if she campaigns on progressive positions such as raising the minimum wage, raising taxes on the wealthy, and increasing Social Security benefits.

“I think if you campaign on those issues — raising taxes on billionaires — you know what, she’s going to win, and I think she could win big,” said Sanders.

Harris has radically changed her positions over the past few weeks – including abandoning support for a ban on fracking, as well as “Medicare for All.”

Last month Harris told CNN that she hasn’t really changed much, saying “The most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed.”

For example, Biden has proposed a 39.6% tax rate on long-term capital gains for households making $1 million or more. In New Hampshire last week, Harris proposed a similar tax, but at 28%.

Asked directly Sunday about the rate Harris proposed, Sanders said that “I would go I would go higher than that” and added that while Biden and Harris have achieved some progressive wins, “much more needs to be done.”

Also last week, Harris backed a 25% minimum tax on total income, including “unrealized gains,” which is often known as the “billionaire minimum tax.” -NBC News

Sanders, a fake anti-war activist, also lauded former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and her father, neocon war monger Dick Cheney, for their “courage” to back Harris

“What I think Dick and Liz Cheney are saying is that in this existential moment in American history, it’s not just issues. Cheney and I agree on nothing — no issues. But what we do believe in is that the United States should retain its democratic foundations,” said Sanders when asked if he would welcome Liz Cheney on the campaign trail.

“So, I applaud the Cheneys for their courage in defending democracy,” adding “Obviously, on all the issues we have very different points of view.”

According to Sanders, the Cheneys are among a bigger group of NeverTrumpers who are willing to cross party lines to prevent Trump’s reelection.

“I think there is a significant number of Republicans that say, ‘Well, you know, I may not agree with the vice president on this issue or that issue, but I cannot support somebody who is a pathological liar, somebody who fomented an insurrection to overthrow the election,'” said the socialist, before returning home to one of his three houses.

We didn’t know they stacked shit that high…

Tyler Durden
Tue, 09/10/2024 – 22:50

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/TsVtH2B Tyler Durden

Creating Jobs And Changing Lives: The Return Of American Manufacturing

Creating Jobs And Changing Lives: The Return Of American Manufacturing

Authored by Maggie Miller via RealClearFlorida,

In the heart of Riviera Beach, Florida, a company called K12 Print is redefining what it means to do business in America. This isn’t just about profits and productivity for John DiDonato, the CEO and founder. While financial success is part of the equation, his deeper mission is to help revive a vital cornerstone of the American economy: manufacturing. DiDonato’s vision for K12 Print is rooted in the belief that manufacturing can be a catalyst for change—not just for the company, but for the country and its communities.

There is an ongoing conversation surrounding onshoring, especially following COVID when the global supply chain was disrupted. Businesses are considering it, but don’t see the way forward. K12 Print knows the way, and it is done through investing in human capital.

“You shouldn’t overlook an enterprise zone,” DiDonato advises. “Yes, for the tax benefits you may find, but mostly for the community you will find there—a community hungry for opportunity.”

Setting up shop in an enterprise zone wasn’t just a business decision for DiDonato; it was a strategic move to breathe new life into American manufacturing and, by extension, into the local community of Riviera Beach. He saw potential in establishing a manufacturing base where it was most needed, offering jobs and training to local residents, and revitalizing the local economy.

I thought as the company grew, it could actually change the city,” DiDonato reflects.

For DiDonato, the decline in American manufacturing isn’t just an economic issue; it’s a societal one. He believes that the offshoring of manufacturing jobs has eroded the foundation of the American middle class and limited opportunities for many young people, particularly those in inner cities. According to DiDonato, manufacturing is crucial for creating wealth and maintaining a healthy economy.

Manufacturing is the only thing that creates wealth,” he says. “In order to have a healthy economy, you need a strong manufacturing base. We’ve outsourced so much of our manufacturing that it’s affecting our economy and the opportunities available to our young people, especially in inner cities.”

DiDonato points to countries like China, which have focused heavily on manufacturing and trade skills, resulting in rapid economic growth and job opportunities. The U.S., on the other hand, has seen a decline in its manufacturing sector. According to the U.S. Joint Economic Committee, since January 2000, the United States has lost over a quarter of all domestic manufacturing jobs, a decline of over 4.7 million. DiDonato believes this is a major factor in the economic challenges faced by many American communities today.

“When I was a young man in manufacturing, I learned how to make things by making them. That’s not something you can teach in a classroom,” DiDonato explains. “If we keep offshoring our manufacturing, not only do the jobs go, but the technology and innovation follow. We need to bring manufacturing back to America so our kids can be at the forefront of creating and building new things.”

K12 Print’s business philosophy is rooted in a passion for redemption and an understanding that mistakes are a part of life. DiDonato’s co-owner, Jim Wahlberg, has personally felt the effects of redemption and looks for ways to offer the same to others. He said, “We are all subject to redemption. It takes the love and mercy of others and the resolve to do whatever it takes to continue to push forward.”

“There are bad circumstances, but there aren’t bad children. The majority of our kids in America are good kids that just need to be given an opportunity,” DiDonato said.

DiDonato believes there’s a valuable place for hands-on skills in the modern economy. While businesses across the country have struggled to fill vacancies, K12 Print has found success by thinking outside the box. According to DiDonato, the key lies in offering practical training that prepares employees for the demands of manufacturing work, regardless of their educational background.

This inclusive hiring approach extends to individuals with past mistakes on their records. DiDonato believes in giving people who have served their time a second chance to rebuild their lives. He doesn’t believe the consequences of past mistakes should follow someone forever, provided they’re willing to work hard and seize the opportunities given to them.

Angel Peña, a longtime employee of K12 Print, is a testament to this philosophy. For Peña, K12 Print has been more than just a job—it’s been a second chance at life. “I was a stubborn kid, grew up in the foster system, and made bad decisions,” says Peña. “A lot of people closed doors on me because I was a convicted felon. But K12 Print looked at me as a person, not just my past. They gave me hope and a future.”

There are many ways to invest in the community. And K12 Print believes that investment should go further than the current workforce. K12 Print is committed to breaking the cycle of poverty by investing in underserved youth. DiDonato takes a portion of the company’s profits and redirects them into local initiatives, such as the Boys and Girls Club, providing transportation and technology resources to help children in the community. This investment is part of his broader strategy to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for future generations.

“By investing back into the community, we’re not just helping individuals; we’re helping to build a more successful and peaceful society,” DiDonato explains. “If we can reach more executives who think, ‘We can do that too,’ we can start to make a real difference. It’s important for our leaders to understand that kids, especially those in inner cities, aren’t bad—they just need opportunities and people who care.”

DiDonato’s vision for K12 Print is one of hope and practical action. By setting up his business in Riviera Beach and focusing on local talent, he’s not just making it work in America—he’s making it matter. This is what it means to be Made in America.

Maggie Miller is a Real Clear contributor. Maggie is a former news anchor and reporter in New York and Alabama. She is a graduate of the University of Florida.

Tyler Durden
Tue, 09/10/2024 – 21:25

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/hjIwGWQ Tyler Durden

Taibbi: Official Donald Trump-Kamala Harris Debate Drinking Game Rules

Taibbi: Official Donald Trump-Kamala Harris Debate Drinking Game Rules

Authored by Matt Taibbi via Racket News,

Since the last presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden ended the latter’s re-election bid, newshounds are emptying Thesauruses in search of maximalist language to describe the import of tonight’s clash between Kamala Harris and Trump. “With no other debates scheduled between Ms. Harris and Mr. Trump,” the New York Times writes, “the face-off figures to be one of the highest-stakes 90 minutes in American politics in generations.”

It’s also likely to be one of the most abhorrent, ear-splitting, cliché-ridden, factually unmoored, cringe-inducing live TV spectacles ever. Or the worst, at least, since the last debate. Pre- and post-debate commentary will be critical. The notion that the press heavily influences perception of who “wins” and “loses” debates has been a tired media saw since the 1960 Kennedy-Nixon affair, but audiences are tougher now. They are more likely to see through narrative-shaping efforts.

That doesn’t mean post-debate talking points are irrelevant. As we learned the last time, cable stations have become messaging platforms for delivering pronouncements of behind-the-scenes oligarchs. We will know whether Emperor Obama (or Brennan, or whoever is really running the country) gives tonight’s performance a thumbs-up or thumbs-down within minutes of the MSNBC/CNN roundups.

As usual, I’ll be viewing the debate with Walter Kirn through the lens of a drinking game. We’ll watch the whole event, plus check in on the after-event commentary, beginning at 8:45 pm ET:

For YouTube, click here.

For Rumble, click here.

Or just visit @mtaibbi.

NOTE: The object of a drinking game is to add drama to oft-excruciating TV affairs and also to make light of participants by predicting pre-packaged attack lines. I try to make rules even-handed, which means rules aimed at both candidates’ tendencies. I strongly advise refraining from hard liquor, as a single rule can sometimes be a hospital risk (“The idea…” last time upended some players). I bought a case of Modelo for tonight’s affair, which sounds dull, but I’m anticipating a long night. Walter and I will see you soon. Without further ado, tonight’s rules:


  1. Harris uses the words felon, extreme, threat to democracy, or for the people.

  2. Trump uses the words communist, socialist, radical or Marxist. Double-shot for tampon.

  3. Harris talks about her experience dealing with predators, scammers, cheaters, perpetrators, or special interests.

  4. Trump invokes the Kamala crime wave or defund the police, or says something like They destroyed San Francisco or You can’t buy a loaf of bread without getting shot. Any story of this sort qualifies (“These Haitians, it’s unbelievable. Who would eat a cat?”). Non-negotiable double-shot for literally third world conditions.

  5. Harris says Let me be clear, I’m talking, or Not going back.” Take a SMALL SIP ONLY whenever she mentions the middle class. Take a full drink when Donald Trump only cares about himself.

  6. Trump says illegal, sanctuary, Border Czar. Double shot when Harris protests she wasn’t.

  7. Harris cackles. Trump does “stank face” or “pinchy hands.”

  8. Harris mentions the opportunity economy, price gouging or bringing down costs. Double for groceries. If both candidates mention groceries, take an aspirin.

  9. CHECK, PLEASE!” Drink if Harris runs out of things to say and has to be reminded she still has time left. (Drinking game trivia: this rule was originally written for Joe Biden years ago.)

  10. BILLIONS AND BILLIONS!” Drink when Trump rattles off a statistic that’s off by a factor of 10x. Double if he tells us how many people were just shot in Chicago and how it was worse than Afghanistan. (He may substitute Philadelphia tonight).

  11. From Harris: sales tax, bipartisan, reproductive freedom, different vision. Drink for any mathematically perfect tautology/redundancy (e.g. deadlines of time). More than three seconds of stoned-looking hesitation is a drink. Strike your companion if you hear joy.

  12. From Trump: so crazy, beautiful, fake, beating the hell, never been anything like it. Drink when he says any national problem was completely eliminated when he was president and complains the media lies its face off about it. You may also drink for take a bullet or the “pull down that chart” story if you feel under-served.

    Tune in tonight to the livestream at 8:45 pm for an additional MYSTERY RULE.


  • Any pundit uses a legal metaphor to describe the Harris performance (“A great closing argument,” “She proved beyond a reasonable doubt tonight,” “Tonight, America is her jury”)

  • Move the needle” (if a performance did or did not)

  • “Trump was incoherent/rambling

  • Harris showed she was “calm” or “pragmatic”; “We saw a real leader tonight”

  • The real opinion of Barack Obama is written on the face of an otherwise evasive David Axelrod; full tumescence of Brian Stelter is detected; Chris Hayes completely agrees with whatever Joy, Rachel, or Jen just said


You must finish your bottle and arm yourself if a technical breakdown or broadcast interruption takes place in the middle of a one-sided debate.

Tyler Durden
Tue, 09/10/2024 – 20:35

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/9ahIKvb Tyler Durden