Which 3 Freedoms Will the Next President Restrict or Ban?: New at Reason

Whichever candidate wins today’s election, our liberties are at risk.

J.D. Tuccille writes:

Going into today’s presidential vote, horrifying Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton remains a hair ahead of repulsive Republican contender Donald Trump, though the momentum appears to be on his side in the polls. Americans seem understandably torn after repeated media assurances that this is less of a normal democratic process than an opportunity to choose the form of the destructor—and no fair cheating by “wasting” your vote on Gary Johnson or any other non-evil option. Pick A or B, corrupt or crazy, if you want to be one of the cool kids.

There’s little time left to prepare for the aftermath of this election—hopefully, you’ve already hedged your investments and put aside materials for converting the family SUV to a technical (keep in mind that gun oil plays havoc with upholstery). So let’s take a look at what we can expect depending on which vindictive control freak representing the major political parties ultimately wins the White House. What are a few of the important freedoms Clinton or Trump might move to restrict or outright ban in the aftermath of a victory?

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from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/2fjSBIM

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