Donald Trump’s Massive Learning Curve, Hate Crime Stats Released, Gwen Ifill Dies: P.M. Links

  • ProtestersPresident-Elect Donald Trump was allegedly unaware that he would be replacing the entire White House staff.
  • President Barack Obama gave a press conference this afternoon where he was mostly questioned about Trump’s election.
  • FBI released hate crime stats for 2015. The number of reported hate crimes increased by just 6.7 percent, but there was a big surge in reported hate crimes against Muslims. (The flat numbers are not huge, however)
  • PBS Journalist Gwen Ifill has died of cancer at age 61.
  • A Michigan police officer was suspended and is under investigation for driving a truck bearing a confederate flag at an anti-Trump rally.
  • Opponents of the Dakota Access pipeline are planning nationwide protests. Do they know about the other nationwide protests already happening that are sucking up all the attention?
  • Two social workers in Detroit are being charged with involuntary manslaughter and more in the death of a 3-year-old for failing to follow up on the child after discovering he was living in a home with inadequate food. The boy’s mother faces several charges for his death.
  • A federal judge has ordered the supervised release of Brendan Dassey, one of the subjects of Making a Murderer.

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