Trump Praises Putin: “Great Move On Delay – I Always Knew He Was Very Smart”

If there was any confusion how president-elect Donald Trump –  who for the past few days has been urging Americans to “get on with our lives” beyond the topic of Russian sanctions – felt about Putin unexpectedly taking the “high road” and refusing to retaliate tit-for-tat to Obama’s expulsion of Russian diplomats, he cleared it up moments ago when at 2:41pm he tweeted: “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) – I always knew he was very smart!”

Or, said otherwise, “Obama is not very smart” something which the Russian embassy in the US found notably enough to Retweet (in this particular case, we are confident Retweeting means endorsing).

While it remains unclear if Trump will eliminate the anti-Russia sanctions implemented by Obama as soon as he enters office in three weeks, we expect many more op-eds and articles lamenting the bromance between Trump and Putin by Jeff Bezos’ blog and other “unfake” media.

And case in point, here is Hillary Clinton sycophant John Harwood, who mysteriously still has a job at CNBC following the reputation crushing Podesta email revelations, slamming Trump’s tweet as “breath-taking: one day after POTUS sanctions Russia for criminal interference in US election, President-elect praises Putin as “very smart”

via Tyler Durden

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