Priceline Another Bubble Stock In A Bubble Nasdaq Market

By EconMatters

We discuss Priceline setting a new record high as another example of an overvalued tech stock in an overall tech bubble with a 41 p/e, very reminiscent of the 2000 tech induced market crash, with a bunch of over valued tech stocks leading the markets to unsustainable record highs, only to crash to record lows wiping out years of gains in six months. We have hit the Euphoria phase of the stock market bubble!

When will Central Banks stop doing this bubble strategy with Monetary Policy, it ends the same way every Bubble Monetary Cycle, in a Financial Market Crisis and Economic Crash. James Bullard`s dovish comments today inspired more bubble building, Central Bankers are so irresponsible and asleep at the wheel. They deserve to start going to prison for this crap, nobody can be this incompetent, especially after what just happened with regard to excess risk taking inspired by Fed Monetary Policy in the 2007 Financial Market Crisis!

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