Bonds & Bullion Bid But Banks Skid As Stock Traders BTFD Again

Seriously, this is too easy…


Dow and Trannies were lower on the day as the Nasdaq just kept chugging higher (Nasdaq Composite up 14 of the last 17 days)


On the week The Dow is the laggard (but still green)


For the 6th day in a row, stocks opened weak and ramped non-stop all day…BTFD Much?


NOTE VIX was not paying along today…


Banks closed lower (except JPM)…


Post healthcare vote – Dollar's down; but Bonds, Stocks, and Gold are up…


Bonds erased most of yesterday's losses – and are now back lower post-healthcare vote (except for 2Y)


With 30Y back below 3.00%…


The Dollar index traded in an extremely narrow range for most of the day but ironically, after good housing data and very hawkish FedSpeak, the dollar began to sink! Back below post-healthcare-vote close…


On the week, EUR and Cable are weakest offset by a stronger AUD…


WTI and RBOB jumped on inventory data (despite a new cycle high in production) but copper and PMs flatlined…


Finally – this is not how it ius supposed to work… not at all…

via Tyler Durden

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