Report: Trump Was Spied on For Up to a Year Before Inauguration, Susan Rice Implicated in Unmasking

Ok, it was a crazy weekend with lots of things sensitive to national security taking place. Let’s get you up to speed.

The fake news main stream media is ignoring the real scandal, which is the unmasking of Trump during ‘incidental’ surveillance by our intelliegence agencies. When Chairman Nunes came out and told you that some very troubling surveillance had been taking place against Trump, which was not related to national security, the DNC controlled media tied themselves into little pretzels of rage because it validated what Trump was saying all along — that he’d been ‘wiretapped.’

What happened next is lunacy prevailed inside the democratic party, amplified by the media. Instead of investigating who ordered the unmasking of Trump and who leaked this information, the media wanted to know who told Nunes. You can’t make this stuff up. Ignore the crime, go after the whistleblower.

But now the pieces are beginning to fall into place.

Fox News is reporting that an ‘unprecedented’ amount of spying was being done on Donald Trump — for up to a year before the inauguration. Think about that for a second. None of this, according to Fox’s sources, was related to national security or MUH Russia.

“Electronic surveillance of Trump and supporters for up to a year before inaugurartion. That information was disseminated through NSA channels.”

Mike Cernovich broke a story last night that the person to authorize the unmasking of Trump was none other than Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice. More than that, Katie Walsh, former White House’s deputy chief of staff for Reince Priebus, was, in fact, the conduit working between Rice and Maggie Haberman from the NY Times. Last week, the White House became aware of this connection and summarily fired Walsh. According to Cernovich, the treachery doesn’t end there. In fact, Reince Priebus hired Walsh and might be involved in undermining the Trump team as well.

Now on the conspiratorial end of things, the tweets of some random person imaging what might’ve happened between Russia and the Trump administration garnered the attention of General Flynn, causing him to follow him on Twitter.

His stream of consciousness is posted below. In a nut shell, he said Russia told Trump that Watergate level spying was being done against him by Obama, but the Trump team couldn’t say anything before election because Russia was made toxic by media and democrats.

This all has a feeling of imminence.

Content originally generated at

via The_Real_Fly

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