Hillary For 2020? Confidant Says Return To Clinton Foundation Unlikely

Since her awkward March speech in which Hillary vowed she was “ready to come out of the woods,” the world has been anxiously waiting for the two time failed presidential candidate to announce her next move.  In the absence of facts, rumors have swirled that she might consider a run for Mayor of New York, start working on a 2020 presidential bid or just return to the Clinton Foundation.

Now, courtesy of The Hill, it seems we can at least knock a return to the Clinton Foundation off the list of possible future careers.

“She’s taking a look at her life and wants to try some different things,” said one ally who has spoken to Clinton in recent weeks. “She’s not tying herself to something that’s always been an option. She wants to figure out what she wants to do.”


Still, those familiar with Clinton’s immediate future say that just because she won’t take an active role in the organization doesn’t mean she won’t give occasional foundation-related speeches or participate in its programs.


“Everyone knows they’ll have access to her whenever they need her,” the confidant said. “This has really become President Clinton and Chelsea’s thing.”

Perhaps the true catalyst is that with prospects for a “Clinton” being the next president no longer imminent – unless of course Hillary or Chelsea confirm their plans to run again –  former donors such as Norway and Australia have quietly stopped handing over their cash?

Of course, with the various pay-to-play allegations surrounding the Clinton Foundation during her last presidential campaign, including that time she was offered $12 million for a “meeting” in Morocco, it’s not terribly surprising that Hillary would look to distance herself from the organization if she’s considering a return to public life.

Clinton took an active role in the family’s foundation after leaving the State Department in 2013, working on early childhood development and other issues involving women and girls.


“I am thrilled to fully join this remarkable organization that [former President] Bill [Clinton] started a dozen years ago, and to call it my home for the work I will be doing,” she said in remarks at the Clinton Global Initiative in 2013.


At the same time, in 2013, the foundation changed its name to the Bill, -Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, though it changed back to the Clinton Foundation in 2015.


And while we still don’t know Hillary’s ultimate ambitions, The Hill notes that she’s hard at work making more money and playing with her grandchildren.

For now, Hillary Clinton is focused on her upcoming book, which she is writing with two campaign speechwriters: Dan Schwerin — who also helped write the former secretary of State’s 2014 book, “Hard Choices” — and Megan Rooney.


She is also scheduled for several speeches, including a commencement speech in May at her alma mater, Wellesley College.


In an interview Tuesday on “CBS This Morning,” Chelsea Clinton was asked what her mother’s plans might look like in the coming months.


“She’s focused, thankfully, on her grandchildren,” the former first daughter said. “She’s focused on what she can do to help support work that she’s been engaged in for longer than I’ve been alive, around children, around women, around families.”

Have we seen the end of Hillary’s campaigning days or does she have one more tour of duty in her?  A 2020 rematch could be good fun. 

via http://ift.tt/2o2NiUk Tyler Durden

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