WikiLeaks Offers “US$100k For The Trump-Comey Tapes”

Following what many have described as a threat from President Trump earlier this morning directed at former FBI Director James Comey, WikiLeaks has just blasted out the following tweet offering a $100,000 reward for the “Trump-Comey tapes.”  Moreover, folks who want to up the reward are encouraged to send bit coins.

“WikiLeaks offers US$100k for the Trump-Comey tapes. To increase the
reward send Bitcoin to reward address: 1FfzC3KrbrJ3CRbz4hqHnxSqvYfy9M5CT”


Of course, the message is a direct response to Trump’s tweet from earlier which implied that there may in fact be recordings of his conversations with Comey.


For a White House that has been plagued with leaks from day 1, we have to imagine this added incentive is somewhat concerning for a Presidency under siege from all angles.

via Tyler Durden

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