U.S. Shoots Down Iranian Drone Over Syria

Content originally published at iBankCoin.com

The more pertinent question is, since when did Iran have a drone program? Ah, that dates back to 2011, when President Obama literally gave Iran U.S. drone technology, during the RQ 170 incident. I know, you think I’m making this up. Why would Obama do anything at all for the Persians, stemming from giving them drone technology to removing sanctions, to paying them billions for the release of US hostages? You’d have to ask him.

But I do know this.

Source: Wikipedia:

On 12 December 2011, U.S. administration asked Iran to return the captured U.S. drone.[27] The day before, on 11 December, General Salami stated that “no nation welcomes other countries’ spy drones in its territory, and no one sends back the spying equipment and its information back to the country of origin.”[28] On 13 December 2011, Defence Minister of Iran, dismissed the request and said “Instead of apologising to the Iranian nation, it is brazenly asking for the drone back.” And the ministry spokesman, Mehmanparast, stated that “it seems he [Obama] has forgotten that Iran’s airspace was violated, spying operations were undertaken, international laws were violated and that Iran’s internal affairs were interfered with. … Instead of an official apology and admitting to this violation, they are making this request.”[29]
Former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney criticised Obama’s decisions on the drone, saying that, after the aircraft went down, the president should have ordered an air strike within Iran: “The right response to that would have been to go in immediately after it had gone down and destroy it. You can do that from the air … and, in effect, make it impossible for them to benefit from having captured that drone.” Instead, “he asked nicely for them to return it, and they aren’t going to”.[30]
On 17 January 2012, an Iranian company said it would send miniature, pink, toy versions of the captured drone to President Obama as a response to the request for sending the drone back.

Shortly thereafter, Iran announced it has reverse engineered it.

On 10 December 2011, Iran announced that it intended to carry out reverse engineering on the captured RQ-170 Sentinel stealth aircraft.[6] In April 2012, the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution claimed to have succeeded in extracting the entirety of the data collected by the drone and are currently in the process of building a replica of the aircraft.[33] Iran claimed to have been approached by countries, including China and Russia, seeking information on the drone.[34] Although U.S. officials expressed concern over the possibility of China or Russia receiving the drone’s technology, they cast doubt on whether Iran could replicate the technology of the aircraft, as well as the amount of intelligence data available, due to the precautions installed for malfunctioning drones.[35] On May 2014, Iranian state TV displayed what was claimed to be a reverse engineered RQ-170. Sources familiar with the RQ-170’s design say that the Iranian RQ-170 is merely a static mock-up rather than a flyable aircraft.[36] In November 2014 Iran claimed to have carried out a successful test flight of an aircraft based on reverse engineering of the RQ-170.

Isn’t that heartwarming?

Fast forward to today, the United States shot down an Iranian drone over the Syria — the second drone this month.

The Iranian Shaheed 129 drone looks very similar to the MQ-1 Predator Drone made by General Atomics, who sells these armed UCAVs to UAE and Turkey.


Iran’s Shaheed 129

The armed pro-regime Shaheed-129 UAV was shot down by a U.S. F-15E Strike Eagle about 12:30 a.m. after it displayed hostile intent and advanced on Coalition forces. This is the second the U.S. shot down an Iranian drone in less than a month.
The coalition forces were manning an established combat outpost to the northeast of At Tanf where they are training and advising partner ground forces in the fight against ISIS. This is the same location where another pro-regime UAV dropped munitions near Coalition forces before it was shot down on June 8.
The F-15E intercepted the armed UAV after it was observed advancing on the coalition position. The armed UAV was shot down when it continued to advance on the coalition’s position without diverting its course.

While the country obsesses over Russian phantoms, the DOD is in the process of expanding an illegal war in Syria — furthering a neocon strategy that has wreaked havoc upon America’s balance sheet for the past 30 years.

via http://ift.tt/2sxARAD The_Real_Fly

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