Sean Spicer Resigns, Sean Hannity Has an Award Taken Away, and Minneapolis Officials Offer Regrets on Shooting of Unarmed Australian Woman: P.M. Links

  • Sean Spicer has resigned as White House press secretary. The New York Times was the first to report on the news, and Spicer himself confirmed it over Twitter. He will remain in his post for another month, after which he will be replaced by Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
  • Sean Hannity has had his William F. Buckley Award for Media Excellence snatched away from him. The award was supposed to be presented to the Fox News host by the Media Research Center at their September Gala. Politico reports that Christopher Buckley, the late National Review founder’s son, objected to Hannity receiving the award. Hannity and the MRC have said that the change is the result of a “scheduling conflict.”
  • Several Canadian members of the travelling equestrian show Cavalia have been arrested in China for smoking weed. Two Canadians remain in prison in China, however both the Canadian government and Cavalia are working to get them released.
  • Justine Damond, the unarmed Australian woman shot by Minneapolis police Saturday, “did not have to die” according to Minneapolis Police Chief Janee Harteau said. Mayor Betsy Hodges has made similar statements, although both have stopped short of calling the shooting illegal. Read Reason’s coverage of the story here.
  • The BBC reports on Rob Spence, a filmmaker with one human eye and one robot eye!

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