Trump Ad-Libbed ‘Fire and Fury’ Comments, FBI Raided Home of Paul Manafort, Bigfoot Sighting in N.C.: P.M. Links

  • Breaking News: President Trump was ad-libbing when he warned North Korea of “fire and fury” like the world had never seen before.
  • Trump disagrees with Mitch McConnell, saying expecting Republicans to repeal and replace Obamacare after seven years of campaigning on it was not excessive.
  • The FBI raided the home of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort as part of the Russia investigation.
  • The president of Kenya has a strong lead in the presidential vote tally, but the opposition claims the results were hacked.
  • Franklin wll be the first hurricane of the season; it’s expected to make landfall in Mexico tonight.
  • Major League Baseball is allowing players to wear custom nickname jerseys the last weekend of August.
  • A Bigfoot sighting in western North Carolina.

from Hit & Run

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