Pelosi Demands “Reprehensible” Confederate Statues Be Removed From Capitol

As the nation's left attempts to out-virtue-signal one another, Democratic Party leader nancy Pelosi just one-upped New York Governor Cuomo's street-name-removal demands, by calling for all Confederate statues to be removed from The Capitol.

Pelosi Calls for Removal of Confederate Statues From Capitol

Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement calling on Speaker Ryan to join Democrats in supporting legislation to remove Confederate statues from the Capitol:

"The halls of Congress are the very heart of our democracy. The statues in the Capitol should embody our highest ideals as Americans, expressing who we are and who we aspire to be as a nation.


"The Confederate statues in the halls of Congress have always been reprehensible. If Republicans are serious about rejecting white supremacy, I call upon Speaker Ryan to join Democrats to remove the Confederate statues from the Capitol immediately.


"Under the leadership of Democrats in Congress, we have recognized more women and people of color in Congress's collection of statues, including Rosa Parks, Sojourner Truth and Helen Keller. As Speaker, we relocated Robert E. Lee out of a place of honor in National Statuary Hall — a place now occupied by the statue of Rosa Robert E. Lee out of a place of honor in National Statuary Hall — a place now occupied by the statue of Rosa Parks.


"There is no room for celebrating the violent bigotry of the men of the Confederacy in the hallowed halls of the United States Capitol or in places of honor across the country."

As Jim Quinn concluded so eloquently, Trump was absolutely correct in asking, “Where does it end?”

Washington owned slaves. Do we get rid of all dollar bills and quarters? Do we change the name of our capital? Do we change the name of Washington & Lee University to Obama & Spike Lee University? Do we blow up the Washington Memorial?

Jefferson owned slaves. Do we get rid of nickles? How about the Jefferson Memorial?

Why stop only in our country? The Egyptian pyramids were built by slaves. Should we tear those down? If these are symbols of hatred and racism that must be destroyed, why do we never hear calls from the left for the destruction of the Nazi death camps. Talk about symbols of hate. Why would we want to remember the holocaust? It couldn’t be that it doesn’t fit the left’s narrative.

This Confederate monument narrative is designed by the left to provoke a backlash from whites who are tired of being scorned, ridiculed, belittled and called racists, rednecks and deplorables by so called open minded progressives. It’s working. The cold race war is beginning to turn hot. The president has no intention of trying to bring the two sides together because it’s impossible at this point. That’s how Fourth Turnings roll. The mood of the country will continue to darken. Reactions to these types of events will intensify. More blood will be shed. It’s too bad these functional illiterates didn’t pay attention in history class or ever read a book. They are going to learn some harsh lessons over the next decade.

via Tyler Durden

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