Surprise! Sharp Racial Divide Found Over Robert E. Lee Statue

News headlines in the United States have been dominated by the fallout from the Charlottesville protests throughout the last week. YouGov have polled Americans to gauge their thoughts on a whole range of issues surrounding the violence.

Notably, respondents were asked about the decision that led to the protests in the first place – the decision to remove the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.

In perhaps the least surprising finding of the week – and most clear-cut – Statista’s Niall McCarthy points out that the research uncovered sharp racial and partisan divides over the decision.

Infographic: Sharp Racial Divide Over Robert E. Lee Statue | Statista

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As can be seen from the infographic above, only 4 percent of blacks strongly disapprove of the decision to remove the statue compared to 40 percent of whites.

via Tyler Durden

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