Shutdown Shivers Sink Stocks But Bonds, Bullion, & Black Gold Bounce

US stock market investors as the debt ceiling deadline looms… (if you just looked up, you'd see it coming)


Surveying the post-Trump damage…

Trump's government shutdown guffawing overnight sparked more debt ceiling anxiety…


And the inflection is getting worse…

As Treasury cash dwindles…

Trump also trounced the Mexican Peso on border wall/NAFTA talk (but MXN was bid as soon as the US equity market opened and then went dead once Europe closed)…

*  *  *

Bonds and golds rallied today as stocks and the dollar unwound yesterday's exuberant tax-hype… (NOTE: Dollar is below yesterday's lows, Gold above yesterday's highs, and TSY yields below yesterday's lows… while stocks were only modestly lower)



Stocks did not retrace all of yesterday's gains…


Trannies were worst…


The S&P 500 failed to hold last night's close above the 50-day moving-average…


Small Caps continue to underperform, flashing big red warnings signals that we have seen before…


Implied Vols picked up across all the major equity indices…


Treasury yields tumbled today, erasing all of yesterday's losses…


With 30Y yields back below 2.75% – the lowest since Draghi's hawkish comments in June…


The Dollar Index round-tripped all of yesterday's gains…


USDJPY broke back below 109.00…


Gold gained on the day as the dollar fell after shutdown chatter erased the tax hope losses…


And WTI Crude bounced after inventory draws…

via Tyler Durden

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