Cruz Blames Staff For Liking Porn

Well, that's awkward.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) was trending on Twitter this morning after his official Senate account "liked" a pornographic video…

As The Hill reported, the tweet was from the account @SexuallPosts and includes a clip from a pornographic video. The like remained for nearly an hour before being undone by Cruz's team around 1:20 a.m, according to The Verge.

Some claimed Cruz was hacked. But as The Hill reports, Cruz is blaming a "staffing issue" saying it was a mistake rather than a malicious hack.

"There are a number of people on the team that have access to the account and it appears that someone inadvertently hit the like button," Cruz said.

When pressed if it was Cruz personally who "liked" the tweet, Cruz said "it was a staffing issue, and it was inadvertent, it was a mistake, it was not a deliberate action."

"We’re dealing with it internally, but it was a mistake, it was not malicious conduct," Cruz added.

Cruz also joked that publicity surrounding the tweet could have helped his failed 2016 GOP presidential bid.

"This is not how I envisioned waking up this morning," he added.


"Although I will say that if I had known that this would trend so quickly, perhaps we should have posted something like this back during the Indiana primary."

The tweet, which included a clip from a pornographic video, was up for nearly an hour before being deleted by Cruz's team around 1:20 a.m.

via Tyler Durden

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