Man Shouting “Allahu Akbar” Viciously Attacks Family Of 4 In France

A man reportedly shouted "Allahu Akbar" before viciously assaulting four passers-by and three police officers on Wednesday in Toulouse, France, punching and kicking his victims before being subdued, according to French-language publication La Depeche.

The incident was reminiscent of an attack in Brussels just two weeks ago, when a machete-weilding man also shouted "Allahu Akbar" before lunging at police. But he was shot dead before he could cause any serious injuries.

Video of Wednesday's incident can be seen below:

"One witness said: 'We were chatting and he jumped on us. He first caught my son and then beat my daughter. We just ran," according to the Daily Mail.

The three policemen, who intervened after they spotted the attacker assaulting the passers-by, were injured by kicks and fists, as were the passers-by.

"We were discussing and he jumped on us. He first caught my son and then beat my daughter. We ran … ", according to the father of the family of four that was attacked."

After the attacker struck, the panicked victims managed to escape to the Boulevard des Minimes and alert a patrol car.

The officers didn’t need to travel far to find the attacker. During the very rigorous arrest, the individual continued to shout "Allahu Akbar" over and over.

Three policemen were injured in the legs and shoulder. After firefighters were dispatched to examine their wounds, two of the family members were taken to the Toulouse-Rangueil hospital. The 42-year-old alleged perpetrator, whose name was not released, stayed in a psychiatric hospital, but was otherwise unknown to authorities.

via Tyler Durden

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