Corker Says Tillerson Protecting Country From ‘Chaos’, Catalonia Mulls Declaring Independence, Corpse of Santa Possibly Found: P.M. Links

  • The Department of Homeland Security has proposed a rule to exempt large chunks of data collected on immigrants from the Privacy Act.
  • Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) accused Trump administration members of not defending Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, saying Tillerson, Defense Secretary James Mattis, and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly were protecting the country from “chaos.”
  • Michael Moore called for the repeal of the “ancient” and “outdated” Second Amendment.
  • A city in Georgia promises to change its name to Amazon if the company opens its second headquarters there.
  • The Cardinal of Caracas accused the Venezuelan regime of clinging to a “Marxist, totalitarian system” in his report to the pope.
  • The parliament of Catalonia is considering whether to declare independence from Spain.
  • Joachim Frank was among three scientists awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their work on cryo-electron microscopy.
  • Archaeologists in Turkey believe they’ve found the body of Santa Claus.

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