Mike Krieger’s Four Pillars For A Better Future: Part 2 – Innovation

Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Yesterday’s post covered two foundational pillars for creating a better paradigm for humanity, knowledge and consciousness. Knowledge is key because if we don’t know how the world really works and how we’re systemically being preyed upon, there’s no incentive to get to work changing things. Consciousness is also critical, because knowledge without wisdom, thoughtfulness and heightened awareness will simply result in a destructive and counterproductive revolution after which we’ll find ourselves back in the exact same place.

Let’s now move on to exploring one of the avenues by which we can manifest consciousness in the physical reality.


It’s impossible to look at how much the world’s changed since the advent of the internet and social media and not recognize the colossal impact of innovation and technology on how human affairs are conducted. The inescapable impact of technology has led to a split amongst many of us. Some are completely terrified of what’s to come. Robots, AI, driverless cars, crypto assets…it all seems so overwhelming and dystopian to many.

In contrast, there are those who swear technological advancements will invariably lead to a utopia that can free humanity from the drudgery of bullshit jobs and other tedious tasks, allowing us to focus on the higher nature of what makes us human. In other words, we shall soon see a manifestation of the world John Adams dreamed of thanks to innovation.

 I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study painting and poetry mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain.

The truth is it could go either way. We could end up in a dystopian nightmare in which a handful of oligarchs control advanced technology and use it to subjugate the masses, or we could go in the opposite direction. Personally, I’m optimistic and fully dedicated to doing my part to ensure we use new technologies to free and empower humanity. This is another reason why consciousness is so important. A conscious population will use tools the right way, while an unconscious one will be viciously and willingly subjugated by them.

This is precisely why I’ve been such a passionate supporter of Bitcoin from the moment I first learned about it. Put aside your biases for a minute and try to objectively analyze some of the key components of the protocol.

There’s decentralization, which makes it virtually impossible to shut down. Open source code, which keeps it transparent and free to all. Governance by anarchy in which no one’s in charge; there’s no CEO, board of directors, etc. Then there are the monetary qualities, a transparent supply curve that’s capped at 21 million.

If you think about all these attributes, you’ll quickly realize that Bitcoin is everything the external world is not. You don’t have to put your trust in anybody, which is a really good thing because humans are generally not trustworthy — particularly those who attain great power. Bitcoin is the most significant red pill ever created.

As someone named Mark so accurately summed up earlier today on Twitter:



He’s right, but there’s so much more to it. For example, imagine if internet giants like Google,Twitter and Facebook ran on open source code like Bitcoin does. This would make it far more difficult for them to do all the shady, opaque stuff we all know they’re doing. We wouldn’t have to theorize about shadow banning and censorship since we could take a look at the code and try to figure out what they’re up to. Moreover, imagine if these companies were decentralized like Bitcoin, without a CEO and management calling all the shots. It’d be a lot harder for politicians to threaten them behind the scenes and pressure them to adjust their algorithms in nefarious ways.

As I noted earlier today:



What Bitcoin does, by the very nature of the protocol itself, is force us to question many of the preconceived and false notions we have about how human affairs should be organized, from governance and money to communication in general. It’s the application of all sorts of revolutionary theories into real life via a voluntary and extraordinarily disruptive alternative system. We’re taught that we need top-down, centralized systems in which we trust technocrats, “experts” and politicians to do the right thing, but this path leads to ruin and tyranny. We need to discard that way of thinking forever.

Technology isn’t good or evil, it just is. A conscious people will come up with conscious technologies that benefit mankind. Everything is connected. The collective output of human consciousness on earth will create our reality, which is why it’s so crucial for us to also focus on our personal development and take responsibility for each action we take and thought we think.

The next post in this series will examine the importance of local action.

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